TTnet - Training of Trainers Network
TTnet Annual Conference
“The contribution of TTnet to the EU Policy
on VET teachers and trainers”
Thessaloniki, 9 and 10 December 2004
Europa Room
Thursday, 9 December
9.30 / Opening of the conferenceJohan van Rens, Director of Cedefop
9.45 / The TTnet contribution to the EU policy on VET teachers and trainers: the conference objectives
Mara Brugia, TTnet Coordinator
Session 1: / TTnet study on “Recognition and validation of informal and non-formal learning for VET teachers and trainers”
10.00 / Interim results and key issues for VET teachers and trainers
Anne-Marie Charraud, Commission Nationale de la Certification Professionnelle, Ministry of Labour, France
10.30 / Presentation of good examples of practice:
-“Validation of trainers’ competences for ‘Professional Trainer’ (FPA) in AFPA”- France
Evelyne Deret, Université Paris-Dauphine
-“The Italian Trainers Association’s (AIF) certification system” - Italy, Cristina Bertuzzi, AIF (Italian Trainers’ Association)
11.00 / Coffee break
11.15 / Presentation of good examples of practice:
-“Assessing the competences of air traffic controllers” - Portugal
Paula Silva, IEFP
-“The accreditation of prior experiential learning (APEL): UK case studies” - United Kingdom
Edwin Webb and Stuart Bradley, University of Greenwich
11.45 / Working groups
Moderated by Nora Byrne, Evelyne Deret and Edwin Webb
12.45 / Reporting and conclusions
Anne-Marie Charraud
13.15 / Lunch
Session 2: / Expanding TTnet to the new Member States (NMSs)
14.45 / Six new TTnets in 2004: achievements and challenges
Ronald Sultana, University of Malta
15.15 / TTnet in Lithuania, Malta and Slovakia: experiences and contribution to the EU policy for VET teachers and trainers
Experts panel:
Kestutis Pukelis, Joe Cutajar, Juraj Vantuch, TTnet National Coordinators
16.15 / Coffee break
16.30 / Working groups
Moderated by Joe Cutajar,Kestutis Pukelis, Juraj Vantuch
17.30 / Reporting and conclusions
Ronald Sultana
18.00 / End of the first day
19.00 / Dinner hosted by Cedefop
Friday, 10 December
Session 3: / TTnet thematic project on “Learning needs of VET Teachers and Trainers within Quality Approaches”9.30 / The Copenhagen priority “learning needs of VET teachers and trainers” and the mandate of the Commission’s sub-group 3
Eleni Spachis, DG EAC
9.45 / The TTnet contribution to sub-group 3: Report on “Analysis of good examples of practice of identification of learning needs for VET teachers and trainers”
Claudio Dondi, Scienter
10.15 / Working groups
Moderated by Eddy Donders and Kristiina Volmari
11.15 / Coffee break
11.30 / Reporting and conclusions
Claudio Dondi
12.00 / Synthesis and planning of TTnet activities for 2005
Mara Brugia and Anne de Blignières
13.15 / Conclusions
Stavros Stavrou, Deputy Director of Cedefop
13.30 / End of conference
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