20 Meter Ham Band Direct Conversion Receiver

BOM from BOB

Qty / Price / Value / Part / WWV
2 / 0.50 / 36 pf C0G / C4.C6
3 / 0.75 / 0.01 (103) / C1,C5,C15
1 / 0.25 / 15 pf C0G / C3
1 / 0.25 / 27 pf C0G / C2
1 / 10 uf / C12 / Y
1 / 0.12 / .022 uf (223) / C11 2x.01?
1 / 220 uf / C8 / Y
1 / 100 uf / C14
4 / 0.1 (104) / C9,C10,C13,C7 / ~Y
2 / 42IF123 / L1,L2 with capacitors removed / Y
1 / 0.10 / 1N4002 / D1 varactor substitute
1 / 1N914 / D2 / Y
1 / SA612 / U1 mixer / Y
1 / LM386 / U2 amplifier / Y
1 / 0.29 / 78L05/6/8 / U3 regulator / Y
2 / 10K ¼ w / R5,R6 / ~Y
1 / 100K ¼ w / R3
1 / 0.04 / 10 ohm ¼ w / R4 / Y
1 / 1.11 / 10K ½ w pot / R2 linear
1 / 0.75 / 10K ½ w pot / R1 Jameco 254204
1 / Phone jack / J1 / Y
1 / 6.95 / PCB / Jameco 616673 $6.95 or 617649 $13.95 or 262511 $12.95
Adafruit Perma-Proto 3-pack $19.95 Raspberry pi $40
1 / 5.95 / Case / Jameco 675500 5.6x3.3x1.5” or 18914($3.95)
24 / 17.06 / Totals

Supporting Items for Meeting

1.  3 Copies of this document

2.  DDS VFO document

3.  Scope, power & test cables

4.  Alligator clips

5.  UL30A

6.  XG3 & cable

7.  Headphones

8.  Antenna wire

9.  BPF on perfboard

10. 20M receiver

11. TT1056: SA612, LM358 dual op amp, TDA2611 amp

12. Glasses, flashlight, magnifying glass


1.  Welcome fellow ham hackers; we are here to ham it up

2.  Treasury report

3.  Request donations of $1 per meeting

4.  Progress reports from builders

5.  Define: coulomb(Q), ampere(Q/sec), volt, capacitance(Q/V)

6.  Micro(-6), nano(-9), pico(12)

7.  ufd, uufd, nf, pf, 104, 390

8.  Physical C=Ak/D

9.  Tolerance J=5, K=10, G=20

10. Temperature C0G & NP0

11. Schematic errata

12. 20M DC block diagram

13. Superhet 4-module block diagram

14. LO with T50-2 specified with DL5SWB calculator


16. BPF with 42IF123's on Radio Shack board

17. Wee Willy, Beach 40, MST400, DL7LP DSB transceivers

18. Youtube video demos of above 40/80 radios

19. Demos: scope XG3, scope audio, scope LO, DDS VFO, TT 1056

20. DTC or Elsie for modular BPF with IF cans or toroids

21. Layout tips: spacing and ground transformers

22. Test with MFJ 971 random wire tuner

23. sites.google.com/site/farsbarc and barcfars.blogspot.com

24. Yahoo Groups: BARC, BitX, Minimalist, Regen

25. Mouser BOMTool

  1. PBS Silicon Valley 2/5

27. WTWW@5950 & WWV@5MHz?

28. WWV review

29. 42IF123 datasheet

30. Resonance equation equates Xc=Xl: f=159/SQRT(LC); LC=(159/f)**2

31. Elsie & DTC for RF filter and RFSim99 for LO

32. BPF & DTC (test with GQRP table) next meeting

Superhet Specs

1.  DTC RF filter module

2.  5 MHz LO from NC40A, Demaw, Farhan, ZL2BMI

3.  SW-20 9 MHz IF or SST

4.  NE5534 amp

Theory of Operation

ARRL QRP Classics Neophyte for 40/80M converted to 20M

Direct conversion means RF to AF in one step; RF+/-LO = AF(1KHz) so LO~=RF

RF filter – mini Ring Core Calculator or RFSim99 or DTC

Toroids self-shielding, low tech and cheap

Local Oscillator – RFSim99

Mixer datasheet

Amplifier datasheet

Circuit photo

Circuit diagram

Assembly Steps

1.  Builders: BobV, KeithA, DonR, JeffS, NickC, JohnW, Rob, Ed KD6KCA, Elise observed

2.  Tools needed

3.  Parts needed

4.  Insert 3 IC's

5.  Amplifier and test with 1KHz from scope

6.  Regulator and test

7.  RF filter

8.  Shorten leads in LO and move caps away from inductors

9.  Ground inductor cans


1.  Demo scope 1KHz to LM386 input with&without gain cap

2.  Demo scope on LO

3.  Demo XG3 to scope

4.  Demo scope to LM386 output with and without XG3 input

5.  Demo Spectrogram for audio

6.  Replace C2 with 60 pf varicap and tune with scope and XG3

7.  XG3 as CW to calibrate LO

8.  DTC with 56pf and 10 MHz crystal for WWV

9.  Varicap in LO or filter

10. R3=100K

11. DTC or Elsie for BPF with toroids

12. PA2OHH spectrum analyzer

13. Anchor inductor for BPF

14. SST LM386 & AGC with an LED

15. Swap SA612 1&2 and LM386 2&3

16. Beach40 LM386 filtered amplifier

17. Build all VK3YE.com circuits

18. Cheap audio filter: 82R, 2x104

19. Build a 14-15 MHz LO to receive WWV: stripped down Farhan VFO

20. WWV antenna filter converted to 20M with 27 pf caps

21. Layout critical

22. 78L06 with bypass cap

23. LO shielded

24. SigGenNorCal.jpg

25. Diode mixer

Tools, Tutorials and Inspiration




RF Toolbox for Linux

mini Ring Core Calculator from http://www.dl5swb.de/html/mini_ring_core_calculator.htm

RFSim99 from http://www.eyou.com.au/product/rfsim99/

HR20.pdf from RamseyElectronics.com

Search for SA602 at frrl.wordpress.com; also read Ian Purdie's NE602 description

Comtekk Tone Generator $50 at http://www.comtekk.us/products.htm

Read 80M DC Receiver by PA2RF and http://www.ke3ij.com/DC-80.htm

Indiana Kits CSRX01 20 Meter Receiver


Youtube radiofun232

555 timer oscillator (sentex.ca Timer Tutorial: CPO and CW Monitor)

DXZONE QRP projects

SW-AM converter with SA612










http://ozqrp.com/index.html MST400

http://home.alphalink.com.au/~parkerp/vk3ye.htm Beach 40 etc.













http://www.vk2zay.net/ Alan Yates' Lab

http://pa0rcl.com/PA0RCL/MKARS80.html 80M LSB XCVR

http://fhs-consulting.com/aa1tj/reggie.html Reggie 80M CW QRP XCVR

http://f6bcu.monsite-orange.fr/ French Bingo – translate with Google


http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZuRcaxpbYCw HDSDR

http://www.qrp.pops.net/VFO-2011.asp VFO




www.tradeofic.com/Circuit 794 pages of circuits

http://search.yahoo.com/search?fr=mcafee&p=mjlorton+youtube+tutorial MJLorton Youtube tutorials