Project Title / Applies Subpopulation (s)
Date Range / Wave 0 (1999/2000 – 2000/2001) Wave 1 (2001/2002 – 2003/2004)
Wave 2 (2004/2005 – 2006/2007) Wave 3 (2007/2008 – 2008/2009)
Wave 4 (2009/2010 – 2010/2011) Wave 5 (2011/2012 – 2012/2013)
Other date range criteria:
Early Development Instrument (EDI)
Conditions for access to EDI data:
For access to EDI data from 1999/2000 to 2010/2011 (through Population Data BC), researchers must meet all of the following conditions:
  1. A member of the research team (Principal Investigator or Co-Investigator) must be from the University of British Columbia, the Human Early Learning Partnership (HELP), or an affiliate or partner of HELP.
I am an eligible researcher from UBC, HELP, or an affiliate or partner of HELP.
  1. The researcher must describe how the research project relates to the Early Childhood Development Mapping Project (ECDMP) For more information on the ECDMP see HELP Data Steward will have decision-making authority on the relevance to the ECDMP.
Please provide explanations for the following:
  • Explain the project's relevance for the overall ECDMP.
  • Does the project contribute in some manner to the psychometrics of EDI?
  • Does the project expand our understanding of ECD relevant for the ECDMP?
  • Does the project contribute in a unique manner that is not identified here?

  1. Researchers are required to share their results with HELP in order to ensure that their project will contribute to the ongoing work of the program of research.
I have read and understand the above requirement.
Applicant Signature / ______
Print Name / ______
Date Signed
Principal Investigator Signature
(if different from Applicant) / ______
Print Name / ______
Date Signed
Data Collection and School Information
Wave of data
Wave year (Kindergarten year / Year of data collection)
Date of completion
Child ID – Placement on the class list
School district number (Site ID) and name
School – Code assigned by the Ministry of Education (8 digits, unencrypted) and name. Research rationale describing why this field is required must be supplied before it will be considered for release:
School – City. Research rationale describing why this field is required must be supplied before it will be considered for release:
School – Postal code (first 3 digits)
School – Postal code (6 digits). Research rationale describing why this field is required must be supplied before it will be considered for release:
Independent school – Based on school board data
School – Francophone school
Class – French immersion class in Anglophone school
Class – Other immersion class in Anglophone school
Class – Class ID number in school
Class – Time of class
Class – Class assignment / (2001 forward)
Class – Type of class
Child Information
Child – Month of birth. Research rationale describing why this field is required must be supplied before it will be considered for release:
Child – Age at completion of the questionnaire
Child – Age dichotomized: young/old
Child – Gender
Child – ESL (English as a second language)
Child – ESD (English as a second dialect) / (2009 forward)
Child – Special needs status
Child – First language(s) and language codes
Child – Communicates adequately in first language / (2005 forward)
Child – Less than 1 month in current school (Status)
Child – Repeating this grade / (2005 forward)
School district number and name (based on postal code of child's residence)
Neighbourhood number and name (based on postal code of child's residence). Research rationale describing why this field is required must be supplied before it will be considered for release:
Local Health Area number and name (based on postal code of child's residence). Research rationale describing why this field is required must be supplied before it will be considered for release:
Health Service Delivery Area number and name (based on postal code of child's residence)
Health Area number and name (based on postal code of child's residence)
Service Delivery Area number and name (based on postal code of child's residence)
Local Service Area number and name (based on postal code of child's residence)
MCFD Region code and name (based on postal code of child's residence)
Geocode type
Teacher Information: Teacher Participation Form – Please See HELP Website
Teacher – ID number
Teacher – Number of students in this class (with categories) / (2005 forward)
Teacher – Gender / (2005 forward)
Teacher – Age category / (2005 forward)
Teacher – Experience in months / (2005 forward)
Teacher – Experience in this school in months / (2005 forward)
Teacher – Experience at this grade level in months / (2005 forward)
Teacher – Experience for this class in months / (2005 forward)
Teacher – Completed levels of education / (2005 forward)
First time completing EDI / (2009 forward)
Number of times previously completed the EDI / (2009 forward)
Attended teacher training previously / (2009 forward)
Number of times attended training previously / (2009 forward)
Received teacher training for this implementation / (2009 forward)
Comment on usefulness of the teacher training for this implementation (text field – Contact Population Data BC for details.) / (2009 forward)
EDI Teacher Guide feedback / (2009 forward)
Questionnaire Section A – Physical Well-Being
Number of days absent. Research rationale describing why this field is required must be supplied before it will be considered for release:
Sometimes arrives dressed inappropriately for school-related activities. Research rationale describing why this field is required must be supplied before it will be considered for release:
Sometimes arrives too tired to do school work. Research rationale describing why this field is required must be supplied before it will be considered for release:
Sometimes arrives late. Research rationale describing why this field is required must be supplied before it will be considered for release:
Sometimes arrives hungry. Research rationale describing why this field is required must be supplied before it will be considered for release:
Independent in washroom habit most of the time. Research rationale describing why this field is required must be supplied before it will be considered for release:
Shows established hand preference. Research rationale describing why this field is required must be supplied before it will be considered for release:
Well coordinated. Research rationale describing why this field is required must be supplied before it will be considered for release:
Proficient at holding pen, crayons, or a brush. Research rationale describing why this field is required must be supplied before it will be considered for release:
Ability to manipulate objects .Research rationale describing why this field is required must be supplied before it will be considered for release:
Ability to climb stairs. Research rationale describing why this field is required must be supplied before it will be considered for release:
Level of energy throughout the school day. Research rationale describing why this field is required must be supplied before it will be considered for release:
Overall physical development .Research rationale describing why this field is required must be supplied before it will be considered for release:
Questionnaire Section B – Language and Cognitive Skills
Ability to use language effectively in English. Research rationale describing why this field is required must be supplied before it will be considered for release:
Ability to listen in English. Research rationale describing why this field is required must be supplied before it will be considered for release:
Ability to tell a story. Research rationale describing why this field is required must be supplied before it will be considered for release:
Ability to take part in imaginative play. Research rationale describing why this field is required must be supplied before it will be considered for release:
Ability to communicate own needs in an understandable way. Research rationale describing why this field is required must be supplied before it will be considered for release:
Ability to understand on first try what is being said to him/her. Research rationale describing why this field is required must be supplied before it will be considered for release:
Ability to articulate clearly, without sound substitutions. Research rationale describing why this field is required must be supplied before it will be considered for release:
Knows how to handle a book. Research rationale describing why this field is required must be supplied before it will be considered for release:
Interested in books. Research rationale describing why this field is required must be supplied before it will be considered for release:
Interested in reading. Research rationale describing why this field is required must be supplied before it will be considered for release:
Identifies at least 10 letters of the alphabet. Research rationale describing why this field is required must be supplied before it will be considered for release:
Attaches sounds to letters. Research rationale describing why this field is required must be supplied before it will be considered for release:
Aware of rhyming words. Research rationale describing why this field is required must be supplied before it will be considered for release:
Participates in group reading activities. Research rationale describing why this field is required must be supplied before it will be considered for release:
Reads simple words. Research rationale describing why this field is required must be supplied before it will be considered for release:
Reads complex words. Research rationale describing why this field is required must be supplied before it will be considered for release:
Reads simple sentences. Research rationale describing why this field is required must be supplied before it will be considered for release:
Experiments with writing tools. Research rationale describing why this field is required must be supplied before it will be considered for release:
Aware of writing directionsin English. Research rationale describing why this field is required must be supplied before it will be considered for release:
Interested in writing voluntarily. Research rationale describing why this field is required must be supplied before it will be considered for release:
Writes own name in English. Research rationale describing why this field is required must be supplied before it will be considered for release:
Writes simple words. Research rationale describing why this field is required must be supplied before it will be considered for release:
Writes simple sentences. Research rationale describing why this field is required must be supplied before it will be considered for release:
Remembers things easily. Research rationale describing why this field is required must be supplied before it will be considered for release:
Interested in math. Research rationale describing why this field is required must be supplied before it will be considered for release:
Interested in games involving numbers. Research rationale describing why this field is required must be supplied before it will be considered for release:
Sorts and classifies objects by a common characteristic. Research rationale describing why this field is required must be supplied before it will be considered for release:
Uses 1 to 1 correspondence. Research rationale describing why this field is required must be supplied before it will be considered for release:
Counts to 20. Research rationale describing why this field is required must be supplied before it will be considered for release:
Recognizes numbers 1-10. Research rationale describing why this field is required must be supplied before it will be considered for release:
Compares numbers – Says which number is bigger of the two. Research rationale describing why this field is required must be supplied before it will be considered for release:
Recognizes geometric shapes. Research rationale describing why this field is required must be supplied before it will be considered for release:
Understands simple time concepts. Research rationale describing why this field is required must be supplied before it will be considered for release:
Demonstrates special numeracy skills or talents. Research rationale describing why this field is required must be supplied before it will be considered for release:
Demonstrates special literacy skills or talents. Research rationale describing why this field is required must be supplied before it will be considered for release:
Demonstrates special skills or talents in arts. Research rationale describing why this field is required must be supplied before it will be considered for release:
Demonstrates special skills or talents in music. Research rationale describing why this field is required must be supplied before it will be considered for release:
Demonstrates special skills or talents in athletics/dance. Research rationale describing why this field is required must be supplied before it will be considered for release:
Demonstrates special skills or talents in problem-solving in a creative way. Research rationale describing why this field is required must be supplied before it will be considered for release:
Demonstrates special skills or talents in other areas (with text description – Contact Population Data BC for details.) Research rationale describing why this field is required must be supplied before it will be considered for release:
Adequately native. Research rationale describing why this field is required must be supplied before it will be considered for release:
English native. Research rationale describing why this field is required must be supplied before it will be considered for release:
Questionnaire Section C – Social and Emotional Development
Overall social/emotional development. Research rationale describing why this field is required must be supplied before it will be considered for release:
Ability to get along with peers. Research rationale describing why this field is required must be supplied before it will be considered for release:
Plays and works cooperatively with other children. Research rationale describing why this field is required must be supplied before it will be considered for release:
Plays with various children. Research rationale describing why this field is required must be supplied before it will be considered for release:
Follows rules and instructions. Research rationale describing why this field is required must be supplied before it will be considered for release:
Respects property of others. Research rationale describing why this field is required must be supplied before it will be considered for release:
Demonstrates self-control. Research rationale describing why this field is required must be supplied before it will be considered for release:
Shows self-confidence. Research rationale describing why this field is required must be supplied before it will be considered for release:
Demonstrates respect for adults. Research rationale describing why this field is required must be supplied before it will be considered for release:
Demonstrates respect for other children. Research rationale describing why this field is required must be supplied before it will be considered for release:
Accepts responsibility for actions. Research rationale describing why this field is required must be supplied before it will be considered for release:
Listens attentively. Research rationale describing why this field is required must be supplied before it will be considered for release:
Follows directions. Research rationale describing why this field is required must be supplied before it will be considered for release:
Completes work on time. Research rationale describing why this field is required must be supplied before it will be considered for release:
Works independently. Research rationale describing why this field is required must be supplied before it will be considered for release:
Takes care of school materials. Research rationale describing why this field is required must be supplied before it will be considered for release:
Works neatly and carefully. Research rationale describing why this field is required must be supplied before it will be considered for release:
Curious about the world. Research rationale describing why this field is required must be supplied before it will be considered for release:
Eager to play with new toy. Research rationale describing why this field is required must be supplied before it will be considered for release:
Eager to play a new game. Research rationale describing why this field is required must be supplied before it will be considered for release:
Eager to play with/read a new book. Research rationale describing why this field is required must be supplied before it will be considered for release:
Solves day-to-day problems by him/herself. Research rationale describing why this field is required must be supplied before it will be considered for release:
Follows one-step instructions. Research rationale describing why this field is required must be supplied before it will be considered for release:
Follows class routines without reminders. Research rationale describing why this field is required must be supplied before it will be considered for release:
Adjusts to changes in routines. Research rationale describing why this field is required must be supplied before it will be considered for release:
Answers questions showing knowledge about world. Research rationale describing why this field is required must be supplied before it will be considered for release:
Shows tolerance to someone who made a mistake. Research rationale describing why this field is required must be supplied before it will be considered for release:
Tries to help someone who has been hurt. Research rationale describing why this field is required must be supplied before it will be considered for release:
Volunteers to help clear up mess someone else has made. Research rationale describing why this field is required must be supplied before it will be considered for release:
Tries to stop quarrel or dispute. Research rationale describing why this field is required must be supplied before it will be considered for release:
Offers to help other children who have difficulty with a task. Research rationale describing why this field is required must be supplied before it will be considered for release:
Comforts crying or upset child. Research rationale describing why this field is required must be supplied before it will be considered for release:
Spontaneously helps to pick up objects which another child has dropped. Research rationale describing why this field is required must be supplied before it will be considered for release:
Invites bystanders to join in a game. Research rationale describing why this field is required must be supplied before it will be considered for release:
Helps other children who are feeling sick. Research rationale describing why this field is required must be supplied before it will be considered for release: