Wendell L. Belknap

attorney at law

411 Fifth Street Phone: (503) 657-8946

Oregon City, Oregon 97045 Fax: (503) 655-2775




Full Name: ______

First Middle Last

Address: ______

Street\Number City County State Zip Code

Phone: ______

Home Work Cell

E-Mail: ______

Social Security Number: ______

Driver’s License Info: ______

Number Issuing State

Date of Birth: ______

Month Day Year

Birth Place: ______

Name of State or Foreign Country

Number of Prior Marriages: ______How & when most-recent marriage ended: ______Date:_____

(Divorce, Death, or Separation)

Highest Level of Education

Race: ______Completed: ______

(List highest level only, such as grade in high school, number of years in college, or 5+ if advanced degree)


Full Name: ______

First Middle Last

Maiden Name: ______

Prior Legal Names

Used by Wife: ______

(Generally these will be prior married names)

Address: ______

Street\Number City County State Zip Code

Phone: ______

Home Work Cell

E-Mail: ______

Social Security Number: ______

Driver’s License Info: ______

Number Issuing State

Date of Birth: ______

Month Day Year

Birth Place: ______

Name of State or Foreign Country

Number of Prior Marriages: ______How most-recent marriage ended: ______

(Divorce, Death, or Separation)

Highest Level of Education

Race: ______Completed: ______

(List highest level only, such as grade in high school, number of years in college, or 5+ if advanced degree)


Place Of This Marriage: ______

City County State

Date Of This Marriage: ______
Month Day Year

Date Parties Last

Lived Together: ______

Month Day Year

Live Together

Before Marriage: No: ______Yes: ______If Yes, how long: ______

Parties Have A

Pre-nuptial Agreement: Yes: ______No: ______



Oldest Child’s Full Name Month, Day, and Year of Birth SSN


Next Child’s Full Name Month, Day, and Year of Birth SSN


Next Child’s Full Name Month, Day, and Year of Birth SSN


Next Child’s Full Name Month, Day, and Year of Birth SSN


Next Child’s Full Name Month, Day, and Year of Birth SSN


CHILDREN: ______

Oldest Child’s Full Name Month, Day, and Year of Birth SSN


Next Child’s Full Name Month, Day, and Year of Birth SSN


Next Child’s Full Name Month, Day, and Year of Birth SSN

Who has custody of

these children? Husband: ______Children’s Mother: ______

Child Support: ______

Who is ordered to pay child support to the other (Husband or Children’s Mother)?

Amount of Support: ______Support Current: ______

(Yes or No)


CHILDREN: ______

Oldest Child’s Full Name Month, Day, and Year of Birth SSN


Next Child’s Full Name Month, Day, and Year of Birth SSN


Next Child’s Full Name Month, Day, and Year of Birth SSN

Who has custody of

these children? Wife: ______Children’s Father: ______

Child Support: ______

Who is ordered to pay child support to the other (Wife or Children’s Father)?

Amount of Support: ______Support Current: ______

(Yes or No)

Please provide the following information for the past five years for the children you have together:

Name(s) of Child(ren) / Residing with which parent? (one or both) / Dates (from/to) / Place (city/state) /