Instructor: Karen Weaver


Phone: (662) 536-3612 ext. 352

School website:

TEXTBOOK: Stregthening Family and Self, Leona Johnson

Goodheart-Willcox 6th edition


This class will include discussion and study of sensitive subjects of which

you should be aware of , but are not limited to: character development, puberty,

dating and marriage, abstinence, STDs, life skills, and family crisis such

as child abuse.

If you feel a subject we are covering in class is too sensitive and would

like your child to have an alternative assignment, please let me know. For

example, when we cover “Crises in the Family” and you feel this is too sensitive

for your child because a death in the family, please contact me. I will need at

least 3 days advance notice in order to make the assignment and receive

approval for your child to go to the library on the day of the assignment.

The following movies could be showing in class. Please let me know if

you have any questions or concerns about your student viewing these as they

pertain to the lessons we will be covering: Sex Still has a Price Tag, Teen

Pregnancy: Real Stories Real Life, Battling Eating Disorders, Confessions

Of a Shopaholic, Dying to be Thin, Father of the Bride I, 15 and Pregnant, When

Innocence is Lost, Simon Birch, License to Wed, From Prada to Nada, The Bee Movie,

The Pursuit of Happyness, My Girl, The Blind Side, Cheaper by the Dozen,

Bucket List, Stepmom, Martian Child, and Freaky Friday.

Classroom Rules and Procedures:

1.  NO FOOD OR CANDY IN THIS CLASSROOM!!!! Automatic WRITE OFF 1st time and 2nd time is an automatic WRITE UP!

2.  There will be seating assignments in this class.

3.  Be in the room and in your seat when the bell rings. I will give you a tardy if you aren’t.

4.  Bell work will always be on the board waiting for you.

5.  Do not leave backpacks out in the aisle.

6.  Cell phones are NOT to be out on your desk or seen unless the teacher has given you permission to use them. I WILL TAKE THEM UP!!!!!!

7.  You will have 2 bathroom passes during the 9 weeks. After they have been used, you will not be able to go to the bathroom. Please go the bathroom before you get to my class.

8.  You will not leave my class to go to your locker.

9.  No sleeping or putting your head down. If you feel bad, you will go to the nurse.

10.  Ms. Weaver manages the dismissal time – not the BELL. Do not pack up your stuff/backpack to leave class until I tell you that you are dismissed or that you may pack up.

11.  Always bring your student planner with you to class to serve as a hall pass.

12.  Interactive notebooks must be with you everyday. They will be used for bell work grades and a project grade.


1.  Fire – all students will exit the door by walking calmly as a group down C-hall towards the Performing Arts Center and to the student parking lot. All students will stay together and will be accounted for by the teacher once they reach the parking lot.

2.  Tornado – all students will exit the door to C-hall and sit on the floor against the lockers.

3.  Lockdown – all students will sit in the area by the white boards closest to the hallways. The lights will be cut off and the doors locked. Students will remain seated quietly until further notice is given.