The 7th CME Programme Committee Meeting

Date: 13th February 2003

Time: 9:00am

Venue: Tutorial Room 5, 2/F PEC

Attendees: Prof Tony Chung (Chairman), Prof Chan Wing Yee, Prof Allen Chan, Prof Winnie Yeo, Prof Albert Lee, Prof Timothy Kwok, Prof Alexander Yip, Prof SM Kumta, Prof W S Poon, Dr Simon Yip, Janet Chow (Secretary)

Apologies: Prof Paul Chan, Prof Rita Sung, Prof Cindy Aun, Prof Chan Yu Leung, Prof Chan Wai Man, Prof T S Lee

Minutes of 6th CME Programme Committee Meeting

-  Approved without amendments. (Post meeting notes: Prof Allen Chan found his name was missing in the minutes, he was one of the attendees.)

New member

-  Prof W S Poon replaced Dr Peter Chan as the representative of Surgery. The Committee welcomed Prof Poon.

Proposed CME Programme for non-specialists by Prof Albert Lee

-  Prof Albert Lee outlined his proposal. There will be weekday one-hour seminars, which will be mainly for knowledge and medical update. The weekend three-hour workshops will be mainly for skills. He said a more interactive format will be adopted to arouse GPs’ interest.

-  The proposed time, namely 14:15-15:15 hours during weekdays and 14:00-17:00 hours on Saturdays should be suitable for GPs.

-  PEC can be the venue for CME seminars and workshops and should be convenient for GPs in NTE region.

-  The CME programme will become compulsory from Jan 2005. The Medical Council is proposing each GP take at least 30 CME points (ie at least 30 CME hours) per year. There will be a huge demand on CME courses. The Chairman reflected that CUHK should use the next 18 months to develop and fine tune this CME product.

-  The Chairman reiterated this CME programme will be a potential source of significant income for the Faculty. He favored routing most of the money generated from this CME programme back to contributing departments.

-  The Chairman said ultimately we would like to have a rolling 2-3 year CME (non-specialist) programme which meets the GPs’ needs and enables them to meet the mandatory CME requirements of the Medical Council.

-  Development of this CME programme should follow the Faculty’s experience in developing the new medical curriculum.

-  The Chairman suggested the Committee should work towards rolling out the first 6 months of the programme shortly after Easter. The Chairman suggested that Prof Albert Lee finalise the first 6 months’ programme by the end of February. He will then write to the relevant departmental chairmen and ask them to nominate lecturers and elaborating the course details such as objectives, content, venue, class size, fee etc.

-  Meanwhile, current submissions will be processed as before. However, the Committee will focus on promoting the new programme.


-  Janet tabled a revised CME attendance form with added columns to show the CME Administrator of the GPs. This will reduce some of the clerical workload of the Secretariat. The Committee endorsed the revised attendance form and Janet will communicate this to CME Departmental Liaison Officers.

-  Prof Kumta suggested a more effective and labour-saving way of taking CME attendance, e.g. swiping card. The Chairman agreed and he will write to the Medical Council and the CME Administrators to urge them to introduce IT for the administration of this programme.

-  Janet reminded the Committee members that no retroactive claim for CME points will be allowed by the Medical Council.

-  The next meeting was scheduled to be held before Easter.

The meeting adjourned at 10:30am.


1.  Revised CME attendance form

2.  Feedback on the CME activities provided by CUHK upon conclusion of on-site sample checks conducted by EAC (Education and Accreditation Committee) members of the Medical Council

3.  Communication list of CME Programme Committee

The 7th CME Committee Meeting Page 1 of 2