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Chapter 1


Multiple Choice

where is it? why is it there?

  1. Which of the following refers to the relationship between the distances shown on the map and the actual distances on the earth’s surface?

a)Scale*[Pg. 2, 4]

b)Spatial analysis


d)Regional geography

  1. Which of the following terms refers to the study of how people, objects, or ideas are, or are not, related to one another across space?

a)Regional geography

b)Physical geography


d)Spatial analysis* [Pg. 2]

  1. Which of the following terms refers to the making of maps?


b)Spatial analysis

c)Cartography* [Pg. 2]

d)Regional geography

  1. Which of the following does not refer to basic information about a map?




d)Date of production* [Pg. 5]

  1. Which of the following is NOT a unit of relative distance on a map?

a)Mile* [Pg. 5]




  1. Which of the following terms refers to unit of the earth’s surface that contains distinct patterns of physical features or of human activities?



c)Region* [Pg. 6]



  1. Which of the following is a term that includes all of the things that people use?


b)Culture groups

c)Material culture* [Pg. 13]

d)Immaterial culture

  1. Which of the following is the state of relating to, reflecting, or being adapted to several cultures?

a)Cultural plurality

b)Multiculturalism* [Pg. 14]

c)Cultural transition

d)Ethnic transition

  1. The term secularism describes what type of society?

a)One in which all forms of exchange occur through barter

b)One in which power is shared by multiple ethnic groups

c)One in which the way of life is not directly informed by religious values* [Pg. 15]

d)One in which external powers exert control over the political system

  1. What is the term used to describe a society or government that is not based on any religion?




d)Secular* [Pg. 15]

  1. Which of the following statements reflects an impact of colonization on the global pattern of languages?

a)The diversity of languages spoken in the Americas increased.

b)European languages replaced many local languages.* [Pg. 16]

c)Bilingual and multilingual speakers in Africa decreased.

d)Asian languages replaced indigenous languages in parts of Europe.

  1. Which of the following is not an important lingua franca?

a)Aceh* [Pg. 16]




  1. The term lingua franca refers to which of the following?

a)A language that was once extinct but has been revived

b)Language formed of various parts of different languages

c)A language in the Indo-European family of languages

d)The dominant, if not universal, language used in trade* [Pg. 17]

  1. What term refers to the integrated system of knowledge, skills, tools, and methods upon which a culture group bases its way of life?

a)Lingua franca


c)Technology* [Pg. 16-17]

d)Cultural markers

  1. Which of the following is most true about the concept of gender?

a)It is a biological phenomenon.

b)It is a cultural phenomenon.

c)It is both a biological and a cultural phenomenon.* [Pg. 18-19]

d)Women have generally benefited from the concept of gender.

  1. According to the textbook, which of the following is true about racial differences among humans?

a)Race has been used as justification for exploitation in many different regions of the world.* [Pg. 20]

b)Racial markings are significant in explaining the internal biological differences among humans.

c)Racism originated in present-day England and the ideas were spread through colonization.

d)Race determines the many different subspecies of the human race.

  1. Which of the following defines the human characteristic of altruism?

a)Cultural beliefs of one’s culture being superior over other cultures

b)Willingness to sacrifice one’s own well-being for the sake of others* [Pg. 20]

c)The belief that physical conflict is a humane way to solve racially rooted problems

d)The sacrifice of the well-being of others to ensure individual survival


  1. Researchers in which of the following fields study the processes by which the physical landscape is shaped?



c)Geomorphology* [Pg. 20]


  1. Which of the following premises best supports the theory of plate tectonics?

a)The earth’s surface is made up of large plates that float on molten rock.* [Pg. 21]

b)Large plates formed when meteors struck the earth 65 million years ago.

c)Present-day plates resulted from the erosion of the supercontinent Pangaea.

d)The land surface of the earth is rooted on large oceanic plates.

20.Which of the following events is NOT directly associated with plate tectonics?


b)Fluvial deposition* [Pg. 21-22]

c)Volcanic eruptions

d)Mountain building

  1. What feature on the physical landscape CANNOT be explained by the theory of plate tectonics?

a)The Pacific Ring of Fire

b)Mount Pinatubo


d)The Mississippi River delta* [Pg. 22]

  1. Through which of the following landscape processes is rock broken down into smaller pieces?

a)Mass wasting


c)Weathering* [Pg. 22]


  1. The term deposition can refer to which of the following processes?

a)The settling out of soil particles as wind or water action slows* [Pg. 22]

b)The breakup of rocks into smaller pieces

c)The movement of loose rock and soil by the force of wind and moving water

d)The movement of loose rock and soil down a slope due to gravity

  1. As climate is defined in the textbook, which of the following reflects a climatic change?

a)The rise of the sun each morning

b)The formation of a warm front

c)The movement of a hurricane

d)The melting of glaciers during the Ice Age* [Pg. 22]

  1. Given the differential heating and cooling rates of land and water, which of the following is more likely to experience the most extreme change in temperature and air pressure over a year?

a)The interior of a vast landmass* [Pg. 23]

b)A small island

c)A long, narrow peninsula

d)A wide river delta

  1. What process does the term orographic rainfall describe?

a)When a condition of 100 percent humidity prevails over several days

b)Precipitation that occurs when air is forced to rise over mountain ranges* [Pg. 23-24]

c)Precipitation that is created by chemicals introduced by human activities

d)A downpour that occurs seasonally due to rapid continental heating

  1. What term describes rainfall that is caused by the interaction of large air masses of different temperatures?

a)Orographic precipitation

b)Shadow precipitation

c)Convergence precipitation

d)Frontal precipitation* [Pg. 26]

  1. Contrary to earlier hypotheses, it is now believed that the gender distribution of work among the earliest humans was that:

a)men hunted while women gathered.

b)women hunted while men gathered.

c)both men and women farmed.

d)both jobs were being shared to some extent.* [Pg. 25]

  1. What statement is true regarding the early development of agriculture?

a)Agriculture originated in northern Africa, where it then spread to Europe.

b)The transition from hunter-gatherer societies to agricultural societies was an abrupt change related to drastic climatic change.

c)Evidence has shown that agriculture was developed independently in several different world regions.* [Pg. 25]

d)The first evidence of agriculture dates back to the 1600s.

  1. Early innovations in agriculture tended to occur near what type of place?

a)Trade centers* [Pg. 25]

b)Religious centers

c)Industrial regions

d)Areas with low population

  1. What is a human societal problem that anthropologist E.N. Anderson suggests stems from the development of agriculture for trade?

a)Increased death rates

b)Increased environmental awareness

c)The elimination of social inequalities

d)Rapid population growth* [Pg. 28]

  1. What has happened to the intensity of human impact on the environment over the past several centuries?

a)It has decreased.

b)It has increased.* [Pg. 28]

c)It has remained the same.

d)It has ceased to be an issue.


  1. In which sector of the economy is agriculture?

a)Extraction* [Pg. 30]

b)Industrial production



  1. Which of the following activities is most likely to occur in the informal economy?


b)Housework* [Pg. 31]


d)Transportation services

  1. What institution initiated the expansion of long-distance trade?

a)Colonial system* [Pg. 31]

b)Transnational corporations

c)Free trade blocs

d)Investment banks

  1. Which of the following is true concerning multinational corporations?

a)They replace free trade blocs as the key institution in the development of the global economy.

b)They design systems that utilize highly skilled, highly paid labor resources.

c)They possess the ability to influence the political affairs in countries where they operate.* [Pg. 32]

d)They expand trade among cities within country borders while blocking international trade across borders.

  1. What mechanisms have national governments used to protect their economies and industries from foreign competition?

a)Tariffs and import quotas* [Pg. 32]

b)Free trade blocs

c)Increasing the value of their currency

d)Antitrust laws

  1. Which of the following statements would a free trade advocate make?

a)Strict import quotas decrease the variety of choices for consumers.* [Pg. 32]

b)Higher tariffs encourage more efficient production processes.

c)Higher tariffs encourage the production of higher-quality goods.

d)Import quotas lower the prices consumers must pay for goods.

  1. Which of the following organizations is a regional trade bloc?

a)The United Nations (UN)

b)The North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO)

c)The International Monetary Fund (IMF)

d)The Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN)* [Pg. 32]


  1. Which of the following measures indicates the total value of all goods and services recognized as produced in a country during a given year?

a)Human Development Index

b)Gross domestic product* [Pg. 33]

c)World Trade Income

d)Economic Growth Index

  1. Which of the following is NOT among the problems that arise from the use of gross domestic product (GDP) as a measure of societal and human well-being?

a)It overemphasizes social aspects of well-being at the expense of economic aspects.* [Pg. 34]

b)It does not reflect the distribution of wealth in a given population.

c)It does not account for differences in purchasing power across the world.

d)It does not include the goods and services produced in the informal economy.

  1. Which of the following is considered in the United Nations Human Development Index (HDI)?

a)Female participation in the formal economy

b)Income from the informal economy

c)Real income* [Pg. 34]

d)Literacy rates

  1. Which of the following is NOTconsidered in the United Nations Gender Empowerment Measure (GEM)?

a)Percentage of women holding parliamentary seats

b)Percentage of administrators, managers, and professional/technical workers who are women

c)Ratio of men to women in society* [Pg. 35]

d)Women’s GDP per capita


  1. In 2005, what was the world’s approximate human population?

a)10.5 billion

b)700 million

c)6.5 billion* [Pg. 36]

d)450 million

  1. Which of the following helps explain the rapid population growth of humans that has occurred since 1500?

a)The conservation and protection of natural, nonrenewable resources

b)Equal distribution of wealth on a global scale

c)The worldwide establishment and enforcement of sustainable agricultural practices

d)The advancing abilities to control life-threatening diseases* [Pg. 35-36]

  1. The high-density population living on the island of Macao (just off the coast of China) is largely sustained by which of the following?

a)Plentiful local resources

b)Versatile use of the sea animal and plant life

c)Trading connections* [Pg. 37]

d)Foreign aid from China and Vietnam

  1. Which of the following relationships is accounted for in the rate of natural increase?

a)Birth rates and death rates in a given population* [Pg. 38]

b)Immigrants and emigrants to and from a given population

c)Death of infants per 1000 born

d)Newborn infants and migrants added to a population in a given year

  1. Which of the following is reflected in a population pyramid that narrows toward the top?

a)Most people in that population are very young.

b)Most people in that population die before they reach old age.* [Pg. 38]

c)Most people in that population are in middle age.

d)Most infants in that population die before they reach adulthood.

  1. Which is NOT an explanation for gender imbalance in population pyramids?

a)Females are genetically more likely to occur.* [Pg. 39]

b)In most wars, more males are killed than females.

c)In developed countries, females live 5 years longer than males.

d)In countries with a cultural preference for males, females do not receive sufficient nutrition or health care.

  1. Which of the following typically occurs with the shift from a subsistence to a cash economy?

a)Education becomes less important to one’s income-earning potential.

b)Birth rates increase because parents can support more children.

c)Young children become an economic drain on the family.* [Pg. 40]

d)Children are increasingly depended on to provide care for the elderly.

  1. Which of the following processes is described as the demographic transition?

a)The death rate increases as birth rates increase.

b)Low reproductive rates give way to drastically higher rates.

c)High reproductive rates are replaced by lower rates.* [Pg. 40] wrong

d)The birth rate increases as death rates decline.


  1. Global strategies for halting or reversing environmental damage usually involve advanced technology and/or:

a)reduced resource consumption.* [Pg. 41]

b)increased population growth.

c)increased resource consumption.

d)decreased population growth through mandatory sterilization.

  1. What is the term for farming that meets human needs without degrading or depleting the environment?

a)Industrial agriculture

b)Plantation agriculture

c)Corporate agriculture

d)Sustainable agriculture* [Pg.41]

  1. Which of the following conveys the meaning of the term sustainable development?

a)The ability to generate ways of increasing economic growth that can be maintained in the future

b)The establishment of free markets through which each person has the ability to improve his or her life

c)The endeavor to improve economic practices that provide only sporadic growth and wealth to individuals

d)The effort to improve present standards of living without jeopardizing those of future generations* [Pg. 41]

  1. Which of the following is NOT mentioned in the textbook as a major cause of soil degradation?

a)Overapplication of fertilizers, pesticides, and herbicides

b)Bioengineering of new crops* [Pg. 42-43]

c)Irrigation of dry areas


  1. At the global level, which of the following best explains the fact that around one-fifth of the world’s human population subsists on insufficient and inadequate diets?

a)Extra food is produced but does not often get to those who need it.* [Pg. 41]

b)Rapid population growth has outstripped increases in world food production.

c)Environmental degradation has curtailed increases in world food production.

d)World food production is insufficient due to the inefficiencies of socialism.

  1. In the year 2005, approximately what percentage of the world’s population lived in cities?

a)95 percent

b)12 percent

c)47 percent* [Pg. 43]

d)2 percent

  1. Compared to a society in which most people work in agriculture, which of the following is true about the resource consumption of people in a society composed of industrial and service workers?

a)They draw resources from a much wider area.* [Pg. 45]

b)They use resources less rapidly.

c)They consume fewer resources overall.

d)They generally pay higher prices.

  1. Approximately what percentage of the world’s resources does the wealthiest 20 percent of the world population consume today?

a)25 percent

b)80 percent* [Pg. 45]

c)100 percent

d)10 percent

  1. Which of the following accords with the theory of global warming?

a)Deforestation reduces the release of carbon dioxide, causing more atmospheric combustion.

b)The burning of fossil fuels decreases levels of carbon dioxide, preventing natural ionic cooling.

c)The sun is burning hotter and has increased rates of evaporation, and thus has a reduced rate of global daily cooling.

d)Levels of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere are increasing and trapping the sun’s heat.* [Pg. 45]

  1. The rising levels of greenhouse gases (e.g., carbon dioxide) in the atmosphere are attributable to which of the following?

a)Subsistence agricultural practices

b)Increasing rate of sea water evaporation

c)Large-scale burning of fossil fuels* [Pg. 46]

d)Global reforestation efforts


  1. What term is used to describe the strategies used by a given country that are intended to serve its interests in international relations?




d)Geopolitics* [Pg. 48]

  1. Which followed from the dissolution of the Soviet Union?

a)Instead of one communist country, there were now 15

b)A permanent end to international conflict

c)A decade of prosperity in the developed world, ended by the events of September 11, 2001* [Pg. 48-49]

d)A global movement toward dictatorship instead of democracy

  1. What term is used in the book to describe a group of people who share a common culture, language, and political identity?

a)Nation* [Pg. 49]




  1. The term nation-state was originally linked to what type of culture?


b)Homogenous* [Pg. 49]



  1. Which of the following is the best reflection of a state that is pluralistic?

a)A state in which decision-making power is in the hands of a single leader

b)A state that lacks democratic institutions and individual freedoms

c)A state led by a monarch that allows religious freedom

d)A state in which power is shared between ethnic groups* [Pg. 49]

  1. Which term refers to the concept of self-governance and the ability to control a territory?

a)Sovereignty* [Pg. 49]




  1. Which of the following statements about the United Nations is true?

a)It focuses on the development of socialist-type economies.

b)It possesses its own standing army that is larger than any other except China’s.

c)Its rulings pertaining to nation-states are not legally binding.* [Pg. 49]

d)It consists of all developed countries except those from the former Soviet bloc.


where is it? why is it there?

  1. What concept is used to identify an area of the earth’s surface that contains distinct patterns of human or physical activity or features?

Answer: Region [Pg. 6]

  1. What is the term for regions that lie next to or near each other, and therefore are more likely to influence each other?

Answer: Contiguous [Pg. 9]

  1. What is the practice of taking over the human and natural resources of often distant places in order to produce wealth?

Answer: Colonialism [Pg. 9]

  1. What term refers to payments made by migrants to their families back home?

Answer: Remittances [Pg. 10]