Classified Council General Meeting

Date:June 18, 2015

Locations: Elko-GTA124, Ely –118,

Winnemucca –108, Pahrump -115,Battle Mountain –BM 1

Call to Order: Meeting was called to order by Dori Andrepont at 9:32 am.

Members Present:Rachel McAnanyJacob Martinez

Michelle PhayEliseo Gonzalez

Pedro Cortes-SolisBrenda Wilkie

Dori AndrepontPaula Smith

Approval of Minutes:The minutes for May 21st 2015, were reviewed and revised. Rachel McAnany made a motion to approve the revised minutes, Michelle Phay 2nd the motion. The motion passed.

Treasurer’s Reports:Paula Smith made a motion to approve the Treasurer’s Report and Rachel McAnany 2nd the motion. The motion passed.

Pat Anderson: Pat was unable to attend, but provided a copy of the draft for “Suggested Civility Statement for Syllabuses for Classroom and Distance Education” The statement was handed out to all classified staff for their review. Pat Anderson will attend the July meeting to discuss and to have the council vote on if they accept the statement.

Site Reports:

Pahrump:no report

Ely: no report

Winnemucca: no report

Battle Mountain:no report

Elko:no report

Committee Reports:

Bylaws: no report

Events / Fundraisers: no report

Webpage:no report

Grant-in-Aid: Dori reminded anyone in classified staff, who is planning on using Grant-in-Aid this Fall, needs to turn in all paper work before August 25th, which is the new system purge date.

Hospitality / Awards: Jeanne report via email that she had sent out a condolence card for Brenda Wilkie. Also a get well card was sent to Joe Micke.

Scholarship: no report

President’s Council: No report; the meeting was cancelled.

New Business:

Additional Classified Staff Scholarship:

The council had a discussion on whether to double the number of scholarships for the 2015-2016 year. After a brief discussion, the council made a decision to double the number of scholarships given for the Classified and Toni Salvatierra Scholarships in 2015-2016.

Brenda Wilkie made a motion to double the number of scholarships awarded to the classified staff. Michelle Phay 2nd the motion. The motion passed.

Fall 2015 dates and times for Officers and General Meetings:

The dates and times of all meetings are as follows:

Officer Meetings: 2nd Thursday of the month at 9:30 am

General Meetings: 3rd Thursday of the month at 9:30 am

Locations will be determined at a later date.

Old Business:


The BBQ will be held from 11:30 to 1:00 pm on July 1st in the B & G Shop. The committee was late in asking for water to be donated from the SGA (as they had already sent out the agenda for June). Next year the committee will have to request any donations in May.

Fundraiser Ideas for 2015-2016:

The committee agreed that the following fundraisers will be:

Chili Cook Off: held in October 2015

Bake sale: held in February 2016

Duck Race: held in May 2016

Details will be finalized as the events date approach.

Inventory report:

Michelle Phay reported that there are considerable amounts of paper

bowls, cups and utensils. There is a coffee pot, 2 canopies, a punch bowl, GBC travel mugs and raffle tickets. The council will use the raffle tickets to give away prizes during the BBQ this July.

Public Comments:

The new flier about Tony Joe Salvatierra was handed out to the committee. This will be displayed during all the fundraisers and to all the applicants for the Tony Salvatierra scholarship.

Next Meeting: The next meeting of the Classified Council is July 16th at 9:30 am.

Adjournment: The meeting was adjourned at 9:49 am.