First announcement VII National Congress of Hygiene and Epidemiology 2016

Building bridges of cooperation for the America

In the Palace of Conventions in Havana, from 15 to 18 November 2016, the Cuban Society of Hygiene and Epidemiology announces its VII Congress “Hygiene and Epidemiology Havana 2016”, coordinated with a group of national and international institutions and organizations.

Hygiene and Epidemiology Havana 2016 will be an ideal space for the scientific debate and the reflections on the achievements and methodological and managerial challenges associated with research, surveillance and training in the fields of the Hygiene and Epidemiology (HE). The results of the exchange of scientific experiences will be directed to contribute to increase the state of the Cuban population's health, with a supranational scope-, to increase the quality of the programs and services of health, with influence renovated in the population's satisfaction and in the efficiency of the National Health System. We propose to analyze the scientific-technical and managerial bases in the prevention and control of health problems of the last ten year and the new challenges to be faced, such as the contingencies of communicable diseases, influence of the environment, the epidemiology of the population aging, the climatic change, the increment of morbidity and mortality of non-communicable diseases,capacities buildingand the international health situation, among other.

We look forward to your presence at this important event, in addition to welcome you, share in a fraternal atmosphere the best experiences of the Cuban participants and foreign friends in the warm and friendly environment of the city, brimming with cultural attractions and social historically developed.

We will carry out the following events:

  • Regional workshop on sexually transmitted infections.
  • Regional workshop on capacities building in Hygiene and Epidemiology.
  • International symposium on lung health and elimination of the tuberculosis.
  • V workshop on control of hospital infections.
  • National seminar of smoking prevention.
  • Workshop on Prevention and control of non-communicable diseases.
  • International seminar on occupational health.
  • International seminar "Disasters and Health"
  • International symposium "Challenges of the EpidemiologicalResearch”.
  • National seminar onvectors control.
  • Colloquy on surveillance in health
  • International workshop onscholarand university health.
  • Seminar on "Development and Evaluation of Vaccines."
  • Symposium: Health and Alimentary-nutritional Sustainability.
  • International seminar of health services.
  • Workshop on environmental health and climate change.
  • Meeting of Associated of SCHE

Organized by:

  • Cuban Society of Hygiene and Epidemiology (SCHE).
  • National Institute of Hygiene, Epidemiology and Microbiology (INHEM)
  • Institute of Tropical Medicine "Pedro Kouri" (IPK)
  • National Institute of the Workers' Health (INSAT)
  • National School of Public Health (ENSAP)
  • Unit of Promotion and Prevention of Diseases (UPP).
  • University of Medical Sciences of Havana (UCM-H).


  • Ministry of Public Health of Cuba (MINSAP), Institute of Tropical Medicine of Antwerp, Belgium. International Associations of Epidemiology and Public Health.

Organizing Committee:

President:DrC. Edilberto González Ochoa. ;

Vice-presidents:Dr.Armando Rodríguez Salvá MSc.

Dra. Rosaida Ochoa Soto MSc

Secretaries: Lic Agustín Martínez de Villa, Dr. Manuel Bastanzuri Pagés. Miembros: Dra. María del CarmenPría Barros PhD., Lic. Alicia Reyes Jiménez MsC,Dra. María I. Lantero Abreu,Dra. Luisa Armas Pérez MsC, Dr. Manuel Díaz González, Dr. Salomé Castillo MsC, Lic. Carlos González Díaz, Dra. Ana I Martínez Portuondo, Dr. Enrique Beldarraín Chaple PhD., Dra. Caridad Cumbá, Lic. Mireya Mesa

Scientific Committee:

Dra. Blanca Terry BerroPhD., Dra. María E. Toledo RomaníPhD., Dr. Fernando Achiong EstupiñánMsC, Ing. Delmis Alvarez Gaínza MsC., Dra. Edith Rodríguez Bouza, Lic. Alina Martínez Rodríguez MsC, Dra. Mayra Ojeda del VallePhD, Dra. Belkys Galindo SantanaPhD, Dr Pedro Más BermejoPhD., Dr. Hector BayarrePhD., Dr Daniel Rodríguez MilordPhD., Dr. Osvaldo Hernández. Dra. Patricia Varona, Dra. Leticia Fernandez Garrote PhD., Dra. Silvia Venero Fernandez MsC., Dr. Guillermo Mesa MsC., Dra. Santa Jimenez, Dra. María E. Alvarez MsC.

Modalities of the scientific program of the Congress:

•Master class, introductory conferences, Symposia, Round tables, Seminars, Colloquies. Workshops. Courses Pre and PostCongress, free topics and posters.

Registration fees:

Pre and Post Congress courses

Foreigners delegates30 CUC

National delegates30 CUP

Congress: / Early* / Late
Foreign delegates / 200.00 CUC / 250.00 CUC
Accompanying foreign / 100.00 CUC / 150.00 CUC
Foreign students / 80.00 CUC / 100.00 CUC
Delegates associated to SCHE / 180.00CUP / 200.00 CUP
Delegates of other National Societies / 200.00 CUP / 250.0UP

*Until June 20th

Deadline for reception of summaries of papers until April 30th, 2016.

Notice:CUC is the Cuban convertible currency, subject to the current exchange rate of the US dollar and Euro in Cuba, set at the time of payment of the fee.Generally 1 CUC equals to US $0.80.