Please Note: Assistant Principal, Cherie Chapman will be in attendance from 5.15pm


Michelle Lomax (Chairperson), Andrew Basher (Principal), Steve Dorey,Susan Dobson, Gina-Lee Duncan, Jo Duston, Rachel Gale and Peter Kirkwood

In Attendance

Kim Jenkins

  1. Administration Matters
  • Welcome & Karakia
  • Apologies
  • Declaration of interests

Andrew Basher expressed an interest regarding Matter 4.3

Peter Kirkwood expressed an interest regarding Matter 5.2

Minutes and Action List

Minutes 18 May 2015

Resolved: “That the minutes of the Board of Trustees meeting of 22 June 2015 as circulated be confirmed.”

Andrew Basher/Steve Dorey

Minutes 30 June 2015 – Vulnerable Children Act 2014

Resolved: “That the minutes of the Board of Trustees meeting of 30 June 2015 as circulated be confirmed.”

Michelle Lomax/Steve Dorey

Matters Arising: Refer to Carried Forward/Action Items and read commentary in Board report on issues arising.

Included in the Board papers is the Principal’s Digital Plan for consideration.

Discussion re Digital Plan (during action plan update): Principal emphasised the importance of having a reliable infrastructure, including reliable ongoing maintenance, so that our system is fit for purpose. It was pointed out that also important to be change ready. The Board expressed a preference for a local provider if they could provide the required services and products. The ICT group will meet to decide what needs to happen, and report back for December meeting re what BHS will be obtaining a quote for.

Action: Peter Kirkwood and Principal to meet to discuss infrastructure requirements.

Action: Report back to December meeting.

  • Chair’s Update

Summary of Chair’s activities since the last meeting.

  • Weekly meetings with the Principal, Andrew Basher
  • Weekly meetings with the Executive Officer, Corrina Batt
  • 23 & 24 June Meeting with SEED New Zealand
  • 30 June Performance Management Principal – M Cameron
  • 1 July: Meeting Jo Parsons - Adventure Skills Ltd re EOTC review
  • 27 July: Meeting with PE Department - Sexuality Education Year 9 and 10 students
  • 29 July: Meeting with EO - signing of SUE Reports

Resolved: “That the update presented by the Chair is accepted.”

Michelle Lomax/Peter Kirkwood

BHS Board of Trustees Code of Behaviour (Code of Ethics)

All Trustees to sign Code (a copy has been included in your pack; please bring to the meeting and return to BOT Chair)

  1. Decisions, Monitoring and Discussion

2.1Progress on Actions in Annual Plan

2.2Data analysis

2.3Expert presentation – GAT Implementation Plan

Assistant Principal, Cherie Chapman, presenting GAT

Report circulated with agenda papers.

Discussion on GAT held. Ms Chapman advised it is not a process to be rushed. Important step is reviewing and extending the definition of GAT, which will include the threshold for what is considered GAT. She confirmed that an up-to-date register of GAT students will be kept.

The issue of resourcing of GAT was raised, and Ms Chapman was informed that the Board would need to know by October for budgeting purposes.

There was discussion around the possibility of having a Maori student rep on the Board in addition to the elected student rep. There was also discussion regarding notes from primary schools about GAT students, and concern that they don’t appear to be being utilised at BHS. Ms Chapmanidentifying the GAT students who are currently underachieving, not only relative to their potential, but also to other students was welcomed as an important area to address.

It was agreed that student voice of GAT students was an important way of assessing how to provide for those students, and to guide implementation of programmes for them, as well as obtaining relevant data. The Board felt it was very important to be able to measure progress of GAT students.

Ms Chapman suggested that a Teaching and Learning Strategic Plan would be beneficial. It was agreed that this is something that should drop out of the BHS Strategic Plan, which is currently being consulted on.

Ms Chapman to report back at December meeting as to progress and to meet with Mr Basher regarding policies and processes around GAT students, and also provide a report in December 2016 to monitor progress of GAT students.

Action: Ms Chapman to report back to December 2015 meeting and again in 2016.

Action: Chair to investigate whether Board can appoint a Maori student rep in addition to elected student rep.

2.4Charter update – 2015 Strategic Planning Process

Action: Ms Lomax, Mr Basher and Mrs Batt to meet to organise how to incorporate the strategic plan into the open night

2.5Finance and audit

Financial reports for the month of June 2015

Resolved: “That the Financial Statements for the Period 30 June 2015 are approved.”

Jo Duston/Peter Kirkwood

Resolved: “That the Buller High School Board of Trustees includes funding in its 2016 budget to support student training on the Spirit of Adventure Student Trustee Voyage.”

Andrew Basher/Gina-Lee Duncan

Discussion ensued about whether this should sit in the governance budget. It was widely agreed that this is valuable PD for the student rep, but there is scope to increase the governance budget to cater for more Board PD. Action: Ms Lomax to discuss with Mrs Batt about increase in Board budget for more trustees to go to NZSTA conference and student trustee to attend Spirit of Adventure in 2016.

Resolved: “That the Principal’s report be received.”

Andrew Basher/Peter Kirkwood

3.Special issues or projects

3.1Review of Board Policy Framework (deferred from meeting on 22 June – please bring your copy from last meeting)

Copy of NZSTA (May 2014) Policy Framework included in Board Documents

Action: Chair recommends due to time constraints to defer to a date before the next meeting to be confirmed by email. It was agreed that the Chair emails requests for any amendments to policies 1 – 11 on 14 September, to be finalised before the Board workshop on 21 September.

3.2Sexuality Education for Year 9 and 10 Students at Buller High School

Section 60B Consultation about Treatment of Health Curriculum

The outcome of the Community Consultation on Sexuality Education for Year 9 and 10 students was circulated with the Board agenda.

Resolved: “That in accordance with Section 60B of the Education Act, the School’s curriculum on Sexuality Education for Year 9 and 10 students is re-adopted for the next two years.”

Rachel Gale/Jo Duston

The Chair reported that following a meeting with the Health Ed department, it would be helpful for the Board to meet prior to the next Sexuality Education consultation, rather than once the consultation document has been finalised. Discussion ensued around the need to look into the appropriateness of the content taught to Yr10’s and could this be taught to Yr9’s and even Yr8’s. Consent was agreed as an important issue, and concerns were raised about the current understanding of this for some students. It was noted that Health Education is only compulsory in Yr9. There was also discussion about student voice in relation to sexuality education, but also in the wider school context. Concern was expressed about how Yr9 students are catered for to complete the Satisfaction survey when comprehension is difficult.

Action: Sexuality education to be included as an agenda item for 9 November meeting.

3.3Copyright and Creative Commons Policy in Schools

Resolved: “That the Buller High School Board of Trustees explores the development of a Creative Commons Policy.”

Michelle Lomax/Jo Duston

Action: Ms Lomax and Mrs Batt to work on Creative Commons policy for presentation to November Board meeting.

3.4Communication - BOT Governance/Publications and Public Minutes Published on School Website

Resolved: “That the Buller High School Board of Trustees includes on the website the following documents:

  • Charter
  • Strategic Plan
  • Annual Plan
  • Annual Report
  • BOT Minutes.”

Andrew Basher/Jo Duston

Action: Mr Basher to ensure these documents are put onto website by November meeting

Agreed to extend meeting to 7.30pm

4.Correspondence (discussion required)

4.1Office of the Auditor-General – School Audit Arrangements: 2015 – 2017 Financial Years

Copy of correspondence included with BOT pack – update from the Auditor-General.

4.2Darroch – MOE Teacher Housing – Disposal of vacant and privately tenanted non-core and core housing

Resolved: “That the property, 24 Derby Street, Westport (House ID: 40235) be retained by the Buller High School Board of Trustees to support the recruitment and retention of teachers employed at the School.”

Jo Duston/Peter Kirkwood

4.3Buller Netball Association – Seeking Board Permission to Resurface the McDonald Park Netball Courts

Key points to discuss with the Buller Netball Association:

  • The plans for the resurfacing of the project will result in a quality which is at least as good as, or better than, the existing surface.
  • The Board will not accept any responsibility for the cost of the resurfacing project, nor become involved in any fundraising activities.
  • The Buller Netball Association will, for the construction phase, provide appropriate insurance cover, including public liability insurance.
  • The Board will not be responsible for on-going maintenance, insurance or any other costs associated with the completed courts.
  • The Board investigate, with the Buller Netball Association, the best legal arrangement between the parties in regard to the courts.

Resolved: “That the Buller High School Board of Trustees grants permission to the Buller Netball Association to resurface the McDonald Park netball courts, subject to the above conditions.”

Gina-Lee Duncan/Rachel Gale

Action: Ms Lomax and Mrs Batt to look into a third party agreement with the Netball Association and report back to the Board on 9 November.

Correspondence (discussion not required)

4.4MOE English for Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL) – Adjustment to funding approved for terms 3-4

4.5Education Review Office – National Report Secondary-Tertiary Programmes (Trades Academy): What Works and Next Steps

Resolved: “That the inwards correspondence is received and the outwards correspondence be approved.”

Jo Duston/Andrew Basher

5.Confidential Items

This meeting, namely,

5.1Minutes of the In Committee BOT 22 June 2015

5.2Staffing Issues

5.3Principal’s Appraisal

5.4EOTC Review

5.5Suspension and Stand-downs (report included with agenda pack)

5.6Disposal of Core/Non-Core Ministry of Education Houses (report included with agenda pack)

5.7BDO Audit Proposal 2015 - 2017

The general subject of each matter to be considered while the public is excluded, the reason for passing this resolution in relation to each matter, and the specific grounds under Section 48(1) of the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987 for the passing of this resolution as follows:

General subject of each matter to be considered / Reason for passing this resolution in relation to each matter / Ground (s) under Section 48(1) for the passing of this resolution
5.1 Minutes of In Committee BOT 22 June 2015
5.2 Staffing Issues
5.3 Principal’s Appraisal
5.4 EOTC Review
5.5 Suspension & Stand-down
5.6 Disposal of Core/Non-Core
MOE Houses
5.7 BDO Audit Proposal 2015 - 2017 / Protect the privacy of natural persona, including that of deceased natural persons. / Section 2(a)
Maintain legal professional privilege
Enable the Board to carry on, without prejudice or disadvantage, negotiations (including commercial and industrial negotiations). / Section (g)(i)

6.Meeting Closure

6.12015 Meeting Schedule

  • 21 September (workshop)
  • 9 November (T3 HOD Reports)
  • 14 December (BHS Draft Budget 2016)


NZ Gazette Vol: 94 Number 11, 12, 13

STA News Issue 254

There being no further business the meeting concluded at 8.00 pm


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