MATH 97-Spring Quarter 2006 – Evening Section

Intermediate Algebra

Instructor: Steve Kinholt Days: M & W Time: 7:00- 9:30 pm Location: SMT 223

Office Hour: 3:30-4:30 or arranged Office: SMT 334 (or IVC 102) Phone: 833-9111 x 4354

EMAIL: Website:

Text:Intermediate Algebra: A Just-In-Time Approach (Alice Kaseberg) 3rdEd.

Calculator:A graphing calculator is required for this course. I will be using the TI -83 calculator for class demonstrations. I recommend a TI-83, 83-Plus, or 84.


Description:Study of the definition of a function; graphs and solutions of linear equations and inequalities in one and two variables; graphs and solutions of quadratic equations; rational, radical and literal equations; equations in quadratic form; complex numbers; radical expressions; variation; systems of equations; applications.

Prerequisite: Math 72 with a grade of 2.5 or higher, or appropriate COMPASS score, or instructor’s permission.


Objectives:Students will demonstrate the ability to:

1. develop and use problem solving skills: recognizing the applicability of previously learned solutions to a new problem, recognizing and applying reverse reasoning (given the answer, what is the question?), and developing an individual problem solving strategy.

2. work efficiently in small group settings: respecting others’ ways of thinking, having confidence in your own knowledge, sharing information, pooling knowledge, and listening effectively.

3. recognize that problems may have alternate solutions and that alternate techniques may be used to arrive at those solutions.

4. understand when the use of a calculator is appropriate and when its use may lead to misconceptions.

5. define a function.

6. graph linear and quadratic functions in various forms.

7. solve linear equations and inequalities graphically, symbolically, and numerically.

8. solve quadratic equations using factoring, graphing, completing the square, and the quadratic formula.

9. manipulate complex numbers using the rules which govern them.

  1. solve problems involving ratios, proportions, and variation.

11. manipulate rational expressions (including simplifying, multiplying, dividing, adding, and subtracting).

  1. solve equations involving rational expressions, exponents, and radicals.
  2. apply exponent rules to real numbers and scientific notation.
  3. manipulate rational exponents.
  4. solve systems of equations using substitution, elimination, graphing, and (if time allows) matrices.
  5. use mathematics to solve practical applications.


Outcomes:The following GRCC Assessment Outcomes are applicable in this course:

Quantitative/Symbolic Reasoning:

  1. Student evaluates and interprets information and data.
  2. Student recognizes which processes or methods are appropriate for solving a given problem, and correctly implements those processes.
  3. Student demonstrates the ability to estimate a solution to a presented problem.
  4. Student translates data into formats such as graphs, tables, formulas, and sentences.

Critical Thinking:

  1. Student provides reasons for the conclusions they reach and assess the relevance and adequacy of those reasons.
  2. Student connects past learning with current topics.

These outcomes will be demonstrated by any or more of the following: 1) quiz and test answers and explanations, 2) homework answers, 3) in-class discussions, 4)project and/or writing assignment explanations, 5) oral presentations, 6)in-class activities.

Class Format:Parts of this class will be taught through the use of small groups. While some

lectures may be given, student interactions through discussions, presentations,

and various writing activities will be used extensively. These types of activities are often similar to those found in real world settings. I view my role as a facilitator of your learning of mathematics.

• Attendance is very important! Since there is no make-up work for missed assignments or activities, grade percentages will be affected by absences. I expect you to be here and to be on time each day in order for groups to function properly. Please make a decision today as to whether you can fulfill this obligation.

• "Over the phone" work sessions or outside study groups are encouraged. Plan on getting together with your group on a regular basis!

• Do not hesitate to ask me for suggestions or to inquire about your progress.

• Absolutely no cheating or plagiarism will be tolerated in this class. A grade of zero on the assignment and/or a failing grade in the class will be awarded.

Respect of all others in this class is a necessity. Please refer to the GRCC Student Code of Conduct for rules governing appropriate classroom behavior.

• ADA Statement: If you believe you qualify for course adaptations or special accommodations under the Americans With Disabilities Act, it is your responsibility to contact the Disability Support Services Coordinator in the LSC and provide the appropriate documentation. If you have already documented a disability or other condition through the GRCC Disability Support Services Office, which would qualify you for special accommodations, or if you have emergency medical information or special needs I should know about, please notify me during the first week of class. You can reach me by phone at 253-833-9111, x4354. Or, you can schedule an office appointment in SMT 325 during my posted office hours or at another mutually determined time. If this location is not convenient for you, we will schedule an alternative place for the meeting. If you use an alternative medium for communicating, let me know well in advance of the meeting (at least one week) so that appropriate accommodations can be arranged.

Evaluation:Your grade for this course will be based on a variety of activities. These will include tests, homework, in-class activities, and group projects.

Entrance Test:An Entrance Test will be given the 2nd night of class. It will cover prerequisite material for the course and will help determine if you are placed correctly in Math 97. The Entrance Test will be graded but can be dropped if it is the lowest score of the 4 tests.

Chapter Tests: You will be given three tests in this class covering chapters 2 and 4 thru 8 with each test covering approximately 1–2 chapters. There will be no make-up tests and any missed test will receive a grade of “0”. However, if you know that you will miss a test (or any assignment) due to an emergency, please notify me as soon as possible because sometimes arrangements can be made ahead of time. If one of these test scores is the lowest of the 4tests, the score will be dropped.

Homework Quiz:See the attached homework sheet for assigned problems for each section. (You may choose to do additional problems.) You will be given a “homework quiz” on the days shown on the calendar. A selected number of problems taken directly from your homework will make up the quiz. You can use your homework on the quiz, but your textbook may or may not be allowed.

Projects:You will have a fewprojects during the quarter which will be discussed in detail when they are assigned. Projects will require the ability to effectively communicate ideas through writing.

Participation:Participation will count for part of your grade. Points will be awarded for being in class each day and for being on time. In-class activities may also count towards your participation grade. You must be in class to participate and there will be no way to make up any missed points.

Grading System:The breakdown of your grade by percentage is as follows. You will notice that there are many different components to your grade. This is an attempt to draw on the many different learning styles that students may possess.

Entrance Test, 3Chapter Tests 65% (Low score is dropped).

Homework Quizzes/Activities 20%

Attendance 5%

Project(s) 10%


Decimal grades reported for this class will range from 4.0 to 0.0. Generally, a grade of "I" (incomplete) will only be given for emergency situations and only if at least 75% of the work has been completed with a passing grade. The minimum grades that will be assigned are as follow:

Percentage Decimal Grade





































BELOW 600.0

If you wish to take this class Pass/No-Credit, you must fill out a form at the Registrar’s Office. There is a deadline for doing this. If you are planning on taking another math class, you must receive a 2.0 or above to go on. A "Pass" will not be sufficient to get you into the next course.