FEBRUARY 13, 2008


Fran Borcalli, floodSAFE Yolo Tim O’Halloran, YCFCWCD

Stefan Loranzato, YCFCWCD/DWR Warren Westrup, Yolo County

Panos Kokkas, Yolo County Mark Deven, City of Woodland

Mark Cocke, City of Woodland Gary Wegener, City of Woodland

Bob Clarke, City of Davis Donna Gentile, WRA

1. Program Summary (Updated)

The Program Advisory Committee (PAC) reviewed an updated Program Summary. It was suggested in the first bulleted item that the word “develop” be changed to “recommend.” The draft language intent was not to take jurisdictional authority from any of the agencies. Fran asked for comments within the next week prior to posting on the floodSAFE Yolo Web page.

2. Program Elements/Work Plan (Updated outline)

Fran distributed an updated outline of the Work Plan. The tasks are unchanged, but the order was re-arranged to match the order of the Program Elements listed in the Program Summary. The Work Plan was also reviewed by DWR staff, who found it consistent with the floodSAFE California program elements.

3. Meeting with Cache Creek Interviewees

Fran gave an overview of the meeting with the Cache Creek Interviewees that was held on January 30, 2008, to update them on the program’s progress since 2006. An informational binder was distributed to all attendees to update them on the Flood Advisory Committee (technical panel) findings and progress of the floodSAFE Yolo pilot program. Overall the program efforts were well received by the interviewees. An additional informational meeting is tentatively set for February 27, for those interviewees who were unable to attend the January 30 meeting. Fran has not received adequate confirmations on attendance, but will make follow-up calls to verify attendance.

floodSAFE Yolo

34274 State Highway 16, Woodland, CA 95695

(530) 662-0265


February 13, 2008

4. Authorization of Selected Next Steps

Fran opened PAC discussions with the Next Steps for the program. A discussion of selected items is presented below.

Next Steps (2-4 Month Time Frame)

•  Formulate Public Outreach Program

•  Finalize Work Plan

•  Authorize Phase 2 of Cache Creek Hydrologic Update

•  Develop Risk / Hazard Classification Associated With Cache Creek Flooding

•  Pursue Regional Topographic Mapping

•  Coordinate with Environmental Assessments Being Performed for Cache Creek

•  Coordinate/Facilitate DWR’s Urban Levee Investigation

•  Establish Collaborative Effort With DWR and USACE on Settling Basin

•  Authorize Development of City/County Drainage Manual

•  Authorize Update of District’s Willow Slough Watershed Hydrologic Model

Formulate Public Outreach Program; Finalize Work Plan; Authorize Phase 2 of Cache Creek Hydrologic Update; Authorize Development of City/County Drainage Manual

The PAC needs to formalize the Public Outreach Program to dovetail with the other tasks to build local agency and public support. A funding source for Phase 2 of the Cache Creek hydrologic update needs to be defined. It is anticipated that David Ford Consulting would need about nine months to complete Phase 2. The longer the starting time for this project, the longer it will take due to Ford Consulting’s staffing availability. The City of Woodland is accessing funding options within their current budget. Fran was asked to draft a memo on various options for these tasks and how they fit within the floodSAFE Yolo program budget. Tim will assist Fran to further develop the 2-year programmatic funding needs (reference Action Items below for task assignments).

Establish Collaborative Effort With DWR and USACE on Settling Basin

A number of these steps are happening concurrently in conjunction with DWR. The timing of these tasks is also critical to discussions with the USACE and DWR to support the collaborative effort on resolving the Settling Basin issues. An informational meeting is planned in the next few weeks among local agencies, DWR, and USACE to discuss the Settling Basin.

Develop Risk / Hazard Classification Associated With Cache Creek Flooding

This task involves modeling levee breaches under several scenarios to access risk and hazard classification.

Pursue Regional Topographic Mapping

DWR has scheduled LiDAR topographic mapping of the South Central section. Fran distributed a map illustrating the planned area. Fran will investigate the cost and coordination with DWR to include areas of Yolo County not currently planned for mapping (Capay Valley). It would be beneficial to take advantage of collecting this data at the same time. The data can always be analyzed at a later date.

Coordinate With Environmental Assessments Being Performed for Cache Creek

Stefan mentioned an environmental assessment is included as part of the scope of work for the fish reconnaissance study coordinated by the District under the WRA’s IRWMP Proposition 40 funding. Previous NHI studies will also be linked to the NCP/HCCP.

Coordinate/Facilitate DWR’s Urban Levee Investigation

Discussed under Agenda Item 7.

Authorize Development of City/County Drainage Manual and Authorize Update of District’s Willow Slough Watershed Hydrologic Model

These two items have been discussed previously. The work product is a prerequisite for tasks outlined in the work plan. Mark suggested that Fran prepare a project justification for consideration by the partners.

5. Cache Creek/ Cache Creek Settling Basin Federal Appropriation Request

The MOU partners are collaborating to prepare a 2009 Federal Appropriations Request on behalf of floodSAFE Yolo (Lower Cache Creek tasks) for the upcoming CAP-CAP April event in Washington, DC. Fran will finalize the appropriations forms and congressional letters with the partners. The deadline for submission of the form is February 20, 2008.

6. floodSAFE Yolo Pilot Program Status Report

A monthly administrative status report is pending. Fran will email a copy to the PAC when completed.

7. DWR Urban Levees Geotechnical Investigation

Fran reiterated that this is a timely and beneficial program for Yolo County data gathering. He continues to be involved with this collaborative effort to ensure Yolo County’s participation.

8. Informational Meeting With 2x2x2

Fran will prepare a draft agenda for review at the PAC meeting on March 12. The last week in March was tentatively selected as a target date for a 2x2x2 meeting with the MOU partners. Yolo County and YCFCWCD already have a 2x2 meeting scheduled for the last Thursday in March. It was suggested that the floodSAFE Yolo informational meeting, including Woodland, be held on this date.

9. Review Action Items from January 9, 2008 Meeting

Fran reviewed the action items from the last meeting. One discussed item was not listed. Tim will begin preparing information for elected officials of the MOU partners regarding the continuation of the program after the 2-year pilot periods and funding options.

10. Other Items

Tim reminded the group not to lose sight of the Sloughs, Canal, & Creeks program maintenance items, which are also part of floodSAFE Yolo Pilot Program. The two maintenance items mentioned were: Chickahominey Slough and Farmers Central South.

11.  Action Items

·  PAC review of the Program Summary and provide comments to Fran within a week.

·  Second Interviewee meeting: Fran will contact invited attendees to verify availability for a meeting on February 27, 2008.

·  Fran will draft a memo for PAC with program budget options for Next Steps tasks:

1.  Cache Creek Hydrologic Update (Ford, DWR, USACE)

2.  Development of City/County Drainage Manual

3.  Willow Slough Watershed Hydrologic Model

·  Fran will coordinate with DWR and get a cost estimate to increase LiDAR survey area for Yolo County areas not included in the current scope.

·  A meeting is scheduled with DWR and USACE on February 28 to discuss Cache Creek Settling Basin. Fran and representatives from YCFCWCD, Yolo County, and Woodland should attend

·  Fran and Tim will draft a programmatic work plan budget for the pilot program.

·  Fran will coordinate with Yolo County (Petrea), the City of Woodland (Mark), and YCFCWCD (Tim) to provide information for the Cache Creek Settling Basin Federal Appropriation Request and provide information on the program to attendees of the upcoming CAP-to-CAP

·  Fran will prepare floodSAFE Yolo status report for PAC. Information ready for distribution at upcoming YCFC/County 2x2 meeting scheduled for last Thursday in March (2-4 pm at District). Try to include City representative also.

·  Donna will email February meeting minutes when transcribed.

·  Tim will begin working on information/presentation to elected officials for potential continuation of program funding after end of 2-year pilot program.

Next Meeting

March 12, 2008, 3:30 – 5 pm, YCFCWCD Board Room, Woodland.

Submitted by:

Fran Borcalli, Program Manager

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