Final Research Paper with Alternatives Page 1

Nadine Wade-Gravett

Research Paper

Each student will be required to complete a 5-6 page research paper. At some time in your life, you, your loved ones, or a close friend will be diagnosed with a disease disorder, illness, or condition. This paper is designed to help you to develop the skills necessary to research this diagnoses.

The research paper must include, and will be graded on the following:

  1. The Topic – Definition and Discussion
  2. How the disease/disorder is diagnosed/discovered.
  3. Relevant research/data on the topic.
  4. Current statistics regarding incidents, morbitity, morality, recovery rates, gender, age, etc.
  5. Treatments (traditional, nontraditional, and experimental).
  6. All local and national resources available for additional information.

The paper must be typed using the MLA format (standard NVC English format) with citations of all work that is not original. Failure to cite work, known as plagiarism, will result in 0 points.

Examples of topics include Type II diabetes, ingrown toenails, breast cancer, anorexia nervosa, osteoporosis, HIV/AIDS, alcoholism, schizophrenia, post traumatic shock syndrome, allergies, environmental poisoning.

It is permissible (and perhaps even preferable) to use an illness or condition that you, family members, or friends have experienced. This in depth research has proven to be very helpful and informative to past health students. Making the research more personal will certainly have more meaning to you.


Alternative Behavior Change Paper

Choose a behavior that you desire to change. Complete the contract attached. You will be required to keep a daily journal chronicling your activities. You will also be required to submit a final summary paper. You will be graded the completeness of the daily journal.You must have your Behavior Change approved by the instructor.Examples include:

1.Increasing Physical Activity and Diet Changes – You will be required to use a Pedometer and monitor steps taken with a goal of 10,000 daily steps. Daily food intake, with dairy, will be included in the Daily Journal.

2.Quit Smoking – You will be responsible for keeping a daily journal. If you participate in a cessation class, you must also maintain a journal with goals, objectives and activities monitored.

3.Develop a stress management technique. Engage in a daily stress management technique and keep a daily journal monitoring your activities, emotions, feelings, and responses. Techniques may include biofeedback, autogenic training, visualization or meditation.The technique you choose must be approved by the instructor.