Application Form

EMMS, the Joint European Master’s Programme in Materials ScienceUniversidade de Aveiro (Portugal),

HamburgUniversity of Technology (Germany),

Aalborg Universitet (Denmark)

Personal Data


last / family name(s) first / given name(s)

Previous name (if applicable):

last / family name(s) first / given name(s)

Date of birth / / Gender (F / M)

Dd / mm/ yyyy

Marital status

City and country of birth Nationality

Identity card no.

Issued in (country and city)

Date of issue / /

Dd / mm / yyyy

Please refer to the type of identity document (identity card or passport)

Correspondence Address

Mailing address, street and number

Post code -City

County / region (if applicable) Country

Phone no (include country and region codes): Mobile phone:

Fax: Email:

Permanent Address

Mailing address, street and number

Post code - City

County / region (if applicable) Country

Phone no (include country and region codes): Mobile phone:

Fax: Email:

Academic Information

Course / School/University / City/Country / Beginning month/year / End month/year / Final grade / Degree

Academic honours, awards, fellowships:

List of referees that you have asked for a letter of recommendation (2 at least)

(name; position ; address)

(name; position ; address)

(name; position ; address)

Present Activity and Professional Experience

Kind of professional activity (employee, unemployed, student…)

Enterprise / Institution
Position / Profession
Date of beginning of activity / /
Enterprise / institution address
Brief description of responsibilities

Past Professional Experience

of activity
(mm/yyyy) / End of
(mm/yyyy) / Position, institution and brief description of responsibilities

Vocational Training Courses

Name of training course / Training entity / Duration
(hours) / Date

Candidate’s Publications

Author(s) / Title / Journal / Year

Candidate’s Communications / Conference Papers

Author(s) / Title / Journal / Year

Computer skills

Software / Competence level
(write “advanced”, “average” or “basic”)

Language skills (write “advanced”, “average” or “basic”)

Language / Writing / Oral / Reading

How did you aqcuire your language skills?

Did you pass any language tests recently (e.g. TOEFL, IELTS, TestDAF,...)?

Name of test / Language / Date / Grade

GRE (Graduate Record Examinations) General Test

Please note that the GRE is mandatory for enrolment at TUHH, unless you have graduated ata European university or been awarded a DAAD or an ERASMUS Mundus scholarship.)

Date:Scores: verbal quantitative analytical

The GRE General Test measures verbal reasoning, quantitative reasoning, critical thinking, and

analytical writing skills.

At which university would you like to enrol? Please indicate your preference:

Universidade de Aveiro (Portugal)

HamburgUniversity of Technology (Germany)

(Please note that enrolment is only possible at UA and TUHH, since the courses of the

first and second semester are not offered by AAU. Send only one application!)

In case that you can not be admitted at the university of your first choice, would you wish to start

your studies at the second university?

Yes No

Within Materials Science and Engineering, please indicate your field(s) of major interest:

Why are you applying to this course? Briefly state your main reasons here (and elaborate

in your “Statement of Purpose”):

How did you hear about this course?

Did you apply, or do you intend to apply to other universities besides those involved in

this EMMS course? If so, please mention which ones.

Do you want to apply for an ERASMUS Mundus scholarship for EMMS? (Only possible for

applicants who are not residents of the 25 EU Member States, the EEA-EFTA states and the

candidate countries for accession to the EU, and who have not carried out their main activities

(studies, work, etc.) for more than a total of 12 months over the last five years in any of the

above countries). Deadline of application for an Erasmus Mundus scholarship is 31 January.


/ /

(place) (date, dd / mm / yyyy)


Admission Requirements

Applicants should hold a very good first degree in Materials Science / Engineering or related

areas (Physics or Chemistry), as well as sufficient proficiency in English, documented by passing

IELTS with a minimum score of 6.5 or TOEFL 550 paper based, 213 computer based, 79 web-based.

Documents to be provided together with the application form

If you wish to apply for admission to the Joint European Master’s Programme in Materials, you

should send in the following documents by mail:

• Application form (completed and signed)

• Curriculum vitae / résumé

• Statement of purpose (max. two pages), including your reasons for undertaking graduate work

in the chosen field

• Officially authenticated copy of Bachelor’s degree certificate or equivalent, including your

aggregate mark or grade average and your overall rank in class, with explanation of grading

system (maximum grade, minimum passing grade, etc.)

• Officially authenticated copy of complete university transcript of records (semester mark sheets),

listing your subjects and grades

• If not native English speaker: valid IELTS score report (or authenticated results of equivalent

test). Further information is available at and

• Two letters of recommendation, submitted from faculty members acquainted with the applicant's

work in the major area of undergraduate study. If that work occurred some time ago,

recommendations from those familiar with the applicant's professional performance are

acceptable as well.

To accelerate the application process, the application form and scanned copies of the documents should be sent by email to:

- applications to UA

- applications to TUHH

Note that without thisdocumentation received by mailthe applications cannot be fully considered.

For enrolment at TUHH

In addition to the documents mentioned above, you will have to provide

• a score report of the GRE General Test. The GRE institution code of TUHH is 8165 (no

department code required). Graduates from European universities and holders of a

DAAD or ERASMUS MUNDUS scholarship are exempted. Further information is

available at

• an officially authenticated copy of university entrance qualification (general certificate of

secondary education or high school leaving certificate or college diploma or equivalent,

depending on your country's educational system, plus university entrance test result if


Chinese applicants must additionally submit the APS-certificate of the “Akademische Pruefstelle”

of the German Embassy in Beijing (LandmarkTower 2, Office 0311, 8, North Dongsanhuan

Road, Chaoyang District, Beijing-100004, Tel: 0086-10-6590-7138/-7141, Fax: 0086-10-

65907140, E-mail: ). Chinese applicants who hold a scholarship from DAAD or

another recognized German scholarship organization are exempted from this requirement.

Candidates will be selected by TUHH professors specialised in Materials Science upon a

proposal of the EMMS coordination committee.

Enrolment at TUHH will take place end of September. Courses start in the second half of October.

If the requested documents are not in English, French, or German language, officially

authenticated translations have to be added. Please note that authentication itself, too, must be

performed in English, French, or German language. In Germany, authentication can also be

performed by the respective resident’s registration office („Einwohnermeldeamt“).

Should your final degree certificate and final year transcripts not yet be available, you are kindly

requested to submit an official provisional degree certificate and transcript or an official letter of

your registrar, dean, or academic supervisor, listing the remaining subjects and the prospective

grades as well as the prospective final grade average.

Authentication of all documents will be accepted only if performed by a notary public, by the

Embassy or Consulate in your home country, or by the institution that has issued the original

document. (Secondary or intermediate school certificates authenticated by your university or vice

versa cannot be accepted.)

Applications for enrolment at TUHH should be submitted to the following address:

HamburgUniversity of Technology (TUHH)

International Academic Programs - EMMS

Schwarzenbergstr. 95

D-21073 Hamburg


For enrolment at UA

Candidates will be selected by the Scientific Council of the University of Aveiro upon a proposal

of the EMMS coordination committee.

The decision will be one of the following:

Unconditional offer - this means that you have been offered a place on the course of your

choice and that you fulfil all requirements.

Conditional offer - this means that you have been offered a place on the course of your

choice, subject to achieving certain conditions. Usually these conditions will relate to the

achieving of a certain level of English language competency, or achieving a certain grade

in undergraduate study, or securing funding.

Decline/Reject - this means that the Department is unable to offer you a place to study on

the course or your choice.

Enrolment at UA will take place end of September. Courses start on the 6th of October.

If the documents are not in English, French, Spanish or Portuguese language, officially

authenticated translations have to be added. Please note that authentication itself, too, must be

performed in English, French, Spanish or Portuguese language.

Applications for enrolment at UA should be submitted to the following address:

Serviços Académicos

Universidade de Aveiro

Campus Universitário de Santiago

P 3810-193 Aveiro, Portugal

In addition, postgraduate applications forms and PDF files of the various documents requested

can also be sent by email. UA is keen to encourage this method of application, but applicants

must ensure that they send all documents by post as soon as possible. Without this

documentation, applications cannot be fully considered.

EMMS Tuition fees

General fees of 3000 € per year will be charged for the programme. All students have to pay the

same amount of fees, regardless of their origin.

The fees contain all local administrative expenses of the students and will be used for

• Grants for students for general mobility and travel to conferences

• Staff meetings and teacher exchange establishing enhanced quality assurance mechanisms

• Covering actual costs at each university including local administrative expenses of students

• Promotion of the programme and marketing

• Administrative costs of the coordinating university

For reasons of simplicity of administration, all fees have to be paid to the Universidade de Aveiro,

regardless where the student wishes to start. Please check the EMMS homepage and / or the

web pages of the universities for details.

General remarks concerning the application process in EMMS

Academic assessment is done by experts from the field, on defined criteria and under exclusion

of any conflict of interests. After having evaluated all incoming applications that were formally

eligible, the Assessment Committee will come to a definite decision that is not open to any


Documents of application cannot be returned to the applicants, so please do not submit any

original documents.

Please note that incomplete applications and applications containing documents that have not

been properly authenticated cannot be considered.

Applications submitted through mediators like educational consultants or agencies will not be


Please do not use unnecessary packaging material (folders, transparent covers, separate

envelopes, pins, etc.) for your documents.

Selection criteria

Admission to the programme is highly competitive. Selection will be made by a selection

committee on the basis of the documents of application. Important criteria are:

• Final mark of the BSc (or equivalent degree)

• Number of scientific publications and/or communications in scientific meetings

• Experience in research activities in the field of material sciences or related areas

• Industrial experience

• Motivation of the candidate

Application deadline

The application deadline for the Joint European Master’s Programme in Materials Science

(EMMS) is 31 May. (A second call for applications will be announced in August.)

Please note that the deadline is 31 January if you wish to apply for an ERASMUS Mundus


Candidates will get a written confirmation by air mail upon the receipt of their application papers

as well as a written statement on the final decision about admission (as soon as it is available).

Before You Leave

Please make sure that you have arranged the necessary emigration procedures such as: Visas,

passport, health matters, etc. and inform yourself about accommodation in Hamburg or Aveiro.

UA and TUHH will advise and assist in these issues to facilitate such procedures.

Financial Support

ERASMUS Mundus scholarships: Very well qualified students, who are not residents of the EU

Member States, the EEA-EFTA states and the candidate countries for accession to the EU, and

who have not carried out their main activities (studies, work, etc.) for more than a total of 12

months over the last five years in any of the above countries may apply for ERASMUS Mundus

scholarships. Please note application deadline for these scholarships is already 1st of February.

ECIU mobility grants for students in joint ECIU Master’s programmes: Partial grants, covering

additional costs for mobility within the programme, are available for European students (i.e.

students from the EU, EEA-EFTA or accession states to the EU and all students studying at a

European university at the time of application). Application for these grants for the 2nd, 3rd or 4th

semester has to be done during the preceding semester. It is not possible to apply before

admission to the EMMS programme. Applications for these grants are to be handed in to the local

academic coordinator.

TUHH advises students to address themselves to the German Academic Exchange Service

(DAAD) who is running a generous support scheme. Please surf for grants etc.

Course syllabus information

At UA:


Further information

If you have any questions regarding the admission procedure at TUHH, please contact

If you have any questions regarding the admission procedure at UA, please contact

Please detach pages 8-11 from the application form and keep them.