FREak the Mighty final project ideas

Choice #1: Make a Novel Soundtrack

A soundtrack is a collection of songs that usually accompany a movie. Your mission is to create a soundtrack for Freak the Mighty that represents a particular scene, character, or the overall mood/plot events of the story. Whatever you choose to represent, your soundtrack should include a list of 5-8 songs. Be creative, but please make sure that all the songs you choose are school appropriate.


1)Within your group, decide if you would like to represent a SCENE, CHARACTER, or the OVERALL MOOD/PLOT EVENTS of the book.

2)Use a collection of iPods, and/or Internet music (per your teacher’s discretion) to come up with school appropriate options for your soundtrack. Remember that you need at least 5 songs in your soundtrack, but no more than 8.

3)One person in your group should list each song on a piece of paper. You do NOT need to explain in writing why you chose each song. Just be prepared to answer questions about your song choices from your peers.

4)You should choose one person to bring the list home and create a playlist using iTunes. This will make your soundtrack easy to present on your team day the day before Winter Break. You will have permission to have your iPod in school that day so that you can present it to your peers.

5)Be CREATIVE, have FUN, and be PREPARED to share your soundtracks with your academic teammates and teachers.

Choice #2: Make a Movie Trailer

The students will write and film a 1 minute trailer for the movie version of Freak the Mighty.


The following is a suggested outline for the activity. Feel free to adapt and adjust as needed.

  1. Divide the students into 4 groups. Each group is responsible for selecting a scene and writing a 15 second reenactment from their scene. Spend a few minutes discussing what types of scenes appear in movie trailers. (The entire class can work together to write a voice over, or you can select a 5th group just to write the narration.)
  2. The teacher/student will film* the scenes and edit them together with titles and music.
  3. The trailers can be shown to the whole team during the AM team time on December 21st. (If filming the trailer isn’t an option for your group, they could always be performed live during team time.)

*There are several options for filming. Most Smart Phones have video cameras and many have apps with editing capabilities. Another option is for someone to shoot it on their camera and edit it at home. Many middle school students will be familiar with editing programs like iMovie. The news journal has a few cameras to lend out if no one in your group has a camera. If you have any questions or need a recommendation on how to best complete this project, feel free to ask Craig Corrao.

Choice #3: Make a Movie Poster


  1. Get paper in the size of your choice as well as markers, colored pencils and crayons (would recommend 12 X 18 min).
  2. Create an advertisement for a movie version of Freak the Mighty. It should include an illustration, major actor/actresses (students can pick who they think should play the major parts), the opening date, and some kind of quote or blurb to entice audiences to want to see the movie.
  3. This can be done in pairs or small groups.

*Each teacher is responsible for procuring their own materials for the project.*