Kingwood Middle School

Theatre Handbook

Ms. Abbey McDonald

Fall Semester 2010

6th Grade Theatre

Theatre I

Theatre II

Afterschool Program

Table of Contents

Introduction Letter………………………………………………..Page 3

Teacher Contact Information………………………………….….Page 4

Expectations……………………………………………………....Page 5

Consequences/Participation Policy/Grades……………………....Page 6

Performances/Communication…………………………………...Page 7

Signature/Parent Contact Form…………………………………..Page 8

Welcome to the KMS Theatre:

I am very excited about this year and what talented and creative students that are enrolled to be a part of this exciting journey and world of theatre. Theatre is a great outlet for your child’s creativity and imagination. Throughout this course we will spend a great deal of time learning and growing through the use of many theatrical elements. There are many traits your student will develop over the next semester/year such as organization, responsibility, observation, imagination, creativity, accountability, as well as, voice and diction, memorization, internal and external characterization, directing to name a few.

There are guidelines in place in order to help make this a successful run for you and your students. Each student has responsibilities and duties that are included in this handbook.

We encourage all students and parents to read through this handbook so they are familiar with the responsibilities of KMS Theatre. Together we can make this a rewarding experience, a building block in your child’s education and a source of pride and fond memories for many years to come.

Theatre Director

Abbey McDonald

Teacher Contact Information

Name: Abbey McDonald
Grade: 6th-8th
Subject / Department: Theatre
Room Number: 200
Telephone Number: 281-641-4319
Email Address:


1st Period 6th Grade Theatre

2nd Period Theatre II

3rd Period Conference

4th Period Theatre II

5th Period Conference

6th Period Theatre I

7th Period 6th Grade Theatre

Tutoring Schedule:

Tutoring by appointment


KMS Theatre Classroom Expectations

1. Be on time.

(In your seat when the bell rings)

2. Bring all necessary supplies everyday

3. Listen to the teacher for daily instructions.

4. Be respectful – no talking while peers or teacher is talking.

5. Follow the KMS expectations.

KMS Theatre Audience Expectations

1. Give the actors your full attention.

2. Clap when the scene is over.

3. Do not talk while there is a scene in progress. (This includes your neighbors and the actors)

4. Do not laugh unless appropriate to the scene.

5. Respect those on stage.

KMS Theatre Performance Expectations

1. Be prepared.

2. Bring all necessary props/costumes.

3. Do not break character.

4. If you get stuck keep going.

5. No gum chewing. (Will result in a 10 point lose to your grade)

BONUS: Everyone gets 1 redo per performance with no penalty.

KMS Theatre Stage Expectations

1. Do not enter the stage area without permission.

2. Do not touch anything unless you have permission.

3. Put all set pieces back where they belong.

4. No jumping off the stage.

5. No horseplay in the theatre or with any set pieces.

6. Sit in the house and wait for further directions from the director.

KMS Theatre Consequences

1st Offense- Warning

2nd Offense- Teacher Conference

3rd Offense- Parent Phone Call

4th Offense- Office Referral

Participation Policy

Theatre requires student participation, without this the class would not work. Each week students will be given a participation grade. This is based on how active they participate in class. The weekly grade is worth 100 points, divided into days the daily participation grade is worth 20 points. Any time a student is off task, students start with a warning everyday, or does not follow the theatre expectations they will receive a 5-point deduction. For example if a student is completely on task 4 days of the week but has one day where they are off task two times, their weekly participation grade would be a 90.


50% Summative (Tests, Performances, Written, Memorization)

50%Formative (Homework, Participation, Daily Work, Classwork)


*This section applies only to Theatre I and Theatre II students and parents/guardians.

Advanced Theatre students must attend all rehearsals and performances for their class play. Performances are a test grade. Your attendance, behavior and performance are graded. It is vital for everyone to be present for rehearsals and performances. Imagine if you go onto the football field without your quarterback. The whole team would suffer. Everyone is important in the theatre. That is why attendance is so important. Please check the schedule given to your student which states the play rehearsal and performance dates and times.


Please do not assume anything. If for any reason you must miss a rehearsal, performance, or any other function your parents must write us a note. We are more understanding when you take the time before the incident to let us know about the absence. We know there are always unexpected situations that arise, so please call us at 281-641-4320. We want your child to have a rewarding experience in the Kingwood Middle School Theatre.

As a member of this organization I understand that I am required to follow the rules and expectations of the Kingwood Middle School Theatre program. I have read the Kingwood Theatre policies and will follow them appropriately.

Student Name (printed) ______Class Period ______

Student Signature ______Date ______

Guardian Name (Printed) ______

Guardian Signature______Date______

Contact Information: (please star next to the best way to contact you)

Phone Number: ______

Email: ______