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University Centre for Rural Health

N o r t h C o a s t

Excellence in education and research

Business and Education Staff Meeting
27/07/2015 / 10am to 12noon / PBL Room, Lismore
Chair / Lesley Barclay commenced the meeting with a Welcome at 10.04am.
Minute Taker / Gail Stroud
Attendees / Lesley Barclay, Frances Barraclough, Wendy Byron, Joanne Chad, Rod Hart, Rebekah Herman, Ian McDonald, Alana McPherson, Nicole Murphy, Nate Pek, Tracey Piccoli, Linda Pike Thi-Anh Smith, Gail Stroud, Kate Van Dommele, Aimmee Waddell.
via Video-conference / Greta Enns, Tracey Johnson, Lindy Southon.
Apologies / Leeanne Coonan, Michael Douglas, Christine Everett, Sheree Lloyd, Sue Phelan.
Item 1
Agenda Topic / Minutes of Previous Meeting
The Minutes of Meeting held 16 June were confirmed.
Item 2
Agenda Topic / Work Health and Safety – Wendy
Discussion / Wendy asked if there were any WH & S issues. None were advised.
Action Items / Person Responsible / Deadlines
Item 3
Agenda Topic / Business Arising - Rod
Discussion / a)  Rod advised that there is a possibility that Dave Gale will return later in the year to assist with the roll-out of M Files. He was unsure if the Research files had been transferred to M Files.
Linda commented that she was finding it easy to locate files using Keywords.
b)  Wendy reported that the UCRH Website was complete and had been launched. Comments from Grafton indicated that the video was excellent.
c)  With regards website content additions and changes, staff were advised that Linda Pike is responsible for news items and for social media applications. Staff need to email Linda with their request. Robin Osborne is currently being engaged on a casual basis to assist with the editing process, prior to uploading of new content.
Education staff were advised to contact Frances who will approve content and will forward to Linda for processing.
Research staff need to contact Megan, who will forward to Linda.
The formation of an Education Website Student User Group including Grafton and Murwillumbah should meet in the near future.
d)  Frances advised that she would send the draft policy with regards to the Guideline for the Administration Charge for Student Accommodation to Leeanne. The policy would apply to Lismore only: Ballina, Wilsons College, Dibbs Street, and not to the Grafton and Murwillumbah sites.
e)  Wendy advised that the management of student accommodation bookings would be the responsibility of Nicole Murphy who would commence her contract on 28 July. Kate Van Dommele may be able to advise Nicole on this matter in the short-term.
Maintenance is included in the Facilities Management Team being managed by Wendy. The issue of keys/fobs has yet to be finalised.
Frances suggested that guideline for this process may become policy and needed Leeanne’s input.
f)  Business Unit Advisors, pending BU staff restructure – this matter deferred.
g)  Lesley and Wendy to discuss with Wendy drafting a letter to the Lismore Hospital Medical Staff regarding parking restrictions outside the UCRH Building.
h)  Draft Education Strategic Plan – item lapsed.
i)  It was advised that Kim has been pulling data from the one database including Grafton and Murwillumbah for the simulation reporting. This process commenced from 1 July 2015. Prior to this the reporting was done manually by Tracey.
j)  Room Booking process – deferred pending Nicole Murphy’s commencement in this role.
Action Items
M Files – Research
Administration Charge for Student Accommodation
Letter to Hospital Medical staff re: Parking at UCRH
Room booking process / Person Responsible
Wendy / Deadlines
Item 4
Agenda Topic / Business Unit Update
Discussion / Ian deferred to Rod who advised that the consultant, Moira McDade had commenced a process to devise the Business Unit’s Strategic Plan. Internal and external customers would be invited to comment on a number of set questions. Leeanne will invite all staff to comment and to participate in face-to-face interviews.
Gail advised that Leeanne and Shianne had been working extensively on the 2016-2018 Budgets.
The July Line Managers’ Reports would reflect the change in Budgetary periods:
Projects: CORE (G0262), NCMEC (G0409) and University of Wollongong (G0890) will be increased to incorporate the January to December period, previously January to June. The University of Western Sydney would reflect the budget for July to December only, due to reporting requirements of that university.
Action Items / Person Responsible / Deadlines
Item 5
Agenda Topic / UCRH Update – Lesley absent – no report.
Discussion / Lesley advised that she and David Llyle have been added to the Australian Government Department of Health negotiation team. She viewed this as very important and allows for her to advise the government on regional and rural funding requirements.
The position of Director of the UCRH would be externally advised with appointment expected by the end of 2015. She assisted in the writing of the position description and would be involved in the recruitment process.
The Architect was here last week to discuss the student building and the parking requirements.
Lesley acknowledged how impressed she is with Woollam Constructions who had an employee minimising dust by watering the excavation site. They have been cognisant of reducing noise whenever possible.
Action Items / Person Responsible / Deadlines
Item 6
Agenda Topic / Facilities Report – Wendy Byron
Discussion / Wendy advised that Woollam Constructions ring weekly to check our student activities with a view to working with us to minimise noise pollution and to advise their progress and any disruptive activities that could affect the UCRH.
Action Items / Person Responsible / Deadlines
Item 7
Agenda Topic / HR Update – Ian
Discussion / Ian advised that Nicole Murphy, Joanne Chad and Rebekah Herman had already or would be joining us. Also 7 Clinical Simulation staff had been employed on a casual basis to assist with SIM training. The Director’s position will be advertised externally in the near future.
Action Items / Person Responsible / Deadlines
Item 8
Agenda Topic / Student Coordination Update
Discussion / a.  Lismore – Frances began her report by thanking the Education Team, Rod and Nate for their input into the recruitment process which say a large number of applicants.
Frances’ Report is Attachment 1
b.  Grafton – Attachment 2
c.  Murwillumbah - Lindy advised that Naree was on Carer’s Leave. Murwillumbah’s Report is Attachment 3
Action Items / Person Responsible / Deadlines
Item 8.
Agenda Topic / New Business
Discussion / This was no new business.
Action Items / Person Responsible / Deadlines
Meeting closed / 10.40am
Next meeting / 21 September 2015 in the PBL Room with VC to Grafton and Murwillumbah.

M Files: 20150727 – Minutes Business Education Team Meeting (ID 2231).docx