Pre-Season Preparation Reminders

Dear players/parents, school is finally coming to an end and you’re now looking forward to an enjoyable summer! You should also be looking forward to next volleyball season which will be right around the corner before you know it. There are some things that you should be doing this summer to prepare yourself and our volleyball team for a successful season:

  • First of all, it’s very important that you maintain your fitness levelso that you’re especially prepared for the first week of practice. A great way to achieve this is to sign up and attend the early morning GETFAST strength and conditioning program offered at MHS. Please see coaches Jim Dillin or Bill Devoe for more information.
  • Another way to maintain your fitness level is to simply get outside and stay active-go out on short to long distance runs, biking, swimming, hiking, or play basketball. Do exercises while in the backyard such as pushups, sit-ups, jumping jacks, calf-raises, leg squats or lunges. Really emphasize exercises that strengthen your legs and condition your overall cardiovascular fitness.
  • Volleyball Open Gymswill take place at MHS (small gym), on Mondaysand Tuesdays, 8-10:00 a.m. This is a good opportunity to have some fun but to also work on your playing skills- passing, setting, serving, etc. and play some games to gain confidence in reading game action.
  • The Golden Eagles Summer Volleyball Campswill be offered once again at the OHS gym onJune4th-7th Send in your payment and registration as soon as possible. There are also other camps being offered at high schools and colleges throughout Wisconsin during the entire summer. Search for one and take advantage!
  • There are equipment items you will be required to purchase:All Black,4” inseam spandex playing shorts for competition; court shoes; and kneepads. MC Sports in Onalaska or Dick’s Sporting Goods in Madison offer a good selection of volleyball products but don’t wait until the last minute to purchase.
  • MANDATORY MHS ALL Sports Parent Meetingfor players and parents is tentatively scheduled forAugust 9that 6:00 p.m. Volleyball players in attendance will receive a copy of the season’s schedule and team handbook, and other important forms to complete in order to participate.
  • The First Day of Practice will be on Monday, August 13th at MHS startingat3 p.m. Don’t forget, that you must complete and turn-in the following forms before being allowed to practice:A. Physical Exam or Alternate Year Card; B. Athletic Eligibility Information Form (signed by athlete and parents); C. Athlete Emergency Form; D. School's Athletic Code

Being a parent myself, I recognize that the summer presents many challenges with scheduling around work, appointments, activities and events, vacations, etc. Attending all practices is very important and every player’s attendance is a must towards having a successful season. Please review the 2012 MHS Girls Volleyball Scheduleand plan accordingly as to avoid any conflicts. Again, have fun this summer, work hard to improve your volleyball playing skills, stay in shape, and I look forward to seeing you next season!

Ray Cruz, MHS Head Volleyball Coach

MaustonHigh School # (608) 847-4410 ext. 4423 or # (608) 633-4603 (please leave a message)

Or send an e-mail to

I will make every effort to return all phone calls and e-mail messages as promptly as possible.