Council9 September 2014




Present: Councillors J. Drew (in the Chair), Mrs P. Brockman, C. Dixon, D. Drew, C. Heap, T Hodgson, G Southern, R Taylor and Mrs V. Swann.

Apologies: M Gray and K Hearne

Also present: E Ashley (Clerk)

Members of the public: 9

105.DECLARATIONS OF INTERESTS – Cllr T Hodgson declared a non-pecuniary interest in item

114. Cllr P Brockman declared a non-pecuniary interest in item 121 no. 4. Cllr C Dixon declared

a pecuniary interest in item 134.

106.CHAIRMAN'S COMMUNICATION – The Chairman welcomed those members of the public who were present for this meeting. The Chairman had received several calls regarding Rathlin Energy and localised flooding that took place on 10 August.


Mr Mike Brookes attended the meeting and reported orally with regard to the Planning Application

relating to Land South West of Crawberry Hill, Walkington, urging the Parish Council to object to

the Application.

Resolved – That the report be noted.


Community Evening at Beverley Police Station Thursday 11 September 2014 at 7pm - The Clerk

reported that the meeting will give representatives of the local community a chance to question

and voice any concerns in relation to the Gas & Oil Exploration site near Walkington.

Resolved – Cllr J Drew to attend.

Beverley Rural Update August 2014 - The Clerk reported that a man had been arrested for a burglary in Walkington.

Resolved - That the report be noted.

Ward Cllr Pollard arrived at 8.08pm.

109.MINUTES – RESOLVED–Thatthe minutes of Meeting held on the 8 July 2014, having been circulated, are approved as a correct record and signed.


110WIND TURBINE AT COMMON ROAD, ROWLEY- Cllr Taylor reported that the wind turbine at Common Road, Rowley had been refused by the Planning Committee but the applicant had appealed against this decision on the basis that the ERYC were unable to determine this application within the 8 week consultation period. Cllr Southern asked Cllr Pollard how many wind turbines are there in the East Riding.

Resolved – That Cllr Pollard would look into the matter

111.POST BOX AUTHERD GARTH – Cllr Southern asked Cllr Pollard in the legislation passed by Parliament when the Post Office was privatised, did Parliament ensure that there was some mechanism that required the private company to consult users before a local facility is removed.

Resolved – Cllr Pollard agreed to look into the matter

112.LOCAL DRAFT PLAN AND WINDFALL SITES – Cllr Taylor asked Cllr Pollard where the figure of 20% (14 dwellings) for “windfall sites”had derived from and why it would have no impact on the housing allocation in the local draft plan. Cllr Taylor had counted up a figure of 47 dwellings on “windfall Sites” and asked Cllr Pollard would this be credited against the allocation of 70 dwellings in the local draft plan.

Resolved – That Cllr Taylor sends the list of 47 dwellings and Cllr Pollard would look into the matter.

113.CENOTAPH - It was noted that 2 letters were missing of the cenotaph and should be rectified before the 11 November.

Resolved - That Cllr Swann would look into the matter.

114.JUNCTION AUTHERD GARTH/BEECH VIEW - The Clerk had circulated an email from the Highways Department at ERYC requesting the possibility of siting a mirror on the lamppost directly opposite the end of Beech View due to visibility problems pulling out of the junction. Highways had replied that there a number of reasons why ERYC do not install mirrors such as they can create “blind spots”, they have a tendency to mist/ice up in damp/cold weather, vandalism etc., but informed the Parish Council that they could provide and erect their own mirror.

Resolved - The Clerk asks the Insurance Company what would be the insurance implications if they erected their own mirror.

115.SENSORY GARDEN AT TOWNEND PIT - The Clerk reported she had contacted Georgina Meyers regarding the sensory garden who agreed to maintain the garden.

Resolved - That the report be noted.

116.ALBANWISE - The Clerk reported that she had contacted Albanwise Ltd about Beech Walk and had received confirmation that the work would go ahead to tidy up the area.

Resolved - That the report be noted.

117.HOLLY LODGE- Cllr D Drew asked Cllr Pollard why the house at Holly Lodge at East End had not been demolished.

Resolved - That Cllr Pollard would look into the matter.

118.POND IMPROVEMENTS - Cllr Dixon requested funding to do the pond improvements.

Resolved - That the Clerk asks the Pond Committee how much they require.

119. EAST RIDING COUNCIL MATTERS: To receive information on decisions taken by East Riding Council affecting Walkington and to raise outstanding issues with the District Councillors.

a) Examination of the East Riding Local Draft Plan - The Clerk reported that the examination of

the Local Draft Plan was to take place in October/November 2014.

Resolved – That the report be noted.

b) Dog on leads sites update - Cllr Southern asked Cllr Pollard why “Dogs on leads Order 2009”

applies to cemeteries and churchyards only and not playing fields.

Resolved- That Cllr Pollard would look into the matter.

c) Dog fouling questionnaire - The clerk had circulated the dog fouling questionnaire to the


Resolved - That the report be noted.

d) Recording of Parish Council Meetings by members of the public - The Clerk reported that

Amendments to the Public Bodies Act 1960 now provide that members of the public can film,

photograph or make an audio recording of proceedings at meetings of the Parish Council.

Resolved- That the report be noted.



120.Applications – Resolved– That the following comments be forwarded to East Riding

Council on the application stated:

(1) Land North of Walkington House,
Townend Road, Walkington - Erection
of 12 no. dwellings, 5 no. detached
garages and construction of
vehicular access and associated hard
and soft landscaping - Ref 14/02168
(previously circulated and a reply
recommending refusal submitted due to submission date being 12/08/14)
(2) Meadow View, Townend Road,
Walkington - Change of use of part of
paddock to residential curtilage,
erection of an extension to existing
garage and extensions and alterations
to existing house to form a single storey extension and porch (amended
plans and description) - Ref 14/01195 (previously circulated and a no objections reply submitted due to submission date being 07/08/14)
(3) 53 All Hallows Road, Walkington -
Erection of a two storey extension to
Side - Ref 14/02454 (previously
circulated and a no objections reply
submitted due to submission date
being 21/08/14)
(4) Land South West of Middle Farm,
Hunsley Road, Walkington - Erection
of a wind Turbine (40 metre to hub, 67
metre to tip) and ancillary
development - Ref 14/02421
(5) Land South of West of Crawberry
Hill, Walkington Heads, Walkington -
Variation ofCondition 2 of planning
permission 12/02945/STPLF to allow
a further 24 months in which to
complete the approved operations -
Rathlin Energy - Ref 14/02622
(6) Land South East of Samples Farm
Hunsley Road, Walkington -
Construction of access track and
junction with the public highway
in connection with the wind turbine
approved under permission -
12/04892 Ref 14/02613 / Comments
That the Parish Council objects to this application
on the grounds that the provisions of the emerging plan are not incorporated in the application.
No objections
No objections
That the Parish Council objects to this application
on the grounds that this is merely an exploitative financial venture, and such calculated motives ought not to be permitted to impose such widespread negative impacts upon the locality.
That the Parish Council objects to this application on the grounds that the reasons for the request of 24 months are not clearly justified. The delays caused to the contract through obstruction of the site cannot be in excess of 4 months. However, there would be no objection to a more reasoned and justified extension of time.
That the Parish Council objects to this application on the grounds that the construction of the access road would have an adverse impact on the environment.

121.Decisions Received – Resolved – That the decision of East Riding Council on the applications set out below be noted:

Application / Decision
(1) Broadgate Farm Cottages, Broadgate,
Walkington - Erection of 1 no. self-catering
holiday unit following removal of existing / Approved
dilapidated outbuildings along with associated

alterations to adjacent outbuilding to provide

vehicle access into courtyard - Ref 14/01446

(2) Land South of 16 East End, Walkington - Approved

Erection of a detached dwelling, new

garden wall following demolition of existing

and new access - Ref 14/01783

(3) The Manor House, Walkington - Approved

Erection of single storey extensions to front

andside, first floor balcony with French doors

to rear, hipped roof over bay at rear, extension

of pitched roof over garage and removal of

chimney to front - Ref14/01862

(4) Land Rear of 28 Little Weighton Road, Approved

Walkington - Erection of 1 no. two storey Cllr Taylor reported that the

detached dwelling with attached garage successful applicant would

- Ref 13/02133 have to pay £3601.01 for

open space provision.

(5) Meadow View,Townend Road, Walkington Approved

Change of use of part of paddock to residential

curtilage, erection of an extension to existing

garage and extensions and alterations to

existing house to form a single storey extension

and porch - Ref 14/01195


122.Application – Resolved - That the following comments be forwarded to East Riding Council on the application stated:

Application / Comments
(1) 1&3 George Lane, Walkington – TPO
Broadgate Hospital, Broadgate,
Walkington 1987 (Ref 259) - Canopy
raise to 6m and crown clean two
Horse Chestnuts (T1 and T2)
overhanging 3 Megson Way and to
inspect old wounds and cavities and
improve shape - Ref 14/02201 / That the application is referred to the
Tree Officer for determination.

123.Decisions Received - Resolved -That the decision of the East Riding Council on the tree applications set out below be noted:


(1) 23 George Lane, Walkington -TPOConsent Granted.

Broadgate Hospital, Broadgate, Walkington

1987 (Ref 259) - Crown reduce 3 limbs back

to new growth on Purple Plum (T1) in order

to alleviate weight as the tree has lost some

larger branches in recent storms. Crown thin

Sorbus (T2) and shape small tree to allow further

development of the crown - Ref 14/01745

(2) 81 East End, Walkington - TPO WalkingtonConsent Granted

No. 8 2002(Ref 640) - Remove deformed

stem from splitstem Flowering Cherry (T1)

which is located in thesouth west corner of

the grounds the limb to beremoved is

overhanging the boundaryhedge and is

encroaching the full width of the verge to

the roadside,preventing mowing of the

grass verge, partiallyprevents early visibility

of a road sign by vehicle users and screens

road sight lines - Ref 14/01876

(3) 1 George Lane, Walkington - TPO Consent Granted.

Broadgate Hospital, Broadgate, Walkington

1987 (Ref 259) - Canopy raise Horse Chestnut

to 5m and crown clean to improve shape and

amenity - Ref 14/01669

(4) 12 Kirk View, Walkington - Walkington No objections.

Conservation Area - Fell sycamore to ground level

(T1) due to safety reasons - Ref 14/01967

(5) 31 West End, Walkington - TPO Walkington Consent Granted

No. 7 1998 (Ref 507) - Fell Purple

Norway Maple (T1) and fell dead Sycamore

(T2) for safety reasons - Ref 14/02101

(6) 1 George Lane, Walkington -TPO Broadgate Consent Granted

Hospital, Walkington (Ref 259) - Crown

clean and canopy raise to 6m Horse Chestnut

tree to improve shape and monitor large

old wounds and cavities. - Ref 14/02238

(7) 1&3 George Lane, Walkington - TPO Consent Granted

Broadgate Hospital, Walkington (Ref 259)

Canopy raise to 6m and crown clean two

Horse Chestnuts (T1 and T2) overhanging

3 Megson Way and to inspect old wounds

and cavities and improve shape- Ref 14/02201


Traffic Survey in Walkington - The Chairman reported that he had studied the survey and asked

how it compared with previous surveys.

Resolved - That the Clerk investigate.

Carriageway improvement works on Northgate, Walkington - The Clerk reported that some

carriageway improvement works will take place on Northgate, Walkington. The existing road

surface will be removed and a new surface will be laid.

Resolved - That the report be noted.

Traffic Speed Survey on Northgate - The Clerk reported that the ERYC were to conduct a speed

survey on Northgate. This was an agreement between the ERYC and the Police about how to

address complaints of speeding.

Resolved - That the report be noted.

125. AUDIT OF ACCOUNTS 2013/2014 - ANNUAL RETURN – The External Auditor (PKF Littlejohn LLP) has now certified that in their opinion the information contained in the Annual Return is in accordance with their requirements and no matters have come to their attention giving cause for concern that relevant legislation and regulatory requirements have not been met, and also that there are no other matters affecting their opinion which they would draw to the attention of the Council.

Resolved - That the report be noted.

126. REVIEW OF PARISH EMERGENCY PLAN – UPDATE– Cllr Swann asked the Clerk to look at

the information within the plan and see how it compares with other parishes emergency plans.

Resolved -That the report be noted.

127. BEAUTIFUL BRITAIN 2015 – UPDATE – Cllr Southern reported that he attended 2 meetings.

First meeting with regards to the railings around the sanctuary stone, ERYC had informed the

Council that an approved contractor must be used with the site being near to the highway. The

second meeting with theTree Officer with regards to the north side of the traffic lights to plant

more trees.

Resolved – It was resolved that Cllr Swann would ask K Firth for a quote to repaint the bus

shelter and clean/repair the seats.

128. HEDGE AT REDYATS PADDOCK- The Clerk reported that she had received 8 letters/emails

asking for the hedge not to be replaced but tidied up.

Resolved – That the report be noted.

129.TOWNEND PIT - The Clerk reported she had received an email regarding the state of the play

area within Townend Pit. A discussion took place on this.

It was agreed that the Parish Council were still not satisfied with the work on the paths and asked

for payment not to be made to Tony Cook Ltd until the matter was resolved.

Resolved - That the report be noted.

130. MAPS RECEIVED FROM YORKSHIRE WATER - The Clerk had previously circulated the maps from Yorkshire Water. A discussion took place on this.

Resolved - That the report be noted.

131.POSSIBILITY OF HAVING PARISH COUNCIL MEETINGS IN AUGUST - The Chairman felt that 8 weeks is a long time not to meet and felt that a Parish Council meeting should take place in August.

Resolved - That a meeting would take place in August.


132.Income - Resolved - That it be noted that the following income had been received since the last meeting of the Council.

05.08.14 ERYC - Recycling money received £101.73

07.08.14 Donations – Received by Villagers for hanging baskets £60.00

133. Balances - Resolved – That it be noted that the bank balances at 13 August 2014 amounted to £42045.13 less cheques drawn up to the 31.08.14 £682.00, amounting to £41363.13.

134. Payment of Invoices - Resolved – (a) The Council is asked to approve the payment of the following invoices/accounts since the last meeting:

09.09.14 PKF Littlejohn - External Audit £240.00

09.09.14 Walkington VH - Hire of room £54.00

09.09.14 E Ashley - Salary for September 2014 £459.50

09.09.14 K Firth - Salary for September 2014 (includes 4 weeks watering hanging

baskets in August 2014) £222.50

09.09.14 Pestarrest - Rodent Control £45.00

09.09.14 CL Dixon - Ground maintenance at Townend Pit £265.00

135.Budget 2014/15 Monitoring Report - Resolved– That the report be noted.

136. REQUEST FOR FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE 2014/2015 - The Clerk reported that she had

received a request for financial assistance from the Walkington Allotments Association. It was

agreed to loan the Association £600 interest free over a period of 5 years

Resolved - That the Clerk asks for more information.

137. BANK MANDATE - The Clerk reported that she had problems with sorting the bank mandate

and was still ongoing.

Resolved - That the report be noted,



Cllr Heap reported that the Association were looking at the possibility of installing a swing for the

disabled. They were also resolving the drainage issues and therefore the car park would be out of

action. The Association had received funds to install an artificial wicket and had received a

£10,000 charity grant.

Resolved – That the Clerk would contact the SLCC to see if the association should have their

accounts audited.


Cllr Taylor and Brockman had attended the meeting on the 14 August.

Resolved - That the report be noted.


Cllr Drew reported the West Newton bore hole had been capped off.

Resolved - That the report be noted.

141.MISCELLANEOUS CORRESPONDENCE -Resolved – That the correspondence set out below be received:

a) Dogger Bank Creyke Beck - Requesting Parish Council to make a representation

b) Rathlin Energy - Update of works and facts flyer

c) Broadband East Riding ‘Project Update’ - Cllr Southern gave a report.

d) East Riding Local Plan - Update Summer 2014

e) Local Works - The right for Parish Councils to sell electricity

f) East Riding Rural Strategy Document - Cllr Southern reported that this was interesting document

and that we should promote the Yorswitch in the Newsletter.

g) EYMS Newsletter

h) Hull City Council - Boundary Referendum - Cllr Taylor to respond.

142. ROUTINE MATTERS - The following matters were briefly discussed:

a) Cllr Swann reported that she was not happy with the quality of the hanging baskets this year.

b) Cllr Swann reported that it would be nice to plant some bulbs at Townend Pit.

c) Cllr Hodgson reported on the mobile phone saga

d) Cllr Heap reported on the hedge at Rectory Farm was overgrown.