AUGUST 16, 2015
Sunday (August 16) Twentieth Sunday in Ordinary Time
8:00 Rocco Diodati
Requested By: The DeRico Family
10:00 Claudio & Frank DiGregorio
Requested By: Lina DiGregorio & Family
12:00 Mary J. O’Connor
Requested By: Deborah Briggs
7:00 Spanish Mass
Monday (August 17)
7:00 Gertrude Mahr
Requested By: Howard Copeland
9:00 Deceased members of the Lopes Family
Requested By: Carlos & Dorina Lopes
Tuesday (August 18)
7:00 Esperanza D’Cunha
Requested By: Joaquim & Lucy Aguiar
9:00 Michael J. DiBart
Requested By: Lillian Henning
Wednesday (August 19)
7:00 For the health of Constance Renza Connor
Requested By: Marcie Ernano
9:00 Jenny Stewart
Requested By: Her daughters
Thursday (August 20) Saint Bernard, Abbot and Doctor of the Church
7:00 Fred Cianci
Requested By: Judy & Tolvo
9:00 Rosaria & Mariano Ribeiro
Requested By: Santiago Ribeiro & Family
Friday (August 21) Saint Pius X, Pope
7:00 Lino Diogo Fernandes
Requested By: Costancio Clemente Family
9:00 Diogo Lino Fernandes
Requested By: Carlos & Cassandra Fernandes
Saturday (August 22) The Queenship of the Blessed Virgin Mary
9:00 Doris Devitta
Requested By: Family
5:00 Dominick Mascalino
Requested By: MaryLou & Sam Mascalino
Sunday (August 23) Twenty-first Sunday in Ordinary Time
8:00 Pro-Populo
10:00 Philomena D'Mello
Requested By: Joaquim & Lucy Aguiar & Family
12:00 Robert Pappas
Requested By: Family
7:00 Spanish Mass
*Please notify an usher if you would like to bring
up the gifts during a Mass for your loved one.
August 9 3PM Assumption Church
August 16 3PM Assumption Church
August 23 3PM No Holy Hour
August 30 3PM Assumption Church
Registration for September has begun. All new students must bring a copy of their baptismal certificate and birth certificate when they come to register. The tuition for 2015-2016 is: One student $125, for 2 or more children in the same family (brother and sister) $175. All back tuition must be paid before a family can register for next year.
Mary Ann Matheson
Requested By: Elena & Raymond Matheson
Sanctuary Lamps
Living and Deceased Members of the Armed Forces
Requested By: Frank Huba
Wedding Banns
Third Time: Daniel Rodriguez & Scarlett Moore
Third Time: Carlos David Santos & Altagracia Moronta
Second Time: Mario Oleas & Karen Asto
First Time: Shigeru Aoyama & Rosemarie Camacho
First Time: Rafael Hernandez Sr. & Cira Hernandez
19th Sunday in Ordinary time 2015…………..…..$ 9,770.35*
19th Sunday in Ordinary time 2014…………..…..$ 7,515.25
*Includes Parish Pay……………………..………...$ 646.35
The Eucharist and the Pro-Life Movement - "I am the Bread of Life. He who eats this bread will live forever. I will raise Him up on the last day." (See Jn.6:47-58) The Eucharistic sacrifice is the very action of Christ by which He destroyed our death and restored our life. Whenever we gather for this sacrifice we are celebrating the victory of life over death, and therefore over abortion. The pro-life movement is not simply working "for" victory; we are working "from" victory. As Pope Saint John Paul II said in Denver in 1993, "Have no fear. The outcome of the battle for life is already decided." Our work is to apply the already established victory to every facet of our society. Celebrating the Eucharist is the source and summit of such work.The next Respect Life Holy Hour will be on Thursday, August 20, 2015 at 7:00 PM
Cardinal Dolan said: “I pray that you will join me and consider renewing your commitment to the Church in New York with a gift to the Cardinal's Annual Appeal. I ask not for me, but on behalf of the thousands of men, women and children who are so grateful for your love and care. Please help me in making the Appeal a success”.
Summary to DateGoal / Pledge / Paid / Number of Gifts / Average Gift
$72,000.00 / $53,416.00 / $42,686.00 / 175 / $305.23
In preparation for Pope Francis’ visit to the US, Assumption Church is hosting a Parish retreat. Please save the date! Saturday, September 12th, 2015 from 9:00AM – 4:00PM at Mount St. Francis - Franciscan’s Sisters - 250 South St. Peekskill, NY 10566. Cost will be $25.00, lunch will be included. Father Roger J. Landry will be our guest preacher. He is a priest of the Diocese of Fall River, Massachusetts, who works for the Holy See’s Permanent Observer Mission to the United Nations.
Discovering Christis Coming to Assumption Volunteers Wanted
Discovering Christinvites guests to hear the Good News and encounter Jesus in a personal way. What a great blessing it would be if every parishioner would accept this invitation! A Core Team of Assumption parishioners is already in place an for this powerful 7-week experience, but we’d love a few more volunteers. Volunteers will get to experience the series as well. If you feel called to serve the Church and build up the body of Christ among your Assumption family, and to others seeking to encounter Him more personally, contact Audrey Warn,914.494.1430or . Volunteers wanted in the areas of hospitality, administration and small group facilitation.Training and helping you discern which opportunity would be best for you will be provided.
Our Lady of the Assumption…pray for us!
Gladys Latimer, Catherine Chesser, Janet Fortier, Linda McGarr, Loretta Donohue, Andrew Muller, George Strumke, Daniel Cairl, George Smith, Fr. Steven Clark, Cecilia Murphy, Patricia Cothren, Guadalupe Arango, Mario Garzione, Catherine Gleba, James Brian Dolman and Suzi Jo Bondra
The Archdiocese of New York Office of the Papal Visit has informed us that each parish will receive an allotment of tickets for the Pope’s Mass at Madison Square Garden. We are not at this time accepting reservations. But please be assured that the limited tickets that will be alloted to our parish will be distibuted in an as equitable and orderly manner as possible.
STATIONS OF the CrOSS Columbaria Garden
Assumption Cemetery is graced with a very unique feature not found in any other cemetery to our knowledge: our Stations of the Cross Columbarium Garden. Of the original 80, there are only 19 niches still available. The price of a niche is from $1400 to $2000, which includes space to inter the cremains of two people. For more information, please call Mr. John Bischoff at 914-736-5981, Monday to Friday for information and/or an appointment.
Do you know someone who is thinking about becoming Catholic or receiving First Holy Communion and/or Confirmation? Assumption Parish is offering classes to find out more about the Catholic Faith and to prepare to receive the Sacraments of Initiation. Seekers are welcome in these sessions that are designed to answer questions in open discussion as well as deepen one’s knowledge of the faith. These sessions are starting soon. Please call the Religious Education Office for more information or to sign up: 914-737-2231.
On July 20 of this year, a fire destroyed a large apartment building on Fremont Street here in Peekskill leaving over a hundred people homeless. Gratefully no one was seriously injured. In typical fashion, the City of Peekskill, its emergency responders, the Red Cross, many people of good will and the people of Assumption Church came to the aid of the victims of the fire with real and substantial help for them. Assumption parishioners gave almost $3,000 to give direct need to the victims and their families.
A great celebration for the Assumption
Warmest congratulations and gratitude to our parishioners who made our celebration of the Feast of the Assumption so wonderful. From the many parishioners who spent time with the Blessed Sacrament (especially from our groups -- and especially those who were present in the wee hours of the morning), to the Events committee led by Mrs. Mary Mancini who did such a great job organizing all the festivities and preparing all the delicious food, the Liturgical and Musical Ministers, the Gentlemen of our Lady, the Garden Committee who decorated the image of Our Lady in our church, to those who participated in the procession and of course, our priests. Thank you, for honoring the Blessed Mother assumed into heaven.