1. A hacker who manipulates an online business's software program and deletes information or changes information is involved in

A. computer-based fraud. C. web-site vandalism.

B. sending e-mail viruses. D. denying Internet access.

2. After her seventh month in business, Martha realized that her new online venture was paying off, and she would be earning a $1,000 profit for the month. Finally, she could reap the financial rewards of being the boss. This is an advantage of what type of business ownership?

A. Merger C. Corporation

B. Partnership D. Sole proprietorship

3. Why is it important for the home office of an Internet-based company to comply with the Occupational Safety and Health Administration's (OSHA) workplace regulations?

A. To avoid paying penalties C. To prevent on-site inspections

B. To monitor work-related accidents D. To eliminate all complaints

4. An online retailer whose goal is to make sure the company's products are at the right place in time for purchase by consumers should focus on the marketing function of

A. utility. C. distribution.

B. selling. D. packaging.

5. Intermediaries buy large quantities of goods from producers and sell smaller quantities to other intermediaries or to consumers. The result is that intermediaries ______the per-unit cost of a good.

A. control C. reduce

B. increase D. stabilize

6. How has the use of the Internet impacted the distribution process?

A. It has enabled end users to negotiate product terms and pricing with each member of the supply chain.

B. It has created a need for concentrated shipment destinations and warehousing accommodations.

C. It has changed the shipment types from smaller diverse lots to larger bulk lots.

D. It has shifted the supply chain from a predictable ordering schedule to one that is more flexible.

7. The dealers who are authorized by manufacturers to distribute the manufacturers' products are the ones who usually are negatively affected by

A. personal selling. C. volume buying.

B. gray marketing. D. sale pricing.

8. Why is it important for Internet-based businesses to coordinate distribution with other marketing activities?

A. To provide customer service C. To plan warehouse space

B. To arrange transportation D. To manage inventory levels

9. Which of the following often is the goal of online retailers that use the channel strategy of intensive distribution:

A. Create an upscale image C. Target a specific area

B. Saturate the market D. Eliminate the middleman

10. E-businesses regularly meet with channel members to discuss problems and improve performance in order to develop

A. cost-effective inventories. C. transportation systems.

B. long-term partnerships. D. routine buying procedures.

11. One of the purposes of staff communication is for Internet-based business managers to provide

A. customers with product information. C. stockholders with financial reports.

B. employees with access to the grapevine. D. employees with guidance and direction.

12. When participating in staff meetings, an Internet-based company's employees should be prepared to

A. remain silent. C. comment on every detail.

B. join in the discussion. D. argue.

13. When giving job instructions to employees, an Internet-based company's managers should take into consideration the employees' level of

A. professionalism. C. authority.

B. income. D. experience.

14. Why should you summarize your online customers' problems when responding to their e-mail messages?

A. To thank customers for their business

B. To show that you fully understand the problem

C. To decide how the problem can be resolved

D. To apologize for any inconvenience

15. What do managers often develop to create positive relations with their online customers?

A. Operating procedures C. Sales strategies

B. Service policies D. Marketing tactics

16. Which of the following provides an e-tailer with the most control over fulfillment processes:

A. Outsourcing all of the processes to a fulfillment house

B. Keeping inventory on hand until customer orders are received

C. Contracting with a drop-shipper to deliver products to customers

D. Purchasing products from a local distributor after customer orders are received

17. Bart, a receiving clerk with GoodProducts.com, usually counts each item in a shipment and marks it off the purchase order in order to

A. warehouse excess goods. C. distribute stock.

B. label merchandise. D. identify discrepancies.

18. Calculate the least expensive way to combine and ship eight 10-pound packages if the parcel post rate is $4.55 for a 10-pound package, $5.90 for a 20-pound package, $7.05 for a 30-pound package, and $8.35 for a 40-pound package.

A. Three 20-pound packages and two 10-pound packages

B. Eight 10-pound packages

C. Two 30-pound packages and one 20-pound package

D. Two 40-pound packages

19. Visual control of inventory often involves the use of ______to rotate stock.

A. tickler control C. color coding

B. reorder control D. check-out scanner

20. E-tailers develop real time inventory systems in order to

A. know if products listed for sale on their web sites are actually in stock.

B. keep track of the items that visitors put in their online shopping carts.

C. prevent hackers from deleting products from the business's web site.

D. send out e-mail messages to customers when back-ordered items appear in stock.

21. One way that an online business's customer-service department can facilitate the distribution process is to make sure the customer

A. tells others about the product. C. pays full price for the product.

B. accepts delivery of the product. D. receives the correct product.

22. Cash-register tapes and shipping forms used by an online business would be classified as industrial

A. supplies. C. parts.

B. equipment. D. materials.

23. In market economies, which of the following is the most critical factor in deciding how products will be produced:

A. Competition C. Tradition

B. Government D. Distribution

24. When a rival's product on the market reduces sales of your online company's product, your online company is experiencing economic risk caused by

A. shifts in consumer demand. C. product obsolescence.

B. the efforts of competitors. D. government intervention.

25. An e-commerce business's market structure in an industry can be described as

A. a tool for measuring economic activity.

B. a method of categorizing goods and services.

C. a way for suppliers and demanders to interact.

D. a means of gauging a business's financial success.

26. What does price level measure in a given year?

A. What prices may look like in the future

B. How fast prices rose last month

C. How high or low prices are

D. How fast prices have dropped in the last decade

27. What often happens to an economy during a mildly inflationary period?

A. Increased growth C. Decreased profits

B. Decreased prosperity D. Increased unemployment

28. An online business's employee is trying to reduce the level of stress s/he is experiencing by focusing on a peaceful beach scene and trying to imagine the sights and sounds of the scene. This is an example of which stress management and relaxation technique?

A. Muscular relaxation C. Positive self-talk

B. Deep breathing D. Visualization

29. The way in which e-tail supervisors guide the work of employees depends upon their

A. desire for success. C. management style.

B. technical skills. D. level of education.

30. Which of the following is a guideline for giving effective recognition:

A. Limit compliments C. Exaggerate praise

B. Be general D. Be timely

31. A credit account in which the purchaser usually makes a down payment and signs a contract to make a series of scheduled payments and finance charges describes which of the following:

A. Open account C. Revolving credit

B. Installment credit D. Layaway plan

32. Which of the following is a reason why Internet-based businesses should evaluate speculative risks:

A. To estimate the level of property damage C. To reduce the possibility of theft

B. To obtain adequate insurance coverage D. To determine the potential for loss

33. Joe is the owner of Newgoods.com. His employees plugged the electrical cord for display lights into an old, worn, extension cord. Joe instructed them to get a new, heavy-duty cord. Joe is implementing ______measures.

A. expense-control C. employee-control

B. loss-prevention D. security-precaution

34. Which of the following are the categories that web-based companies use to summarize information on their balance sheets:

A. Liabilities, equipment and sales C. Assets, liabilities, and equity

B. Equity, budget, and cash D. Cash, budget, and credit

35. On an e-tailer's income statement, the difference between the cost of goods sold and net sales is

A. gross sales. C. gross margin.

B. net profit. D. net expenses.

36. If an online business sells an item for $26.75 and has costs and expenses of $22.25 per item, what is the business's return on investment for each item?

A. 22% C. 24%

B. 20% D. 26%

37. When determining its hiring needs, an e-business must first consider its financial status and its ______needs.

A. uniform C. productivity

B. secondary D. temporary

38. When concluding an interview with a job applicant, the interviewer should explain the

A. next step in the process. C. performance evaluation system.

B. requirements of the position. D. problems in the business.

39. An e-tailer's current employees often assist with the orientation process by helping the new employees to

A. negotiate contracts. C. develop work skills.

B. ask questions. D. learn their jobs.

40. Since not all of an e-tailer's training and development needs are as important as others, the e-tailer needs to prioritize its needs according to the

A. trainees' personal needs. C. population to be served.

B. implementation checklist. D. training offered by competitors.

41. Which function of a marketing-information management system involves collecting data from internal and external sources on an ongoing basis:

A. Information processing C. Sales forecasts

B. Information gathering D. Information reporting

42. What technological tool allows marketers to find valuable information in remote locations?

A. Cookies C. Internet

B. E-mail D. Cell phones

43. CarlsCandy.com needs more information in order to define the reason for its research and to decide which direction to take. What type of marketing research would CarlsCandy.com use?

A. Causal C. Predictive

B. Descriptive D. Exploratory

44. As a result of tracking how often customers visit a web site and what they buy, an e-business might use that information to

A. prepare an online privacy statement. C. negotiate with a key supplier.

B. decide which products to feature. D. collect primary research data.

45. The sale of goods and services on the Internet is having a negative effect on many salespeople by

A. reducing the need for product knowledge. C. increasing commission rates.

B. decreasing job opportunities. D. promoting additional customer contact.

46. Marketing strategies are designed and implemented for the overall purpose of

A. changing the image of an e-business. C. achieving planned goals.

B. improving management techniques. D. increasing an e-tailer's profits immediately.

47. One way e-businesses segment their markets is by studying

A. human relations. C. their employees.

B. mass marketing. D. consumers' characteristics.

48. When an e-business selects a target market, the most useful or desirable market segments to the business are those that are measurable and

A. inflexible. C. concentrated.

B. undifferentiated. D. accessible.

49. Why is it important for e-businesses to regularly analyze the external environment in which they operate?

A. To be socially responsible C. To behave ethically

B. To understand change D. To calculate profit

50. Which of the following is an internal strength that an e-business might identify during a SWOT analysis:

A. Financial resources C. Increased expenses

B. Extensive regulations D. Limited competition

51. Which of the following is a global trend that Internet-based businesses might identify as being an opportunity:

A. Increased language barrier C. Decreased population growth

B. Increased political unrest D. Decreased trade regulation

52. A manufacturer expects product sales to decrease during the coming year. How does this information affect the production of goods?

A. Production should remain the same. C. Production should increase.

B. Production should decrease. D. Production should not be affected.

53. Jackie wants to start her own web-based business and is beginning to develop her business plan. What are the three major sections of a well-organized business plan?

A. Marketing plan, financial plan, and business situation analysis

B. Financial plan, manufacturing plan, and market segment analysis

C. Projected income report, marketing plan, and SWOT analysis

D. Business situation analysis, SWOT analysis, and trading area analysis

54. Which of the following is an adjustment that an e-tailer might make to its marketing plan after conducting a profitability analysis:

A. Increase compensation and benefit package

B. Reduce the number of employees in the accounting department

C. Buy more equipment for the warehouse

D. Eliminate certain items from the product mix

55. Which of the following is a characteristic of a search engine that uses web spiders to obtain information:

A. Can return a large number of hits C. Only retrieves data from secure locations

B. Usually has a high rate of repetitive hits D. Requires users to provide meta tags

56. When creating web pages, an online business should be sure to include a ______the home page.

A. summary of C. link to

B. picture on D. reason for

57. How must a web page be formatted, so that it can be viewed on a computer screen?

A. Hypertext transport protocol (HTTP) C. Internet service provider (ISP)

B. Hypertext markup language (HTML) D. Secure sockets layer (SSL)

58. Online businesses should organize their records in a systematic manner so that information can be

A. available to everyone. C. distributed freely.

B. accessed when needed. D. published in newsletters.

59. As a result of conducting an environmental scan, an e-tailer might find that the rate of unemployment is slowly increasing, which is an example of a(n) ______factor.

A. economic C. political

B. geographic D. cultural

60. Darla is concerned about the security of customers' transactions on her online company's web site. Which of the following methods can Darla use to protect her online business and her customers:

A. Use encryption algorithms

B. Hire a professional to try to break into the system

C. Have an 800 number for customers to call and charge purchases