English Language Arts


“If you’re not angry, you’re not paying attention.”

To RANT: to complain vigorously, either by writing or speaking up, about something that you find completely and utterly unacceptable and would like to have changed.

A good rant, though provocative, is more than just a shout out of one’s thoughts and emotions, it is a carefully planned, well developed dialogue presented with passion and conviction. For this assignment you will carefully craft a rant in 200-300 words (approximately one page written and approximately one minute in speaking). Your first step will be to choose a topic. Sign up for your topic and start planning! Your rant will need a theme (a central insight) to provide direction for your speech. Next you must develop your own opinions and ideas to support your theme and use convincing, relatable examples. Choose something that really bothers you and that you would like to change. Please keep in mind that your rant cannot involve a person.

·  Tip : Have a clear beginning, middle and an end. Remember your Purpose, to convince your audience to agree with your message. Your Audience is a grade 9 English Language Arts class

Presentation Rubric:

4 3 2 1

1.3 articulate, advocate, and support points of view, presenting view points in a convincing manner / Student has met the expectations of this outcome. / Student has met most of the expectations of this outcome. / Student has met some of the expectations of this outcome. / Student has met few of the expectations of this outcome.
2.2 adapt vocabulary, sentence structure, and rate of speech to the speaking occasion / Student has met the expectations of this outcome. / Student has met most of the expectations of this outcome. / Student has met some of the expectations of this outcome. / Student has met few of the expectations of this outcome.
3.3 demonstrate an awareness that spoken language has different conventions in different situations and use language appropriate to the situation / Student has met the expectations of this outcome. / Student has met most of the expectations of this outcome. / Student has met some of the expectations of this outcome. / Student has met few of the expectations of this outcome.

Audience Rubric:

4 3 2 1

1.2 ask relevant questions calling for elaboration, clarification, or qualification and respond thoughtfully to such questions / Student has met the expectations of this outcome. / Student has met most of the expectations of this outcome. / Student has met some of the expectations of this outcome. / Student has met few of the expectations of this outcome.
1.4 listen critically to assess the adequacy of the evidence speakers give to evaluate the integrity of information presented / Student has met the expectations of this outcome. / Student has met most of the expectations of this outcome. / Student has met some of the expectations of this outcome. / Student has met few of the expectations of this outcome.
3.1 demonstrate active listening and respect for the needs, rights, and feelings of others / Student has met the expectations of this outcome. / Student has met most of the expectations of this outcome. / Student has met some of the expectations of this outcome. / Student has met few of the expectations of this outcome.
3.2 demonstrate an awareness of the power of spoken language to influence and manipulate, and to reveal ideas, values, and attitudes / Student has met the expectations of this outcome. / Student has met most of the expectations of this outcome. / Student has met some of the expectations of this outcome. / Student has met few of the expectations of this outcome.


Outcome 1.2 / Students are able to develop 2 thought- provoking questions based on each presentation and reflect on possible answers to those questions.
Outcome 1. 3 / Students present a clear side to an argument and use at least two examples to explain and extend their point of view on the issue.
Outcome 1. 4 / Students will evaluate each presentation and conclude whether all of the evidence was relevant, effective and appropriate for the chosen topic.
Outcome 2. 2 / Students will show a command of presentation techniques such as voice, eye contact, language, and using a variety of sentence patterns.
Outcome 3. 1 / Students will not talk during or distract from any part of a presentation.
Outcome 3. 2 / Students will decide if the point of view in each presentation was convincing, and be able to support why they felt this way.
Outcome 3. 3 / Students will use appropriate language and speak clearly and decisively throughout the presentation.