Constitution of the Polish Club at The OhioStateUniversity

Article I: Title

The name and official title of this student organization shall be The Polish Club at The Ohio StateUniversity, alternately “Polish Club” may be used.

Article II: Purpose

1. To promote interest in the Polish language and culture among our members and also among members of the university community.

2. To seek to educate students at Ohio State of the opportunities to further their education in Polish language, culture, history, and other aspects, both through informal events and academic programs offered by Ohio State.

3. Lobby relevant student organizations and university offices and individuals to the benefit of our members specifically and to the benefit of Polish education at OhioState in general.

4. Sponsor or co-sponsor Polish events at OhioState that are designed to garner the participation of the student body.

5. Serve as a link between the student body at OhioState and relevant university bodies and departments as well as the local Polish community at large, including the Polish American Congress (PAC).

Article III: Membership

A. Membership with full voting powers is open to graduate and undergraduate students. Membership with no voting powers is open to other persons interested in Polish language and culture. No person shall be excluded from membership on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, age, religious creed, political views, sexual orientation, campus of enrollment or handicap.

B. The Vice-President will periodically update the membership roster at an interval determined by the Executive Board, but no more often than once a quarter, excluding summer quarter, but no less often than once a year.

C. The Executive Board shall determine the qualifications for and distinctions between the status of "active" and "inactive" members.

Article IV: Officers and Duties

A. President

1) Presides over formal meetings and stymies excessive Tomfoolery

2) Oversees the operation of the organization

3) Acts as a liaison between the organization and faculty


4) Serves as the chief spokesman for the organization

5) Is responsible for the recruitment of new members

6) Informs members of news and upcoming events both

inside the organization and at OhioState

B. Vice-President

1) Presides in the absence of the President

2) Aids the President and Executive Board as needed

3) Plans and supervises Polish Club efforts in sponsored

and/or co-sponsored events.

4) Maintains record of organization meetings and other


5) Ensures that basic legal procedures are carried out

6) Handles other internal issues to ensure a strong


C. Treasurer

1) Maintains all records of the club in relation to funds and

provides budgets and budget projections as requested

2) Plans and coordinates all fundraising activities

D. PAC Officer

1) Keeps the Ohio State Polish Club abreast of relevant events in the Polish community

2) Petitions the PAC for funds and works organizes join projects and events

These positions will hereafter collectively be referred to as the Executive Board.

Article V: Election Procedures and Vacancies

A. Officers will be elected at a general spring meeting for the remainder of that quarter as well as the following summer and academic year

B. The term of officers is one year

C. All undergraduate members of the organization are eligible to hold an officer position. The PAC officer may be a graduate member

D. If an officer is absent for a quarter, a temporary replacement will be appointed by the President, with the approval of the other Executive Board members

E. If an officer resigns or leaves the university, he or she will be replaced by an appointment by the President, with the approval of the officers

F. If the President resigns, the Vice-President will assume the office of President on an acting basisuntil the term expires or the membership of the organization opts to have a special election.

G.New Executive Board positions may be proposed by a majority of the current Executive Board and passed with 2/3 approval of the General voting membership.

Article VI: By-Laws

The Executive Board shall have the power to adopt and amend any and all by-laws of this organization. By- laws are rules that do not directly change the Constitiution and do not require Amendment approval.

Article VII: Advisors

A. The faculty advisor will be that faculty member appointed by the Department of Slavic and East European Languages and Literatures

B. A graduate advisor may be appointed as deemed necessary by the Executive Board

C. A new, non-Executive Board advisor position may be created by the Executive Board without voting by the general membership on as as needed basis, e.g. a technology advisor.

Article VIII: Parliamentary Authority

The rules contained in Robert's Rules of Order Revised will govern this organization in all cases to which they are applicable unless they are inconsistent with the constitution and by-laws and special rules of this organization. Such a determination and enforcement of such shall be determined by the Vice-President

Article IX: Amendments

A. Amendments may be proposed by:

1) One officer and one voting member

2) Any five voting members of the club by petition, or 50% of voting members, whichever is less.

B. Amendments proposed must first be considered by the Executive Board. Upon passage (by majority vote), said proposal shall then go before the general organization for a 2/3 majority approval. All proposals must be made public and voting members notified no less than 14 days before the actual vote.

Article X: Dissolution

A. This organization may be dissolved after dissolution is approved by the officers and by a 2/3 vote of its members, provided that notice of a vote on dissolution is furnished to the members at least 60 days prior to the vote.

B. Upon dissolution, the officers will utilize assets of the organization, including those arising from dissolution and distribution. The balance, if any, will insofar as possible, be distributed equally among contributing elements.

Section I: Membership Dues

The annual dues for the Polish Club at The Ohio State University will be established, if deemed necessary, annually before the first meeting of Autumn quarter by the Executive Board.

Section II: Executive Board

  1. The Executive Board shall be comprised of the President, Vice-President, Treasurer, and PAC advisor.
  1. The Polish Club will be responsible for guaranteeing free and fair nominations and elections for each officer position.

C. The Polish Club will meet at least once a month, but preferably more often. Three officers will constitute a quorum.

D. The President, Vice-President, Treasurer, and PAC Advisor will be elected by the voting members of the organization. Said officers will serve as officers and full members of the organization.

E. Committees shall be created by a majority vote of the Executive Board and any and all committee chairs shall be appointed by a majority vote of the Executive Board.

F. The Executive Board may exclude individuals from the organization for cause after conducting a fair hearing.

G. Any determinations or actions of an officer or member may be appealed to the Executive Board for consideration and possible reversal.

H. The Executive Board shall, acting as the full membership body, have authority on all matters of the organization, including the allocation of monies, internal governance, and organization planning. However, if a majority of members of the organization express dissatisfaction with the actions of the Executive Board, the Executive Board is subject to the majority of voting members and must alter its actions to comply with the will of the organization at large.

1) The Executive Board may delegate decisions to the general membership and are bound to any decisions made by the general membership.

I. The terms of office for officers will be one year beginning the week after elections for the new officers are held.