The study of Geography and Geographical researchhas existed at the Faculty of Natural Sciences of Comenius University for over half acentury. Thus, the Geography department has established the longest tradition of all faculties in all universities in Slovakia.
Department of Physical Geography and Geo-ecology
Scientific-research activities of the Department are directed towards study of the spatial organization and dynamics of natural geo-systems and their components. The Department achieves good results in geo-morphological research, especially in developing methods for division of geo-relief into its elementary components and also studying effects of individual geo-morphological processes. The aims of the Department at the applied level are primarily focused on monitoring and evaluatingthe state of the natural environment and on natural hazard and risk assessment.
Department of Human Geography and Demo-geography
Research priorities hereinclude current problems of economic, social, cultural and political geography. This department focuses on: analysis of regional and settlement systems, urban and rural development, spatial aspects of public administration and public policy, regional and local economic development, social and gender inequalities and tourism and services. Special attention is paid to the study of demographic processes and structures, demographic forecasts and population and social policy. The department innovates and applies exact methods of spatial statistics, modelling,analysis of spatial networks and flows andhuman-geographical regionalization.
Department of Cartography, Geo-informatics and Remote Exploration of Earth
ThisDepartment focuses on research and on teaching specialized digital photogrammetry, evaluation in changes in land cover, geographic cartography and geo-relief modelling, design of geographic databases, decision making within GIS, spatial information on infrastructure, standardization, harmonization, distribution and integration of geographic information in an environment of spatial information infrastructures, and the development of web tools for interactive and mobile geographic communication using geographical information services.
Department of Regional Geography, Protection and Planning of Landscape
The Department of Regional Geography, Protection and Planning of Landscape is guarantor for Geography, Development of Regions and European Integration divisions at the Master of Geography level, and for the divisions of Regional Geography, Regional Development and European Integration at the Doctorate level.The Department guarantees the programme of Regional Geography study. Since its institution, this Department has provided teaching for thefollowing subjects: Regional Geography of the Slovak Republic andRegional Geography of the World. Currently, the profile subjects of the Department include: Introduction to Geography and Planetary Geography, the Introduction to Political and Regional Geography, the Complex Geographical Analysis of small Regions, Theoretical Geography, Historical Geography and Regional Policy and Development and Planning. Other specialized subjects include: Introduction to Theory and Methodology of Regional Geography, Regional Analysis, the Sustainable Development and its Regional Dimension, Urban and Regional Structures, Functional Characteristics of Landscape, Economical Utilization of Special-Purpose Landscape Features, Protection and Development of Environment and its Economic and Legal Aspects, Programming and Design of Regional Development, Regional Planning and Regional Development in selected EU Member States, European Union, Rural Geography, Global Trends in Development of Global Economy, Geo-political Development of the World from 1945 to 2000, Ethnic and Religious Conflicts, New Trends in Regional Geography and Photo, Audio and Video Documentation in Geography.
The study of Geography at the Faculty of Natural Sciences of Comenius University is undoubtedly of a very high standard. It has always enjoyed the highest standing in Slovakia, and it is comparable on the European scale!
Bachelor's degree
• Geography and Demography- Assoc.Prof. Kusendová;
• Geography in Public Administration and Self-administration (also externally) - Assoc.Prof. Slávik;
• Geography and Geo-ecology for landscape planning - Prof. Minár;
• Geography, Cartography and Geo-informatics - Assoc.Prof. Mičietová;
• Geography, Regional Development and European Integration – Assoc.Prof. Tolmáči;
• Teaching of Geography and Informatics - Assoc.Prof. Trizna;
• Teaching of Geography and Biology - Assoc.Prof. Trizna;
• Teaching of Geography and Mathematics - Assoc.Prof. Trizna;
• Teaching of Geography and Physical Education – Assoc.Prof. Trizna;
Master's degree:
• Physical Geography and Geo-informatics, Prof. Minár;
• Human Geography and Demography in Public Administration and in Self-administration - Prof. Korec;
• Regional Geography, Regional Development and European Integration -Prof. Lauko;
Doctoral degree:
• Physical Geography and Geo-ecology - Prof. Minár;
• Human Geography and Demography - Prof. Korec;
• Regional Geography - Prof. Lauko;
Graduate’s Profile
Graduates of study programmes in the field of Geography possess basic knowledge of theconcepts and methods of geographic analysis. They gradually acquire knowledge in the individual sub-disciplines of human geography, regional geography, physical geography, GIS, and public administration. Based on this knowledge, they are then able to independently analyze the phenomena, processes and current issues in the societal and landscape sector at the local municipal level, and also at national and international levels. The most modern procedures are used in this analysis, and their advantagesare quiteapparent in the creation, evaluation and graphic and cartographic interpretation of text documents and databases.
The bachelor's degree programmes directly follow the philosophy of the master’s degree programmes, where graduates must become deeply acquainted with the theories and methods of the individual disciplines of geography. This extensive knowledgethen enables them to masterthe complex tasks required for research and decision making in this discipline .