Forum Syd has increased the support to local organizations that collaborate with Swedish organizations to implement development projects through the introduction of project support in the field offices. The overall objective of project support to local organizations is to improve quality-control in ongoing and planned projects/programs funded by SIDA with grants channeled through Forum Syd. The primary objective is to assess and support the local organizations when it comes to financial management, e.g. control of funds and audit routines. A secondary objective is to assess the extent to which set objectives are achieved.

The project support office at the regional offices therefore has 3 tasks; Financial capacity assessment - includes assessing financial management, administration, audit routines, organizational capacity, monitoring and control; Capacity building – arranging capacity building workshops in issues concerned with financial management, audit instructions, Sida/Forum Syd Conditions or issues concerned with other organizational needs and;Coordination and facilitation– facilitating the Swedish and Local organizations to participate in networks, harmonize with other international donors, participate in programs in different ways, coordination and cooperation within Forum Syd in the country/region.

Since the project support officer came on board in July, 2009, seven assessments have been conducted so far, one in Kenya three in Tanzania, one in Uganda and two in Botswana. The assessments focused on financial, human resource and programming areas. From the assessments carried out so far, most local organizations have weak financial systems and low capacity in financial management.

Project support is proposing a more proactive approach where relevant knowledge and skills are given to local organizations before commencement of projects. Hence, there is a need to conduct a three days basic financial skills training to staff of local organizations in Tanzaniathat receive SIDA funds. Targeting these organizations will serve the objective of minimizing financial challenges and loopholes and will increase the financial capacity of the targeted organization’s staff.


The workshop will have the following aim and objectives.

Aim: To equip at least 35 targeted Tanzanian Local Organizations’ staffand boardmembers with skills in basic financial management.

Objectives: By the end of the workshop, the participants will have:

  1. Gained knowledge in key areas of basic financial management
  2. Practiced using key financial tools and reports
  3. Shared their experiences in financial management.
  4. Identified areas of financial management in their organizations that need to be improved.
  5. Gained knowledge on key anti-fraud guidelines, means of detecting and preventing fraud.
  6. Formulated a plan of action.


Participants will apply the learnt skills to improve financial management systems in their organizations leading to better fund utilization and management.


The workshop participants will be facilitated through the process using Adult Learning methodologies. As such, practical exercises, buzz group discussions, activity sheets, group work, role plays, case studies and audio-visual aids will be used.


The participants of the workshop will be approximately 35 financial staff, key project staff and board members. Participants targeted are those with on-going projects and those set to receive SIDA funds in 2010.


The proposed dates for the workshop … March 2010 (exact dates to be decided)


The purpose of the consultancy is to transfer knowledge and build skills in basic financial management to persons nominated by Forum Syd so that these persons may use the skills and knowledge in prudent management of their organizations.


Overall the consultant will,

  1. Hold consultative meetings with the relevant Forum Syd staff for a pre-training assessment of participants needs and Forum Syd’s expected outcome of the training
  2. Develop training materials (trainer materials/module that includes each session’s objectives, time and learning methodology).
  3. Develop a basic financial manual/guide to be used by the organizations for their daily use (it would be preferred if the manual is developed in Kiswahili)
  4. Develop reader friendly participant handouts that will cover the following aspects (not in any specific order)
  5. Purposes of prudent financial management
  6. Key aspects of financial management
  7. Planning and budgeting
  8. Records & minimum support documentation
  9. Recording Program budgets and reporting progress against budget
  10. Recording receipt of funds from donors and others
  11. Recording and reconciling bank accounts/cash book
  12. Recording purchase, setting petty cash limits
  13. Recording payroll entitlements by employee
  14. Recording and reporting for fixed asset
  15. Recording recurrent office, administration and program expenses and minimum support documentation needed
  1. Internal Controls
  2. Financial reporting (to donors, AGM, month-end checklist, internal reports)
  3. Staffing including roles of the board members in financial management
  4. Finance policies and procedures manual :- Key aspects that need to be included in the manual
  5. Audits:- key requirements
  6. Anti-corruption/Anti-fraud:- Definitions, types, anti-fraud/anti-corruption rules & regulations and management of fraud/corruption in organizations
  1. To develop a 3-day detailed workshop programme (timetable, broken into mini sessions) that will ensure that all sessions afore-mentioned are covered during a 3 dayperiod.)
  2. To submit the training programme to Forum Syd for approval and to incorporate any comments that Forum Syd might have into it.
  3. To develop practical training aids (PowerPoint presentations, samples, activity worksheets, case studies, etc) for allsessions in the approved training programme.
  4. To send master copies of all materials to Forum Syd (with at least 4 working days’ notice) of whatneeds to be photocopied for the training session.
  5. To be involved in organizing participants learning packages (folders, etc)
  6. To conduct the 3-day training session at a venue designated by Forum Syd
  7. To prepare a detailed workshop report with an electronic copy of all teaching aidsTrain, supervise and assist in the following transactions


The Project Support Officer will coordinate the workshop logistics:

  • Communication/dialogue with local organizations
  • Logistical support pre and during the workshop
  • Provide the consultant with all relevant project documents and related materials
  • Debriefings with the Forum Syd team members
  • Give feedback on the overall progress to management
  • Review draft manuals, handouts, timetables, reports and offer feedback within stipulated timeframe


The contract will be considered successfully completed when the Consultant successfully

  1. Submits an electronic list and electronic copies of all training materials (teaching aids, participant handouts,
  1. Submit a financial manual based on topics agreed upon
  1. Submits a detailed, session-by-session and day-by-day training programme for all the days of the workshop (with most lessons derived from the financial manual/guide)
  1. Facilitate the 3 days workshop. The workshop participants will evaluate the workshop proceedings on a daily basis and the consultant is expected to incorporate any key feedback into the training programme
  1. Submits the final electronic and hard copies of the workshop report to Forum Syd. The final report should be submitted by 15 April 2010.


  1. A Bachelor’s degree or equivalent in finance and Accounting, in addition to professional qualifications in accounts.
  2. At least five years professional experience in the field of financial management, accounting and disbursement, including three year work in internationally-funded projects.
  3. The Consultant must be familiar with Tanzania government and donor procedures, documents and requirements.
  4. At least over 3 years experience in facilitation/training of donor partners in financial skills.
  5. Ability to facilitate using Adult Learning Methodologies and in mostly Kiswahili
  6. The consultant must be experienced in developing training modules and participants learning materials
  7. Exceptional interpersonal and facilitation skills, with a focus on rapport-building, listening, and interactive skills.
  8. Ability to meet deadlines set on the timetable and for the whole assignment


Forum Sydwill provide office space (when/where necessary), and facilitate the process by availing equipment, stationery, transport (to and from the workshop venue) and accommodation/meals for the Consultant as per Forum Syd’s policies and procedures. Forum Syd will further coordinate with the local organizations for logistics purposes.


During the execution of the Terms of Reference, the consultant will work in close collaboration with 2 Project Support Officers (one based in Nairobi the other in Dar es Salaam) and expected to hold a few briefing meetings with them.


  1. Letter of expression of interest and demonstration of capability
  2. Evidence of past experience in undertaking similar assignments (three most recent assignments) of similar works done
  3. At least three previous clients and their contacts as referees
  4. Both a technical quotation (how you propose to undertake the assignment, and work plan) and a financial quotation (cost in US dollars)

Applicants are kindly requested to send their CVs along with a cover letter to Forum Syd Office by e-mail (see below) Applicants will be short-listed on the basis of their qualifications and work experience.

Write to

Regional Director

Africa Regional Office

P.O. Box1419, Karen, 00502,Nairobi


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