November 2007 Slane Area Meeting, Council Chamber, Duleek Civic Offices 11.00 Wednesday 21stNovember 2007
An Cathaoirleach Councillor Pat Boshell presided
Members Present:Colr. Jimmy Cudden
Colr. Anne Dillon-Gallagher
Colr. Eoin Holmes
Colr. Tom Kelly
Officials in Attendance:Tadhg McDonnell, Area Manager
Adrian Hobbs, Area Engineer
Teresa Carr,SO
Paul Monahan, Area Administrator
Others:Tomas Mahony, Eirgrid
Peter Lantry, Eirgrid
1.0 Confirmation of Minutes
1.1The Minutes of the Special Planning Meeting held on Wednesday 19th September 2007 were confirmed on the proposal of Colr. Dillon-Gallagher and seconded by Colr. Cudden.
1.2The Minutes of the Special Planning Meeting held on Wednesday 17thOctober 2007 were confirmed on the proposal of Colr. Kellyand seconded by Colr. Dillon-Gallagher.
1.3The Minutes of the October Monthly Meeting held on Wednesday 19th September 2007 were confirmed on the proposal of Colr. Kelly and seconded by Colr. Dillon-Gallagher.
2.0To receive presentation from Eirgrid
The Members agreed to take agenda item 3.0 Roadworks Programme next and then the Eirgrid presentation.
3.0Report on Roadworks Programme
The Members received and noted a report on the above and raised the following issues:
- Re-evaluation of Phase 2 of the R150 Kilsharvan to Julianstown road improvement works including the road closure, possible cessation of works by contractor and reconsideration of tie in point with the R132 from where the roads currently join at a T junction to a new roundabout North of Julianstown adjacent to the Laytown exit. The Area Engineer said that once a contract is signed the contractor takes ownership of a job and it would be impossible to subsequently change the contract. The road was very unlikely to be reopened before Christmas and in any event it was safer to remain closed in its present state. The Council was waiting on a commitment from the contractor as to when he will be in a position to finish and reopen the road. The Area Manager said that the possible rerouting had been discussed several times in the past in the Council Chamber. He reiterated that the route cannot be changed now as ABP has confirmed the CPO and the Council was legally obliged to proceed with this route. In addition it would not be prudent to suspend the works while the contract is ongoing and the Council should now concentrate on getting the work completed as quickly as possible. The EPA was currently analysing the data on the noise survey at Julianstown and would produce a report in due course.
- Budget for maintenance / improvement works to bridges particularly Mornington and Killary. The Area Manager stated this was a matter for the Members to decide on when adopting the annual budget. The Area Engineer said he would investigate and report back.
- Colpe Cross roadworks. Major road improvement works – lighting, traffic calming and signage - are ongoing there on foot of a planning permission and the time scale for completion is late Summer / early Autumn 2008. The works will be monitored regularly.
- Funding for the R132. The Area Manager said that no funding had been secured for this road.
- Barrier at Gormanston. The Area Engineer said that the barrier had been ordered and would be replaced shortly.
- Clarity on where responsibility for road maintenance moves from the Council to the NRA adjacent to the M1 Motorway.
- Lack of signage on the M1. This was a matter for the NRA.
- Impact of proposed dual carriageway from Ashbourne to Ardee on the Slane By-Pass proposal. The Area manager advised that the NRA had reappraised the Slane By-Pass proposal. The E.I.S. and the C.P.O. documentation were being prepared and a longer route was now envisaged as longer routes were deemed to provide better value for money. He also said that each Area had a seat on a committee which met with the NRA to discuss new major road infrastructure and this was the forum to exert pressure on the NRA.
- Update on Duleek By-Pass and whether the Council has submitted a proposal for funding on this project. This was one of many major regional road proposals which the Council would like to see delivered but it was premature to identify a route until the Local Area Plan for Duleek was adopted. He would report back further at the December meeting. Ultimately all schemes depend on available funding.
- Comparative figures for the 5 Electoral Areas on road expenditure over the last 2 / 3 years. The Area Manager said comparative figures were not the best way to compare each area as each area was different in terms of road length, vehicle ownership, vehicle journeys, population etc. and wouldn’t allow the Council to take a strategic view where it was better to prioritise limited funding.
4.0To receive presentation from Eirgrid
At this stage Tomas Mulcahy and Peter Lantry, Eirgrid joined the meeting. The Area Manager said that, as agreed at the November Full Council meeting, Eirgrid would give a presentation to each Area Committee on its proposals to provide a 400kV power infrastructure from Woodland, Batterstown, Co. Meath to Kingscourt, Co. Cavan.
Tomas Mulcahy thanked the Members for the opportunity to address them. He circulated a report and gave a presentation which outlined the following:
- This project was vital to satisfy the growing demand for energy as the existing infrastructure was reaching capacity
- Eirgrid was holding open days to advise the public and listen to their views and all information would be made available as part of the consultation process
- Eirgrid was anxious to obtain the Members’ view
- There were 3 route options selected based on 7 key criteria
- Eirgrid was hopeful of collating all the information following the public awareness campaign by early 2008 when a decision would be made on the preferred route
- The power lines would be overground and a decision to this effect had been made as to underground them would be extremely expensive and would not in effect provide a reliable secure supply as sourcing and repairing underground lines was very time consuming and costly
- The project was fully compliant with all national and international standards including the WHO and there was no conclusive evidence to show that electromagnetic power lines were harmful
- The CDP states that MCC support the provision of energy needs
- Eirgrid would in due course apply to ABP with accompanying Environmental Impact Statements for planning permission under the Strategic Infrastructure Act 2006 to provide this necessary infrastructure and the public will have a 7 week window to make submissions
The Members welcomed the presentation and raised the following queries:
They requested the results of the various surveys done on the high power lines that went from Moneypoint to Dublin
The possibility of using old disused railway lines as the route for the project
That a public meeting be held with Eirgrid and a team of medical experts
What consultations if any have taken place with other European countries which have undergrounded their power lines
The WHO is not an independent organisation and is funded by vested interests
The power lines could be a potential target for terrorists
The possibility of undergrounding the D.C. at Batterstown relaying to Kingscourt and then converting to A.C.
The holding of an open day in each of the 5 Electoral Areas
If the country becomes more energy efficient could the technology become redundant
Information on the Company’s right to enter lands and details on compensation payable
The Members were unanimous in their opposition to the overground option and considered that the underground option would be much safer
Tomas Mulcahy replied as follows:
Energy demand was growing at 4% p.a. and unless this infrastructure was built there would be shortages in the future and it was vital that major companies underpinning the economy had a stable secure supply in the future
It was technically possible to underground the D.C. and subsequently convert it back to A.C.
The proposal is for an overground infrastructure along the entire route and this is what Eirgrid would be applying to ABP for and the only outstanding issue is the route selection
He understood the Members’ views in relation to the overground option and he stressed that Eirgrid would do everything it could to allay their and the public’s fears in this regard
The project wouldn’t involve any land sterilisation
Eirgrid would consider an open day in each of the 5 areas and a public meeting involving medical experts
E.S.B., who will carry out the construction works on behalf of Eirgrid, has a statutory right to enter onto lands subject to previous notice to the landowner and compensation is payable in accordance with long established agreements with the IFA.
ABP will make its decision in due course on receipt of Eirgrid’s application and this would be the first such application before ABP
He would arrange for a fact sheet to be circulated to the Members which would address many of their concerns
5.0 Report on Capital Projects
The Members received and noted a report on the above and raised the following issues:
- The Area Administrator advised the Members that Housing Section would be briefing the Members before the Draft Budget meeting on the 26th November
- Covered under item 3.0 Report on the Roadworks Programme
- Completion date for the Water Conservation programme and replacement of water meters. The Area Engineer stated that the Water Conservation programme was ongoing and that water meters generally had a life span of 7 years.
5.4Waste Water
- Update on Duleek Waste Water Upgrade and on plans to reduce the level of traffic especially HGVs passing through the village while the work is ongoing. The Area Engineer stated there were 2 separate contracts one for the Network and the other for the Plant.Work on the former was due to commence in early 2008.Bye-Laws restricting certain categories of vehicle could be brought in but these would be extremely difficult if not impossible to enforce. The traffic management plan, which may include a road closure, was the best mechanismfor dealing with this situation. He would do everything to ensure that traffic is managed properly and that diversions are in place. The works are scheduled to last 18 to 24 months.
5.5 Amenity
- Playgrounds. The Area Engineer stated that work was progressing on delivering playgrounds at Duleek, Laytown and Slane and he would update the Members at the next meeting.
- Duleek Courthouse. The Members welcomed the progress on this landmark building and the possible relocation there of Duleek Library.The Area Engineer undertook to update the members at the next meeting.
6.0 Report on Matters raised at the October Monthly meeting
The Members received and noted a report on the above.
7.0Items / Correspondence raised by the Area Manager
7.1 Request to dispose of land at Garballagh, Duleek. The Area Manager advised that a request to purchase a piece of ground at Garballagh, Duleek from the Council was received. This land was no longer required by the Council and he would bring a full report to the next meeting. The Members were agreeable to this.
7.2 Cowplots.The Area Manager stated that interest was expressed in one of the Council’s cowplots. He intended to have all the cowplots in the Slane Area and the piece of ground at Garballagh valued and he would update the Members at the next meeting. Again where these lands were of no strategic use to the Council he would recommend disposal of them but advised that community use would be conditioned into any disposal.
8.0 Matters raised with the permission of the Cathaoirleach
The Members raised the following issues
- Foreshore Bye-Laws The Area Manager said the Draft Bye-Laws as presented to the Members and which went on public display were drafted following extensive discussions with the Council’s legal advisors. Four submissions had been received and he hoped to bring a report to the members early in the new year
- Traffic management at Laytown / Bettystown
- Park & Ride at Laytown. The Area Manager advised that Irish Rail intended to submit a planning application for a park & ride facility at Laytown on the site of the Council Depot
- Old Mill in Julianstown now derelict. The onus was on the owner to make good this site
- Beach parking fee collection figures. The Area Administrator advised that €16k had been collected in 2007 and that the bad summer had impacted adversely on the number of visitors
- Traffic calming at ArdcathSchool. The Area Engineer undertook to investigate
- Footpath at Navan Road, Duleek The Area Engineer undertook to investigate
- Traffic calming and street lighting in Donore. The Area Engineer undertook to investigate
- Road improvements at Harrys. The Area Engineer undertook to investigate
- Pollution at Mosney. The Council investigated this matter and found no evidence of any pollution
- Mornington outfall. The break in the pipe was repaired
The Members agreed to move this item to no.2 on future monthly agendas after confirmation of minutes.
9.0To discuss matters in accordance with the recommendations of the Protocol Committee
Nothing raised.
The meeting then ended.
Minutes Nov '07 meeting 211107 Page 1 of 6
Meath County Council, Duleek One Stop Shop, Main Street, Duleek, County Meath