Term Two To Zoo or Not to Zoo

Homework Assignment 3 Due: …… / …… / 20……

This sheet is to be placed in your homework folder and handed in for marking on the due date. Keep all completed homework sheets in your homework folder as they will make an excellent study resource. Credit will be given for completed homework sheets


You should be able to find answers to these questions by reviewing your Science notebook. These are the style of questions that you can expect in the Knowledge section of your term test.

1. Give two reasons why scientists classify things into groups.





2. Organisms are also described as ……………………………...

3. Organisms are said to by living if they can R……………………………….




4. Define the word dichotomous.



Processing Data and Information

These questions are about looking at information and trying to work out something new from it. All the information that you need is in the question. It is not likely that you will find the answers to these questions in your Science notebook.

5. Create a dichotomous key that would enable you to sort these clothing items into separate groups.

sloppy joe shorts shirt trousers jacket skirt

6. Using data

Use the lists of features of the invertebrate groups to state which group (or groups):

(a) has jointed and paired legs …………………………………………

(b) usually has a hard shell …………………………………………….

(c) can have tentacles ………………………………………………….

(d) has a body with many holes. ……………………………………….

Annelids, Platyhelminthes and nematodes are all worm-like in appearance.

e. Describe how they are separated into different groups.



Use the dichotomous key to classify each of the following invertebrates.

As you work down from the top of the key, list the characteristics of the animal that enabled you to classify it. Example: snail: no legs, shell (usually), soft body, hard shell.

(f) earthworm ……………………………………………………………

(g) oyster ………………………………………………………………..

(h) crab ………………………………………………………………….

(i) spider ………………………………………………………………..

Practical Investigations

These questions are about planning and conducting practical investigations. You will need to think about the practical work that you have completed in class. The answers to these questions may not be in your Science notebook.

7 . Internet Activity

Go to Google and type in Gould League.

Use the website to complete the following question.

Choose any one of the four food webs and complete it by dragging the

pictures to the correct places.

Click on “click here to view the completed food web”

Draw the food web including arrows below.

Communicating Scientific Information

These questions are about putting information into appropriate formats. You may find some of the answers in your Science notebook. It is more likely that you will have to rearrange the information that you are given into a more suitable format.

We have been using a system of classification to sort all living things into smaller, more manageable groups.

Describe how the school’s student population is sorted into smaller groups. (This should only take two or three sentences. Remember each sentence begins with a capital letter is ends with a full stop.)








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