Welcome! Our mission as the Avon Middle School Cadet Guard is to design a fun program in which our participants will learn dance skills and flag techniques. The middle school Cadet Guard is a vital feeding program for the very successful Avon High School Color Guard. The AHS coaches will be working very closely with us and will be creating our routine for competition. Color Guard is an activity that requires great discipline and commitment. We look forward to a great new season of fun and learning!
The following forms must be completed to participate in the Color Guard:
1. Student Info sheet filled out
- AMS (North/South) Behavior/Discipline Contract signed
- Medical Form filled out and signed
We practice on Mondays and Wednesdays from 6 pm to 8pm at AIS- EAST. We also practice on Saturday from 8 am to 11 am. Monthly calendars with practice schedules will be handed out. Keep your calendars and update them when necessary. As the season progresses and we become proficient with our routine, we may change practice dates and location.
For practice cadet members should dress comfortably, but clothing should not be loose or baggy. In order to ensure proper dance form, arms should be exposed and leggings are recommended.
Competition costumes will be determined by the coaching staff.
Participation in competitions is mandatory, so please plan ahead. Failure to attend a competition can result in being asked to leave the program.
Feb 1 – Danville
Feb 22 – Brownsburg
March 1 – Northview
March 15th – Divisional finals
Competition days are long and require extra help in many areas. For our performance to run successfully we need to fill the following positions for each event: cadet chaperones, equipment manager, costume launder, snack coordinator. Some jobs require muscle while others require more time and organization. Please consider how you can help.
Cadet Guard fees cover expenses related to: instructional staff; uniform expenses (costume); equipment and tarp painting; show design and development; props; and transportation. The fee for this season is $150.00. You may pay this fee in two separate payments of $75.00. If you opt to make two payments, those are due on Jan. 15th and Feb. 15th.
Please consult with Barb Doll (272-8814), Performing Arts Secretary at AHS, if you will need an alternative payment schedule or have questions. We do not want to exclude anyone from the program due to financial problems.
There are two options for paying your Cadet Guard fees. You may pay by check or pay online through the Charms program. If paying by check, make it payable to “Avon Marching Black and Gold”.
Charms is an online program that Avon High School band is using for staff to track students and communicate with parents, and for parents to access their student’s personal account for payments and balances. Please see the Charms handout for information on how to access this program.
AHS Marching Band also provides our participants with a way to assist in paying for participating in Cadet Guard. Guard members may sell Mike’s Car Wash tickets for $8 a ticket. For every ticket a cadet member sells, she will earn $3 in her account towards her Cadet Guard fees. Participation in fundraising is always optional.
AMS North Coach: Susan Benson cell- 317-258-8466;
AMS South Coach: Holly Baker – cell 812-459-0316;
Performing Arts Secretary at AHS: Barb Doll 272-8814;
Color Guard Behavior/Discipline Policy for Avon Middle School
Color Guard is an activity that requires great discipline and commitment. Any Avon Middle School girls involved in the Avon Guard Program will be held to a high standard of conduct. Guard members will be accountable to a three-strike discipline policy at practices and performances. Any three documented behavioral issues will result in a guard member not participating in the next competition.
1. A practice schedule for the school year will be provided. This will consist of 1-2 practices per week. All practices are mandatory.
2. If a participant is unable to attend practice, the coach should be notified prior to the practice. This includes, but not limited to, illness, death in the family, academic commitment, etc. Notification of absence does not necessarily mean this will be excused.
3. Unexcused absences (any absence that is not cleared by guard faculty) will be considered a discipline issue. This is true of both the practices and performances. Three unexcused practices and you will not be allowed to participate in the competitions. An unexcused performance will result in failure to participate in the upcoming competition.
4. In order to have an absence approved it must be submitted in writing to the guard faculty prior to the event, or in the case of emergency, after.
5. Once a participant has missed a performance due to discipline measures, she will be limited to a two-strike policy. If two documented behavioral issues occur, she will be asked to leave the guard.
6. No food or gum is allowed while practicing or performing. Cell phones must be shut off or turned on silent.
Competition Expectations:
1. Must attend last practice before competition
2. Must attend the last school day prior to Saturday competition in order to compete. Exceptions include funerals, and other events approved at the coaching staff’s discretion.
3. If a participant is unable to attend a competition, the coach should be notified prior to the competition. Notification of absence does not necessarily mean this will be excused.
4. At competition: the following is expected: be on time and completely dressed; keep behavior appropriate; be respectful of coaches, team members and other school teams; and be positive!
1. It is the responsibility of all members to find transportation to practices or any other activity in which a bus is not provided.
2. A bus will be provided for all competitions. Participants must be at the bus on time. Failure to do so will result in the removal from the routine for that competition.
3. All participants must ride the bus to the competitions. Participants are allowed to ride home with parents after the competition. A form needs to be signed prior to leaving the event.
1. Disciplinary actions may be in the form of extra workouts, loss of competition time, suspension period, dismissal from team, or whatever the coach/athletic director deems appropriate.
2. Participant must:
a. Follow rules in the AMS student handbook.
b. Attend school regularly and maintain the academic requirements
c. Perform all duties assigned by coach/athletic director
d. Consequences for misconduct such as the use of tobacco, substance abuse, or criminal activity will be enforced according to those defined in the student handbook.
3. Students who have two major violations (Saturday school, or suspension) or a total of eight referrals will become ineligible for color guard. If it is brought to the attention of the guard faculty that a guard member is in violation of this policy them be removed immediately, without reimbursement of guard fees.
I have read and understand the above behavior/discipline policy:
Signature of student: ______
Printed Name: ______Date: ______
Signature of Parent/Guardian: ______Date: ______