Correx Ltd, Barratt House, Kingsthorpe Road, Northampton, NN2 6EZ

Tel: 01604 438222 email:

(Correx Ltd is a wholly-owned subsidiary of the Institute of Corrosion. The Institute of Corrosion is a Registered Charity number 275206)

Industrial Coating ApplicatorTraining and Certification Scheme (ICATS)

Applicator Renewal Form (AF5)

Applicator Name
Applicator Address (including postcode)
Applicator Contact Details / Email: Tel:
ICATS Number
ICATS card renewal date *
Are you currently employed by the company who trained you? / Yes / No
Pleasegive Company nameand contact details of current employer
(see item 1a below)
If currently unemployed please give details of a previous employer including contact details. (see item 1b below)

I hereby consent to Correx Ltd using and processing my personal data for the purposes required by

Correx Ltd as set out on this form.


This renewal form should be completed, signed and sent to the above address and must be accompanied by:

  1. (a) A letter from your current employer giving details of work experience in past 3 years.

(b) If you are currently unemployed please provide evidence ofwork experience during past 3 years froma previous employer.

  1. Your current ID card,if card not available then a passport photo must be provided.
  2. Payment of £60.00 +VAT (£72.00).

*You have up to 3 months from the date of expiry to renew your card without penalty. If your card has expired by more than 3 months and no more than 12 months you can renew your card by completing a renewal questionnaire available from the Correx Office, the cost for this will be £150.00 +VAT (£180.00). Full details can be found in the ICATS Req. Doc on the website.

Payments can made by enclosing Cheque or Postal Order with this form payable to “Correx Ltd”.

Alternatively you can call the Correx office on 01604 438222 with your Credit/Debit card details.

Rev 27/01/2017 January 2018