St Augustine’s Catholic Primary School

Results of Pupil Questionnaire

March 2017

Overall – selected joint questions

EYFS and KS1

What do like about the school?

·  PE, helping people, interesting work, spellings because they are nice, going outside because I can run, Golden Time, the phonics family with Superman, the clubs, PSHE because it’s fun, Choosing time because it is fun, dinner time – the food is nice and healthy, sharing and caring with my friends, helping my friends, reading the stories, role play, trips, fraction sandwiches, investigating bugs, Challenges.

·  Golden time, break/dinner time, trips, MADD days, English, singing practice/club, people into school for learning, library time, maths, PE, non-uniform days

·  Playtimes, Golden Time, art, maths, the teachers, English, computers/iPads, PE, school trips, football, Mass, science, lunch time, writing, non-uniform days, topic work, World Book Day, phonics, PSHE, assemblies, MADD Days, Summer Fair

What clubs would they like to be able to do?

·  Eating, Minecraft, football, karate, running, visitors

·  Cookery, tennis, boxing, football, hockey, dodge-ball, building

·  Cooking, dodge-ball, baseball, gardening, basketball, swimming, football, henna

What activities would they like to see on the playground at break/dinner times?

·  Football and nets, monkey bars, climbing board, sitting area with books, bouncy castle, trampoline, racing car that you can drive in, slide, pirate ship, see-saw, running track, basketball net

·  Gymnastics, dancing, exercise (1 mile walk/run each day), football, learning wall outside

·  Netball, cricket, skipping, hula-hoops, bean bags, football, bikes, dodgeball, scooters, tennis

What else would you like to improve about the school?

·  More trips, dinner in classroom

·  More trips – Blackpool Zoo etc.

·  Give children iPads each, make a second floor on the school.


What do you like about the school?

Year 3:

·  English/Maths/ PE/ RE/ PSHE/ Art/ Science/ French, fun activities, assemblies, football, going to the library and reading, Class Dojo, prizes from Mrs Dowson, Golden Time, the teachers helping me, wet play games

Year 3/4:

·  Golden Time, playground, science experiment lessons, Maths, school trips, Guided reading, beanbags in the library, non-uniform days, Toy Day, playing on the infant yard, lunch time, Christmas party, Summer/ Christmas Fair, special events, The teachers, fun PE lessons, Easter Raffle, Sports Day, swimming, disco, after school cubs, our football day, attendance treats, MADD Days

Year 4/5:

·  Fun, sports, PE coaches, arts & crafts, school dinners, English lessons improve me, fun events and challenge days, photo day, inventing lessons, fun trips, playtie equipment, trim trail, clubs, school competitions, Sports Day

Year 5/6:

·  PE and clubs, it’s fun to be with friends, science experiments, tournaments

Year 6:

·  PE, clubs, trips, art, tournaments, friends, science, maths, dinner time, playtimes

What clubs would you like to be able to do?

Year 3:

·  Choir, football, film, multi-sports, gymnastics, Maths/English/ Homework, Science, Art, Tutoring 1:1, drama, rugby, writing, basketball, cricket, origami, pets, swimming, karate, technology

Year 3/4:

·  Football club for Y3&4, cooking, badminton, dance, swimming club, laptop club, gaming (computer/iPad) club, basketball club, boys group after school, tennis, cycling, camping/outdoor/ gardening, board game, party/disco, table tennis, cricket

Year 4/5:

·  Cooking club, sports coaches, karate,

Year 5/6:

·  Athletics, tennis, cooking/ baking, henna, art

Year 6:

·  After-school drama, basketball, cooking, gaming, cricket, rounders, fashion club

What activities would they like to see on the playground at break/dinner times?

Year 3:

·  Slide/swing, rugby, racing track (toy car), bowling alley, hockey, hula hoops, picnics, roller skating

Year 3/4:

·  Swings, fruit shop, slide, tennis, baseball, chocolate fountain, see-saw, colouring area, indoor place to make aeroplanes etc, bowling, whiteboard outside to draw on, volleyball, golf

Year 4/5:

·  More games – not just football, other games

Year 5/6:

·  Parachute, netball, bow and arrow (plastic), trampoline

Year 6:

·  Hula hoops, cricket bats, tennis, more football pitches, balls, bigger nets

What else would you like to improve about school?

Year 3:

·  New school sign near the gates, paint main gates red, flower beds near the main gates, junior yard – grass for football pitch, football nets higher, paint the hut

Year 3/4:

·  More holidays, fun activities, improve the toilets (more in the boys, cleaner, more colourful), I hour playtime, more toys, no uniform, more toilets

Year 4/5:

·  More trips, more dress up days – PJs/ funny feet, more competitions to win prizes, own bus for trips

Year 5/6:

·  Proper PE hall/ sports ground/ running track, more trips, school bicycles, rock climbing

Year 6:

·  Longer break/ dinner times, longer PE lessons, extra play at playtimes, more non-uniform days, seconds at dinner time, football pitch into astro-turf, boxing punch bags, boxing ring, smoothies, swings, vending machine