The following themes (also called "Discipleship Training Objectives") are as listed in Eims, The Lost Art of Disciple-Making, and as augmented by other resources.

Perhaps the themes to be introduced, beyond the very basic disciplines minimally required in a rehabilitiation program, should be chosen by the chaplain or spiritual guide. In his sensitivity to the particular needs of the resident, and with a realistic grasp of the time actually available for cultivating spiritual disciplines, the chaplain may want to lead the resident through some of the themes in the following list as appropriate. Or he might take a "consecutive" approach, touching on most themes in the list one after another, on a weekly basis. Another possible approach is to ask the resident himself to choose a list of themes.

See the accompanying matrix for suggested practical activities for introducing and cultivating the theme in the resident's life.

Theme Definition

1. Application of the WordUnderstands and practices application of scripture

2. Assurance of SalvationConfidence of present possession of eternal life, based on personal faith and promises of the Word

3. Assurance of ForgivenessSubjective knowledge of forgiveness of a sin, based on God's promise

4. Bible StudyIs regularly studying the Bible for him/herself

5. Bible Familiarity with books and with doctrine of inspiration

6. Dealing with SinKnows and is taking practical steps to overcome a major area of sin

7. FaithAbility to trust the promises of God for specific needs

8. FellowshipUnderstands benefit and practices church attendance. Small group participation is optional.

9. Follow-up (w/a disciple)Is interested in and/or pursuing the spiritual leadership of another.

10. GivingRegular contributor to Lord's work.

11. Hearing the WordHearing Bible preached and taught, and is learning critical evaluation of messages.

12. Holy SpiritUnderstands and shows evidence of walking in the Spirit

13. Lordship of ChristDevelopment of obedient response to Christ's commands

14. Love Understands agape, and is developing commitment to the needs of others

15. Meditation on the WordUnderstands and practices scripture meditation

16. ObedienceCarries out specific Bible study applications

17. PrayerPractices consistent daily prayer and public prayer

18. Quiet TimeDaily reading of Scripture, with prayer

19. Reading the WordSystematically reading the Bible.

20. Satan -- Know Your EnemyCorrectly understands his enemy, and is able to use personal spiritual resources to overcome him

21. Scripture MemoryRegular memorization and review of scripture

22. Second Coming of ChristUnderstands Christ's Second Coming, and shows practical effect of it in life

23. Separation from SinTaking steps to flee temptation

24. TestimonyA presentation of at least 2 minutes, including at least one scripture, telling the story of conversion to Christ, given in public and private

25. Time, Use ofUnderstands and uses schedule

26. Tongue, Control of Ability to avoid destructive use of speech

27. Victory over SinAbility to overcome temptation by reliance on the Holy Spirit and trusting promises of the Word. Evidenced by recent triumph over a specific temptation.

28. Will of GodUnderstands and uses Biblical principles of guidance

29. WitnessingShares the gospel clearly on own initiative

30. World VisionShows interest in foreign missions


GOAL OPTION: / Step 1 / Step 2 / Step 3
1. / Application
of the Word / 1. Study with
chaplain Prov. 24:30ff
2. State meaning of application / 1. Find one specific application from a reading of Proverbs, one chapter/wk / 1. Find one specific application from Bible reading, one chapter/wk
2. / Assurance of Salvation / 1. Memorize
II Cor. 5:1 / 1. Memorize
John 10:27-29
2. Study I John 5:10-13 / 1. Memorize I John 5:10-13
3. / Assurance of Continuing Forgiveness / 1. Read I John 1:9 in four translations and describe differences. / 1. Study Psalms 51, 32
2. Memorize Psalm 32:1 / 1. Read booklet "When Forgiveness Seems Impossible"
4. / Bible Study / 1. Can outline Prov. 24:30-34 / 1. 25 Observations in James
2. Interpretation of James 1:19
3. Application
of James 1:19 / 1. 25 Observations in John 3:1-15
2. Interpretation of John 3:1-15
3. Application
of John 3:1-15
5. / Bible /
  1. Memorize NT books in order
  2. Use concordance to find 'wine' in Proverbs 5X
3. Find kinds of revelation in Ps.19 / 1. Memorize II Tim. 3:16-17
2. Memorize OT books in order / 1. Memorize II Peter 1:21
2. Find all synonyms for "God's word" in Psalm 119
6. / Dealing with Sin / 1. Study Ps. 139
2. Study Ps. 5:4-6
3. Identify 1 recurring sin / 1. Memorize I Cor. 6:12
2. Study Eph. 6:10-20 / 1. Memorize Heb. 12:4
2. Overcome one bad habit
3. Memorize I Cor. 15:57
7. / Faith / 1. Study Heb.11
2. Memorize Heb. 11:6
3. Pray in faith with chaplain for one deep need / 1. Study "Little Faith": Matt. 14: 28-31
2. Study Rom. 10:17 to grow faith
3. W/chaplain, claim a promise / 1. Memorize Hebrews 11:1-6
2. Read biography of George Muller
8. / Fellowship / 1. Memorize Heb. 10:24-25
2. Study Ecclesiastes 4:7-12 / 1. Study Acts 2:42 for def.: fellowship= breaking of bread, prayer
2. Join church small group / 1. Memorize Acts 2:42
2. Memorize Ecclesiastes 4:7-12
3. Attend communion, prayer meetings
9. / Follow - up (w/a disciple) / 1. Memorize II Tim. 2:2
2. Read Born to Reproduce
3. Study principle of multiplication / 1. Assist/check others' discipleship assignments
2. Tutor WBT classes / 1. Oversee (w/ chaplain) leadership/ discipleship of one resident
10. / Giving / 1. Work up a budget
2. Study II Cor. 8-9
3. Study grace giving / 1. Study Gal. 6:6
2. Memorize Prov. 3:9-10
3. Revise budget/giving / 1. Memorize II Cor. 9:6-8
2. Set post- program budget
3. Memorize Luke 6:38
11. / Hearing the Word / 1. Submit "Message Reports" every week; discuss with chaplain / 1. Memorize Jer. 22:29
2. Continue "Message Reports" / 1. Decide on post-program "hearing"
2. Memorize Prov. 2:1-9
12. / Holy Spirit / 1. Learn Trinity illustration (best: Adam and Eve "one" though two)
2. Study John 16:7-8
3. Memorize Rom. 8:1 or 4 / 1. Study Rom. 8:1-6; apply
2. List items that grieve (Eph. 4:30) and quench (I Thess. 5:19) the Spirit
3. Memorize Eph. 4:18 / 1. Memorize John 16:13-14
2. Memorize Galatians 5:22-23
13. / Lordship of Christ / 1. Read My Heart, Christ's Home booklet
2. Memorize Romans 12:1,2 / 1. Find all references to Lordship in Heb. 1
2. Memorize Luke 6:46-49 / 1. Memorize Colossians 1:18
2. Study all symbols of Lordship in Revelation 1
14. / Love / 1. Read and study I Cor. 13:4-7
2. Commit (with chaplain?) to a "loving" act / 1. Memorize I Jn.4: 7, 11, 19
2. Commit to two "loving" acts / 1. Discuss with chaplain own definition of "Love"
2. Commit to 3 "loving" acts
15. / Meditation on the Word / 1. Memorize Josh. 1:8
2. Commit to 2 minutes/day in meditation / 1. Memorize Phil. 4:8
2. Commit to 5 minutes/day in meditation / 1. Memorize Psalm 1
2. Commit to 10 minutes/day in meditation
16. / Obedience / 1. Memorize John 14:21
2. One act of obedience arising out of a Bible study application (w/chaplain?) / 1. Find all reasons for obedience listed in John 15:1-16
2. Memorize James 4:17
3. One act of obedience arising out of a Bible study application (w/ chaplain?) / 1. Memorize Eph. 5:1
2. Commit to two acts of obedience arising out of a Bible study application (w/chaplain?)
9. / Follow - up (w/a disciple) / 1. Memorize II Tim. 2:2
2. Read Born to Reproduce
3. Study principle of multiplication / 1. Assist/check others' discipleship assignments
2. Tutor WBT classes / 1. Oversee (w/ chaplain) leadership/ discipleship of one resident
10. / Giving / 1. Work up a budget
2. Study II Cor. 8-9
3. Study grace giving / 1. Study Gal. 6:6
2. Memorize Prov. 3:9-10
3. Revise budget/giving / 1. Memorize II Cor. 9:6-8
2. Set post- program budget
3. Memorize Luke 6:38
11. / Hearing the Word / 1. Submit "Message Reports" every week; discuss with chaplain / 1. Memorize Jer. 22:29
2. Continue "Message Reports" / 1. Decide on post-program "hearing"
2. Memorize Prov. 2:1-9
12. / Holy Spirit / 1. Learn Trinity illustration (best: Adam and Eve "one" though two)
2. Study John 16:7-8
3. Memorize Rom. 8:1 or 4 / 1. Study Rom. 8:1-6; apply
2. List items that grieve (Eph. 4:30) and quench (I Thess. 5:19) the Spirit
3. Memorize Eph. 4:18 / 1. Memorize John 16:13-14
2. Memorize Galatians 5:22-23
13. / Lordship of Christ / 1. Read My Heart, Christ's Home booklet
2. Memorize Romans 12:1,2 / 1. Find all references to Lordship in Heb. 1
2. Memorize Luke 6:46-49 / 1. Memorize Colossians 1:18
2. Study all symbols of Lordship in Revelation 1
14. / Love / 1. Read and study I Cor. 13:4-7
2. Commit (with chaplain?) to a "loving" act / 1. Memorize I Jn.4: 7, 11, 19
2. Commit to two "loving" acts / 1. Discuss with chaplain own definition of "Love"
2. Commit to 3 "loving" acts
15. / Meditation on the Word / 1. Memorize Josh. 1:8
2. Commit to 2 minutes/day in meditation / 1. Memorize Phil. 4:8
2. Commit to 5 minutes/day in meditation / 1. Memorize Psalm 1
2. Commit to 10 minutes/day in meditation
16. / Obedience / 1. Memorize John 14:21
2. One act of obedience arising out of a Bible study application (w/chaplain?) / 1. Find all reasons for obedience listed in John 15:1-16
2. Memorize James 4:17
3. One act of obedience arising out of a Bible study application (w/ chaplain?) / 1. Memorize Eph. 5:1
2. Commit to two acts of obedience arising out of a Bible study application (w/chaplain?)
17. / Prayer / 1. Study Lord's Prayer: how many requests are there?
2. Develop prayer list and/or schedule / 1. Memorize Matthew 6:7,8
2. Learn 2 short prayers
3. Pray aloud in challenging setting / 1. Memorize prayer guide ("5 fingers" or ACTS)
2. Complete one 30 min. prayer session
18. / Quiet Time / 1. Study Mark 1:35
2. Have a 5 min "quiet time" w/chaplain / 1. Memorize Psalm 5:3
2. Pray through a Psalm (23, 51, 5, 143?); discuss w/chaplain / 1. Lead one resident through same previous steps
19. / Reading the Word / 1. Read through John, one chapter/wk
2. Study Rev. 1:3 / 1. Complete John; read Phil., Psalms and/or Genesis, 3 chapters/wk / 1. Commit to a "read through the Bible in a year" program
20. / Satan -- Know Your Enemy / 1. Study Matt. 4:1-11 for: person, tricks, and trouncing of Satan
2. Study Eph. 6:12-18 / 1. Memorize I Jn. 4:4
2. Study Ezek. 28:11-19 (original estate) / 1. Memorize I Peter 5:8
2. Study Isaiah 14:12-15 (fall is seen)
21. / Scripture Memory / 1. Study Matt. 4:1-11 (Jesus' example)
2. Memorize Ps. 119:9,11 / 1. Study Deut. 6:6-7
2. Memorize Col. 3:16 / 1. Memorize Matt. 4:4
2. Commit to memorize one verse/mo
22. / Second Coming of Christ / 1. Study Acts 1:11, John 14:1-3
2. Question: If Christ comes tomorrow, what changes today? / 1. Memorize John 14:3
2. Study I Jn. 2:28, 4:17 / 1. Memorize I Thess 4:16-17
2. Study Matthew 24-25
23. / Separation from Sin / 1. Memorize II Cor. 6:17-18 2. Pray with chaplain about a specific troubling sin / 1. Study II Tim. 2:19-22
2. Establish contact outside Mission with one victorious Christian/group / 1. Memorize II Tim. 2:19
2. Meet at least monthly with victorious contact
24. / Testimony / 1. Read Paul's testimony (Acts 26:1-23)
2. Revise/ review testimony w/chaplain / 1. Give testimony at evening service
2. Give testimony for outside group / 1. Write/ publish testimony pamphlet for personal use
25. / Time, Use of / 1. Study Rom. 14:10-12, I Cor. 3:10-15
2. Memorize Psalm 90:12 / 1. Memorize Eph. 5:5-16
2. Read Tyranny of the Urgent
3. Begin using time schedule / 1. Mission statement, long-, short-term goals
2. Begin using "day-timer"
17. / Prayer / 1. Study Lord's Prayer: how many requests are there?
2. Develop prayer list and/or schedule / 1. Memorize Matthew 6:7,8
2. Learn 2 short prayers
3. Pray aloud in challenging setting / 1. Memorize prayer guide ("5 fingers" or ACTS)
2. Complete one 30 min. prayer session
18. / Quiet Time / 1. Study Mark 1:35
2. Have a 5 min "quiet time" w/chaplain / 1. Memorize Psalm 5:3
2. Pray through a Psalm (23, 51, 5, 143?); discuss w/chaplain / 1. Lead one resident through same previous steps
19. / Reading the Word / 1. Read through John, one chapter/wk
2. Study Rev. 1:3 / 1. Complete John; read Phil., Psalms and/or Genesis, 3 chapters/wk / 1. Commit to a "read through the Bible in a year" program
20. / Satan -- Know Your Enemy / 1. Study Matt. 4:1-11 for: person, tricks, and trouncing of Satan
2. Study Eph. 6:12-18 / 1. Memorize I Jn. 4:4
2. Study Ezek. 28:11-19 (original estate) / 1. Memorize I Peter 5:8
2. Study Isaiah 14:12-15 (fall is seen)
21. / Scripture Memory / 1. Study Matt. 4:1-11 (Jesus' example)
2. Memorize Ps. 119:9,11 / 1. Study Deut. 6:6-7
2. Memorize Col. 3:16 / 1. Memorize Matt. 4:4
2. Commit to memorize one verse/mo
22. / Second Coming of Christ / 1. Study Acts 1:11, John 14:1-3
2. Question: If Christ comes tomorrow, what changes today? / 1. Memorize John 14:3
2. Study I Jn. 2:28, 4:17 / 1. Memorize I Thess 4:16-17
2. Study Matthew 24-25
23. / Separation from Sin / 1. Memorize II Cor. 6:17-18 2. Pray with chaplain about a specific troubling sin / 1. Study II Tim. 2:19-22
2. Establish contact outside Mission with one victorious Christian/group / 1. Memorize II Tim. 2:19
2. Meet at least monthly with victorious contact
24. / Testimony / 1. Read Paul's testimony (Acts 26:1-23)
2. Revise/ review testimony w/chaplain / 1. Give testimony at evening service
2. Give testimony for outside group / 1. Write/ publish testimony pamphlet for personal use
25. / Time, Use of / 1. Study Rom. 14:10-12, I Cor. 3:10-15
2. Memorize Psalm 90:12 / 1. Memorize Eph. 5:5-16
2. Read Tyranny of the Urgent
3. Begin using time schedule / 1. Mission statement, long-, short-term goals
2. Begin using "day-timer"
26. / Tongue, Control of / 1. Study James chapter 3
2. Memorize James 1:26 / 1. Memorize James 1:19
2. Find, memorize 5 Proverbs on speech control / 1. Record 2 "tongue-biting" incidents
2. Memorize 5 more Proverbs
27. / Victory over Sin / 1. Study John 8:31-38
2. Memorize I Cor. 10:13
3. Strategize overcoming a particular sin / 1. Study "4 Objections" chart
2. Memorize Rom.6:1-4,11-12
3. Keep diary of victories / 1. Memorize Rom. 6:15-16, 7:17-18, 8:1-4
2. Keep diary of victories
3. Memorize I Cor. 10:12
28. / Will of God / 1. Study Proverbs 15:22
2. Memorize Psalm 119:105 / 1. Memorize Romans 12:1,2, John 8:12
2. Make a major decision using "Pro/Con" chart / 1. Memorize Eph. 6:6, I Thess. 4:3, 5:16-18, I Pet. 2:15
29. / Witnessing / 1. Study Jesus' soul-winning style in John 4
2. Memorize verses in tract (see WBT materials) / 1. Gospel tract presentation to chaplain, friend
2. Present tract to intake candidate / 1. Learn 2nd tract/presentation
2. Present to stranger or church visitation prospect
30. / World Vision / 1. Study Great Commission (Mt. 28:19,20; Acts 1:8)
2. Pray weekly for a specific miss'y / 1. Read Acts, noting four miss'y principles
2. Attend a church miss'y conference / 1. Read miss'y biography
2. Research 2 short-term miss'y possib.
3. Pray weekly for 2 miss'ys