Bridget Middlemas, DDIG Workshop December 2007

Dyslexia, Dyscalculia and Maths Indicative Bibliography

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British Dyslexia Association , 2006bDyscalculia, Dyslexia and Maths.Available at: Date accessed 12 08 06

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Chinn, S and Ashcroft, R, 1998, Mathematics for Dyslexics: A Teaching Handbook (2nd Edition), London, Whurr Publishing

Crawford, K et al 1998 Qualitatively different experiences of learning mathematics at university , Learning and Instruction, Vol 8, no 5 pp455-468

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DCSF (Department for Children, School and Families) 2007 Understanding Dyslexia available at: Date accessed 14 9 07

Fuller, M et al 2004 Incorporating disabled students within an inclusive higher education environment, Disability and Society, Vol 19, no 5: 455-468

Gilroy, D and Miles, T (1996) Dyslexia at College (2nd Edition) London , Routledge

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Henderson, A. 1998, Maths for the Dyslexic. London, David Fulton

Yates, P 2007 Teaching mathematics in a chemical context, workshop paper at : Helping Chemists to Tackle the Maths Problem Higher Education Academy / Physical Sciences Centre available at:

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MacLellan, E 2005 Conceptual learning: the priority for higher education

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McDermott, L 1993 , How we teach and how students learn — A mismatch?

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Miles T and Miles E ,2004, Dyslexia and Mathematics (2nd Edition) London, RoutledgeFalmer

Miles, T & Westcombe, J ,2001 Music and Dyslexia: Opening New Doors London, Whurr Publishing

Miles et al 2003 The existence of dyslexia without severe literacy problems

Morris, D and Turnbull, P 2006 Clinical experiences of students with dyslexiaJournal of Advanced Nursing, Vol 54, no 2 pp 238-247

Nemirovsky, R; DiMattia, C et al 2005 Talking About Teaching Episodes Journal of Mathematics Teacher Education, Volume 8,Number 5, October 2005, pp. 363-392(30)

Pavlidis, G 1981 Dyslexia Research and Its Applications to Education Chichester, John Wiley

Povey, H and Angier, C 2003 Some undergraduates’ experiences of learning mathematics: how can narrative form enable us to create knowledge?Proceedings of the British Society for Research into Learning Mathematics 23 (3) November 2003

Rook, K. & Miles, T. R. (1999). Can dyslexic students succeed at university?. Dyslexia Review, 11, 8-11.

Ruffell, M et al 1998 Studying attitude to mathematics Educational Studies in Mathematics, Vol 35 no 1 pp1-18

Sharma, M, 1990. Dyslexia, Dyscalculia, and Some Remedial Perspectives for Mathematics Learning Problems. Math Notebook: From Theory into Practice. no. 7-9

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Templeton, J., 1994, The Focus Group: A Strategic Guide to Organizing, Conducting, and Analyzing the Focus Group Interview. Chicago, Irwin Professional Publishing

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