Total No. of Pages: 2 5291

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(paper – XI)


Dec.) (Time: 3 Hours

Maximum: 100 Marks

Answer one question from each unit

All questions carry equal marks


a) State Trouton’s rule. Give its significance.(4)
b) Explain the following:
i) Brownian movement.
ii) Maxwell Boltzmann distribution law.(6)
c) Discuss the terms
i) Mean free path ii) Additive properties(10)
a) Define the terms: Molar volume and collision frequency(4)
b) Discuss vander waals equation of state(6)
c) Write notes on:
i)Inversion temperature.
ii) Parachor(10)
a) How can you differentiate physiorption and chemisorption?(4)
b) What is enzyme catalysis?Explain.
c) Discuss the following:
i) Fluorescence and Phosphorescence ii)Factors influencing adsorption(10)
a) State the laws of Photochemistry.(4)
b) Discuss Langmuir adsorption isotherm and its application.(6)
c) Explain the following:
i)Application of acid-base catalysts.
ii) Quantum efficiency
iii) Fluorescence.(10)
a) Discuss the phase diagram for carbon dioxide system.(4)
b) i) Differentiate order and molecularity.
ii) Explain any two methods of determining order of reactions.(10)
c) Discuss the following:
i)Le-Chatelier’s principleii) Pseudo molecular reactions.(10)
a) Derive the rate expression for a second order reaction.(4)
b) Discuss: Vant Hoffs reaction equation.(6)
c) Explain the following:
i) Factors influencing the variation of K with temperature.
ii) Reactions of I and II order.(10)
a) Explain the extensive and intensive properties of chemical equilibrium.(4)
b) Explain Joule Thomson effect.(6)
c) Write short notes on
i) Reversible isothermal expansion.
ii) Kirchoff’s equation.(10)
a) Explain the terms i) Enthalpy of fusion i) Enthalpy of vapourisation(4)
b) Discuss Hess’s law.(6)
c)Write notes on:
i)Inversion temperature
ii) Reversible adiabatic expansion. (10)
a) Derive Ostwald’s dilution law for weak acid.(4)
b) Discuses Nernst equation(6)
c) Write notes on:
i)Activity co-efficient
ii) Conductivity measurement and their applications.(10)
a) Explain the term: Ionic activity.(4)
b) Write a note on concentration cells.(6)
c) Discuss the following:
i)Kohlrausch’s law
ii) Methods of determining transport number.(10)