Fahrenheit 451 Open Book Final

Part 2: “The Sieve and the Sand”

Answer each of these questions on another piece of paper. Write complete sentences with capitals and periods or you will lose half credit for each question.

1) Who is Faber? Describe his personality. Provide one quote to support your opinion.

2)What is “Denham’s Dentifrice” and “lilies of the field”?

3) Faber tells Montag the story of Hercules and Antaeus on page (83). What is thelesson Faber is trying to teach Montag through this story?

4) List the three things missing from society in books according to Faber. (84)

5) “The salamander devours his tail!” (86). What is the “insidious” plan: Montag proposes that shocks Faber? Explain the quote.

6)“Who can stop me? I’m a fireman. I can burn you!” (88) How does Montag threaten Faber to help him? What does Montag need from Faber?

7) How does Mildred betray Guy?

8) How does Captain Beatty humiliate Guy at the fire?

9)Is Captain Beatty’s death suicide or murder? Explain and support your opinion.

10)How does Guy escape the Mechanical Hound?

11)What does Montag do to the Black family?

12)“Ladies, once a year, every fireman’s allowed to bring one book home, from the old days, to show his family how silly it all was… how mixed-up things were, so none of us will ever have to bother our little old heads about that junk again, isn’t that right darling?” (99) Explain what Mildred really means and how Montag has put both of them in danger.

13)“Why,” said Montag slowly, “we’ve stopped in front of my house.” Explain the significance of this statement, by Montag and whom he is speaking to when he makes this statement.

Part 3: “Burning Bright”

14)“My God, how did this happen?” said Montag. “It was only the other night everything was fine and the next thing I know I’m drowning. How many times can a man go down an still be alive?” I can’t breathe.” (131).

Is the reader supposed to feel empathy for Montag or pity? Explain your answer.

15)What escape plan does Montag make with Faber?

16)Are Faber and Montag true friends? Explain your answer.

17)“A storm of light fell upon the river and Montag dived under the great illumination as if the sun had broken the clouds.” (139) What does the river symbolize and how does if function as a means of escape?

18)“Why wasn’t the Hound running? Why had the search veered inland? Montag listened. Nothing. Nothing.” (141) Answer Montag’s question!

19)What is the betrayal of Government Montag learns about from Granger? Be sure to examine the “innocent man” in your answer.

20)“Granger looked into the fire. “Phoenix..”


“There was a silly damn bird called a phoenix back before Christ,…(163) What is the significance of the Phoenix metaphorically and thematically?

21)Why do Montag, Granger, and the men go back to the city? What do they plan to build?