Name: ______
Date: ______
Block: ______
The Giver Final Writing Project – Story
(100 Points for Writing Grade)
The ending of The Giver is very vague and open-ended. We are left to our own imaginations to predict what happens to Gabriel and Jonas, as well as what happens back in the community. Therefore, your task is to write a story (between 500 and 1,000 words) that is a continuation of Lois Lowry’s novel.
You may approach this project in one of three ways:
- You may focus solely on Gabriel and Jonas, telling what happens to them after they reach the bottom of the hill on the sled. Did Jonas finally reach this “something” that he once considered “good” and “welcoming” only in his dreams? (reference chapter 12).
- You may focus solely on the community and what happens to it in the aftermath of Jonas’s disappearance. Are the people overwhelmed from the innumerable amount of memories they are now experiencing? Is The Giver consoling the community as they come to understand pain, suffering, colors, etc.? Does The Giver succeed in his ultimate objective – to have the community “change and become whole?”
- You may focus on what happens to Jonas, as well as what happens back in the community. In Lois Lowry’s style of writing, she often does talk about multiple events/ scenes in the same chapter. Make sure your writing is well organized if you pick this option.
You will be graded on:
- Ideas: Are they creative? Are they realistic with what you know to be true about the book (you do have a lot of space to be imaginative – just don’t be ridiculous)? Do you have your readers interested in what you are writing?
- Organization: Is your paper easy to follow? Is it organized in the same way Lois Lowry organizes her chapters? Look back at the book for ideas.
- Voice: Do you have a strong “voice” in your paper? Are you effectively communicating the emotions of your characters to your audience? Note: The Giver is written in 3rd person limited POV; model this style in your writing. We are only exposed to Jonas’s feelings in the book. We learn about the feelings of other characters through their actions and dialogue. How can you write in this same style? This is important! Dialogue will be an important component of your paper (only because Lowry uses it often).
- Sentence Fluency: Are your sentences choppy? Have you used a variety of types of sentences? Do you have a variety of sentence lengths?
- Word Choice: Are you using the right words in the right spots? Do you have lots of purple words? Are you effectively using your selection of words to enrich your writing?
- Conventions: Are you using correct grammar, punctuation, spelling, capitalization, etc.? Is your paragraphing correct (new paragraphs for new speakers and new topics)?
Suggestions: Please type if you are able – it makes it much easier for me to read! If you do type, please double-space so I have ample room to write comments. Be imaginative! Be creative! Show how good of a creative writer you are!
Spend a little time reflecting on Lowry’s style (so you have some direction for your paper):