The science journal is an opportunity for you to explore/inquire about a scientific question you are curious about.
For our third journal entry I would like your exploration to tie into genetics and reproduction.This is an open ended inquiry, but a few ideas to get you started could include:
- Seed enhancement for better farming and food production.
- How a particular population can adapt to it’s environment and become more dominant. Such as how a particular plant or weed can take over in your garden; or a particular animal, reptile, or insect and how it mutates over time to become stronger in its environment.
- Certain diseases can be linked to genetics, such as asthma, some forms of cancer, cardiovascular disease, and many more.
The list goes on and on. You should explore a question that interests you and connects to the main concept. Remember to narrow your topic down to just one idea.
Getting Started:
- Come up with a big question you will answer in your journal.
- Do some initial investigation in order to get yourself familiar with the topic. Write down some jot notes. Remember to tag or bookmark any websites that are useful. You will want to return to them and later create a works cited.
- After doing some initial research think of three smaller questions you will answer in your journal which connects specifically to the big question.
- Your journal will need to be written in paragraph essay format.
We will use the same rubric as the first two journal entries, but here are some of the basic requirements to consider:
- Good use of scientific language
- Demonstrates deep understanding of the concept (this is where you do not want to plagiarize or use another authors writing style)
- Clarity (it makes sense)
- Create and write about a connection to your interests
- Even though I am not specifically marking grammar and punctuation. It must have the general flow of a well structure paragraph/essay. Proper spelling is important.
- Include a works cited.