Department of Financial Services

Functional RequirementsforFACTS

Phase Five - Grants



Functional Requirements

Grant Award Agreement Summary

Data Elements for Grant Award Agreements

Grant Award Main Record

Grant Award Vendor Record

(Could be Many Records per Grant Award)

Grant Award CFDA / CSFA Record

Grant Award Letter of Credit Record

(Could be Many Record per Grant Award)

Grant Award Additional Cost Sharing Requirements Record

Grant Award Amendment Record

Grant Award Receipt Record

Linking Grants and Contracts

Grant Award Agreement Functional Requirement Notes and Assumptions

Existing FLAIR Grant Information Subsystem

The New FLAIR Grant Information Subsystem

FACTS Grant Award Agreements


Existing Data Cleaning and Conversion

Agency Data Upload

FLAIR Data Exchanges

On-line Data Entry, Editing and Display

On-Line Data Querying

Grant Award Amount, and Receipts

State Standard Required Codes

Linking of Grant Award Agreements to Associated Grant Disbursement Agreements, Contracts or Other Grant Awards

FLAIR Grant Information File Purge

Data Elements for Grant Disbursement Agreement

Grant Disbursement Main Record

Grant Disbursement Budget Record

Grant Disbursement Vendor Record

Grant Disbursement Deliverables Record

(Could be Many Records per Grant Disbursement Agreement)

Grant Disbursement Change Record

Grant Disbursement CFDA / CSFA Record

(Could be Many Records per Grant Disbursement Agreement)

Grant Disbursement Expenditure Record

Grant Disbursement Agreement Functional Requirement Notes and Assumptions

Changes to FACTS Contract Functionality


Agency Data Upload

FLAIR Data Exchanges

On-line Data Entry and Display

On-Line Data Querying

Recurring and Non-Recurring Budgetary Amounts

Contract Payments

Linking of Contract Document Images

Linking of Grant Disbursement Agreements to Associated Grant Award Agreements

State Standard Required Codes

FACTS Code Validation Tables

Contract Type Codes, Titles and Definitions

Contract Status Codes, Titles and Definitions

Method of Procurement Codes Titles and Definitions

Recipient Type Codes Titles / Description

Method of Payment Codes Titles and Definitions

Non-Price Justifications Codes Titles and Definitions

Minority Vendor Codes and Descriptions

(Budget) Amount Type Codes Description

Change (Amendment) Type Codes Description

Grant Type Codes, Titles and Definitions

Cost Sharing Source Codes, Titles and Definitions

Grant Status Codes, Titles and Definitions


The 2011 Legislature amended Section 215.985, F.S.,makingDepartment of Financial Services (DFS) responsible for the development and maintenance of a contract reporting system. DFS developed and began operation the Florida Accountability Contract Tracking System (FACTS) in March 2012.

For FACTS a contract is written agreement between one or more parties with financial consequences. Contract Types classify contracts in FACTS. Two of the types are:

  • GA – Grant Award Agreements - The receipt of grant dollars by a reporting entity that are either federal or state financial assistance or grant funding by local governmentsor another non-governmental entity.
  • GD – Grant Disbursement Agreements – Contracts for the expenditure of funds associated with either a Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance (CFDA) number; a Catalog of State Financial Assistance (CSFA) number; or a grant from a by local governmentor non-governmental entity to a recipient or sub-recipient by the reporting entity.

Functional Requirements

FACTS functional requirements based on the State’s standardgrant and contract information and functionality required by State law,State agencies, and Chief Financial Officers’ (CFO) directions.

Project phases are:

a)Phase One - Development of the web-based application for submitting, maintaining, editing, querying and presenting of contract information. (Completed)

b)Phase Two – Budget and Disbursements that ties contract data to FLAIR Disbursements and General Appropriation. (Completed)

c)Phase Three – Compliance Reporting that provides new screens for reporting audit findings related to the contract. (Completed)

d)Phase Four – Contract Images that links scanned procurement and contract documents to each contract.

e)Phase Five – Grant Agreements that provides new fields for reporting information that is specific to grant agreements.

f)Phase Six – Purchase Order Information thatthat provides new fields for information from the State’s procurement system.

This document addresses Phase Five – Providing new fields and functionality in FACTS for recording and reporting information that is specific to grant award and disbursement agreements. Once operational, FACTS processes all grant award and disbursement agreement information with only necessary information transferred to FLAIRfor transactional processing. In addition, this document addresses data elements directly entered into FLAIR Grant Information Subsystem by agencies for tracking of grant revenues and non-direct costs (Grant Pools).

Document structure consists of summaries, data element listings with names, definitions, formats, and comments followed by functional requirement notes and assumptions for the specific areas of FACTS and FLAIR.

Grant Award AgreementSummary

State agency representatives and the Department of Financial Services,Division of Accounting and Auditing staff through a series of Grant Policy Workgroup meetings developed the following:

  • Definition of Grant Award Agreements - The receipt of grant dollars by a reporting entity that are either federal or state financial assistance or grant funding by another non-governmental entity.
  • State Standard Grant Award Agreement policies and procedures:
  • All agreements meeting the Grant Award Agreement definition will be recorded and maintained in FACTS.
  • Grantor name and address information will be recorded in the FLAIR Statewide Vendor File. FACTS will display FLAIR Statewide Vendor File Name contained in Lines 1 and 2. Line 2 can be used to record lower levels of Federal grantors.(i.e. division, bureau, office, etc.)
  • FACTS will allow for multiple Grantors on a Grant Award record. However, only the first Grantor listed will be sent to FLAIR.
  • Agencies are to record administrative changes in FACTS and give them the same numbering sequence as other amendments, if executed as an amendment.
  • The existing FLAIR Grant Information Subsystem will be replaced with a new FLAIR Grant Information Subsystem.
  • The new FLAIR Grant Information Subsystem will only be used to track grant revenues and non-direct costs (Grant Pools).
  • Agency users will not have update access to FLAIR Grant Information Subsystem records created through the transmission from FACTS.
  • FLAIR grant revenue receipt and adjustment transactions will be sent to and displayed in FACTS.
  • All FLAIR grant revenue receipt and adjustment transactionsmust carry a Grant Award Identifier (FACTS Grant Identifier) and selected transactions may carry either a Letter of Credit Number or Letter of Credit Sub Account Number.
  • Certain data elements will not be displayed for public view.
  • Agencies currently using grant numbers to track State grant appropriations will use the Grant Type field to select "Grant Award - Project" for identifying state grants.
  • Grant Award amounts will be tracked at the Grant Number level in FACTS.
  • Optionally, FACTS Grant Award and Grant Disbursement Agreements can cross-reference to other FACTS maintained agreements, (i.e. Grant Award Agreements, Grant Disbursement Agreements, and other Contracts) and can cross State agencies.

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Department of Financial Services

Functional RequirementsforFACTS

Phase Five - Grants

Data Elements for Grant Award Agreements

The following is the FACTS Grant Award Agreement data elements with names, functions, formats and record (table) groupings needed to meet State agency, grantor and State operational and reporting needs.

Grant Award Main Record

(One record per Grant Award)
All fields are editable after the record has been saved and displayed to the public unless otherwise noted in the “Comments”
Data Element / Definition / Length / Format / Required / Optional / Comments
Agency Identifier / Agency OLO - not an entered field but determined when the Agency User logs into FACTS / 6 / Alphanumeric / System Generated / This data is sent to the FLAIR Grant Information Subsystem
Not editable in FACTS or FLAIR
Grant Award Identifier(Grant Number) / Agency assigns a Grant Award ID - Unique within Agency / 5 / Alphanumeric / Required / A unique value within Agency
This data is sent to the Departmental FLAIR's Title file
This data is sent to the FLAIR Grant Information Subsystem
It is unique to a single award and cannot duplicate within an agency for ten years
Validated using FLAIR data
Not editable in FLAIR
Not editable in FACTS once “Finished” and sent to FLAIR
This is a linking data field
Short Title / Agencies should use the space to record the short title for the grant name for quick identification. / 10 / Alphanumeric / Required / This data is sent to the FLAIR Grant Information Subsystem
This data is sent to the Departmental FLAIR's Title file
Not editable in FACTS once “Finished” and sent to FLAIR
Not editable in FLAIR
Long Title / Agencies should use the space to record the long title for the grant name used for FLAIR reports. / 60 / Alphanumeric / Required / This data is sent to the FLAIR Grant Information Subsystem
This data is sent to the Departmental FLAIR's Title file
Not editable in FACTS once “Finished” and sent to FLAIR
Not editable in FLAIR
Agency Reference Number / Available to agencies to record any agency unique identifier. / 5 / Alphanumeric / Optional / This data is sent to the FLAIR Grant Information Subsystem
Description / Agencies should use the space to record the description / purpose of grant. / 2,000 / Alphanumeric / Required / Notsent to the FLAIR Grant Information Subsystem
Original Grant Award Amount / The amount of grant funds awarded at the date of award. / 13.2 / Numeric / Required / Can be zero, if grant funds not known at the date of award
Defaults to Zero
Entries in this field will update the Total Grant Award Amount
Notsent to the FLAIR Grant Subsystem
Total Grant Award Amount / System generated amount. / 13.2 / Numeric / System Generated / Generated from Original Grant Award Amount and (+/-) Amendment Amounts therefore not editable
Will be part of the FACTS Grant Award Summary section
This data is sent to the FLAIR Grant Information Subsystem
Date of Award / Original date of notification of the award funding. / 8 / MMDDYYYY / Required / Not linked to other fields within FLAIR or FACTS
Date must be valid
FACTS will provide a pop-up calendar to set date, if desired
Notsent to the FLAIR Grant Information Subsystem
Original FundingStart Date / Start date for obligating or expending the funds from the Grant Award. / 8 / MMDDYYYY / Required / Not linked to other fields within FLAIR or FACTS
Date must be valid
FACTS will provide a pop-up calendar to set date, if desired
Notsent to the FLAIR Grant Information Subsystem
Original Funding End Date / End date for obligating the funds from the Grant Award. / 8 / MMDDYYYY / Optional / Can be blank for open-ended grants
Not linked to other fields within FLAIR or FACTS
Date must bevalid
FACTS will provide a pop-up calendar to set date, if desired
Notsent to the FLAIR Grant Information Subsystem
Grant Type / Below are the standard classifications for Grant Awards:
Grant Award – Block/Formula -A sum of money granted by the federal government with general provisions as to the way it is spent.
Grant Award - ProjectThe funding for specific projects. In most cases, the project has a known or fixed period.
Grant Award - Entitlements - A government program that guarantees and provides benefits to a particular group.
Grant Award - Discretionary– An Awardfor which the awarding agency generally may select the recipient from among all eligible recipients, may decide to make or not make an award based on the programmatic, technical, or scientific content of an application, and can decide the amount of funding to be awarded.
Grant Award - Cooperative Agreements- An award of financial assistance that is used to enter into the same kind of relationship as a grant; and is distinguished from a grant in that it provides for substantial involvement between the federal agency and the recipient in carrying out the activity contemplated by the award. / 1 / Alphanumeric / Required / State Standard codes for FACTS
Valid Codes:
F– Block/Formula Grant
P – Project Grant
E – Entitlement Grant
D – Discretionary Grant
C – Cooperative Agreement
FACTS will provided a dropdown pick list of values
Notsent to the FLAIR Grant Information Subsystem
FACTS maintains the Grant Type codes
Grant Document Number / The number assigned by the issuing entity for reporting purposes. / 50 / Alphanumeric / Required / Grantorassigned grant identifier for FACTS display and reporting only
Notsent to the FLAIR Grant Information Subsystem
This is a linking data field
Grant Status / Below are the standard classifications for Grant Award Status:
Anticipated Award
Approved Award
Inactive – Pending a Property Action Grant is tied to property in the state’s inventory. The grant must remain available until final disposition of the property.
Inactive for Ongoing Reporting – Grant information must remain accessible because the agency is providing reporting or may have a potential audit and resolution that requires refund of funds.
Closed – The grant is closed and all reporting requirements have been met and no property remains on the state’s inventory
Deleted – Record created in error. / 2 / Alphanumeric / Required / Valid values are:
A1 – Anticipated Award
(Map to FLAIR Grant Information SubsystemActive)
A2 – Approved Award
(Map to FLAIR Grant Information SubsystemActive)
IP – Inactive Pending Property Action
(Map to FLAIR Grant Information Subsystem Inactive)
IR – Inactive for Ongoing Reporting
(Map to FLAIR Grant Information Subsystem Inactive)
CL – Closed
(Map to FLAIR Grant Information SubsystemDeleted)
DL – Delete*
(Map to FLAIR Grant Information SubsystemDeleted)
FACTS will provide a dropdown pick list of values
This data is sent to the FLAIR Grant Information Subsystem
FACTS maintains Grant Status codes
*Delete is not available the Agency User. In order to delete a published / finished grant award a request must be sent to FACTS Administrator
Agency Grant Manager Name / Name of agency employee managing the Grant Award / 31 / Alphanumeric / Required / Notsent to the FLAIR Grant Information Subsystem
Notdisplayed to public
Agency Grant Manager Phone Number / Phone number of agency employee managing the Grant Award / 10 / Alphanumeric / Optional / Notsent to the FLAIR Grant Information Subsystem
Notdisplayed to public
Agency Grant Manager’s e-mail address / E-mail address of agency employee managing the Grant Award / 50 / Alphanumeric / Optional / Notsent to the FLAIR Grant Information Subsystem
Notdisplayed to public
Grant Federal Contact Name / Name of Federal employee contact for the Grant Award / 31 / Alphanumeric / Optional / Notsent to the FLAIR Grant Information Subsystem
Notdisplayed to public
Grant Federal Contact Phone Number / Phone number of Federal employee contact for the Grant Award / 10 / Alphanumeric / Optional / Notsent to the FLAIR Grant Information Subsystem
Notdisplayed to public
Grant Federal Contact e-mail address / E-mail address of Federal employee contact for the Grant Award / 50 / Alphanumeric / Optional / Notsent to the FLAIR Grant Information Subsystem
Notdisplayed to public
Agency Grant Fiscal Contact Name / Name of Federal employee contact for the Grant Award / 31 / Alphanumeric / Optional / Notsent to the FLAIR Grant Information Subsystem
Notdisplayed to public
Agency Grant Fiscal Contact Phone Number / Phone number of Federal employee contact for the Grant Award / 10 / Alphanumeric / Optional / Notsent to the FLAIR Grant Information Subsystem
Notdisplayed to public
Agency Grant Fiscal Contact e-mail address / E-mail address of Federal employee contact for the Grant Award / 50 / Alphanumeric / Optional / Notsent to the FLAIR Grant Information Subsystem
Notdisplayed to public
Eligible for Indirect Cost / Does the Grant Award allow for indirect cost charges? (Yes/No) / 1 / Alphanumeric / Optional / Valid values:
Defaults to “N”
Notsent to the FLAIR Grant Information Subsystem
Indirect Cost Sources / Identifies costs used to distribute indirect costs. / 2 / Alphanumeric / Optional / Conditional / If Eligible for Indirect Cost equals “Y”, user will have the ability to click one or more radio buttons indicating Indirect Cost Sources for the Grant Award.
Can choose one or more of the following:
Indirect Cost - Salary, Wages & Fringe
Indirect Cost -Payment to Sub-Recipient
Indirect Cost - Direct Cost
Three radio buttons correspond to the choices above:
Defaults to N/A, however if the ‘Eligible for Indirect Cost’ field = “Y” at least one ‘Yes’ radio button must be selected of the three above choices
Notsent to the FLAIR Grant Information Subsystem
Indirect Cost - Comments / Free form field to record comments for Indirect Cost / 2,000 / Alphanumeric / Optional / Notsent to the FLAIR Grant information Subsystem

Grant Award Vendor Record

(Could be Many Records per Grant Award)

All fields are editable after the record has been saved and displayed to the public unless otherwise noted in the “Comments”
Data Element / Definition / Length / Format / Required / Optional / Comments
Grantor Id / Valid number on FLAIR's Statewide Vendor File, Accounts Receivable Customer File or Account Description File for awards between agencies / 21 / Alphanumeric / Required / Valid number on FLAIR’s Vendor files, including the appropriate prefix or valid FLAIR 21 digit account code from the Account Description file for inter-agency grant agreements
Will have the ability to search by Vendor Name in order to select the Grantor Id number in FACTS
Only the first Grantor listed is sent to the FLAIR Grant Information Subsystem
Not displayed to public
Validated using FLAIR data
Grantor’s Name / Grant issuing entity’s name / 62 / Alphanumeric / System Generated / Based on the Grantor Id, Name Line 1 and 2 retrieved from FLAIR's Vendor files for external grantors. Agency names retrieved from FLAIR Account Description file for awards between agencies therefore not editable therefore not editable.