Ad Hoc Group Advising on Wind Energy Systems
Notes of the October, 18, 2007 Meeting
Attendance Ad Hoc members: County Board Chair Merlin Gentz, Bonnie Casper, Ron Dietrich, Elmer Hanke, Gary Hansel, Bill Hansen, Dan Hedrich, Mike Hofberger, Margie Nett, Sandy Popp, Dale Voskuil. Staff: Mary Kohrell, Julie Heuvelman, Bill Craig, and Eugene McLeod.
- Welcome
The meeting began at 7:04 p.m. in the General Meeting Room of the Calumet County Courthouse. CountyBoard Chair Gentz welcomed everyone to the meeting. Four people from the general public were in attendance.
- Acknowledge any written comments received from the public
Julie Heuvelman reported no written comments from the public were receivedin her office. Gentz shared a letter he received from Clean Wisconsin regarding an upcoming bus tour. The tour is NOT sponsored by the county, would be November 3 from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m., and would stop in Johnsburg and then proceed to the Crescent Ridge wind farm in Illinois. He indicated copies of the letter would be sent to the members. He also circulated information about Clean Wisconsin and told the group about an upcoming Clean Wisconsin presentation to be held at the EnglerCenter on November 13. Lastly, he added Rick James will be presenting on noise October 29 at the Town of Chilton Town Hall.
- Presentation and Review of the Recommendations of the Northeast Wisconsin Karst Task Force
Kevin Erb, UWExtension Environmental Resources Center, Green Bay, gave a presentation on the report of the Karst Task Force. Heuvelman circulated copies of the report to the group. He also circulated a handout on karst features. Eugene McLeod gave a presentation on groundwater quality in CalumetCounty. Their presentations are available upon request from the Planning Department. Both speakers shared comments and some recommended code modifications that could help protect ground and surface water. Comments and recommendations were as follows:
- Require groundwater to slope away from foundations to prevent ponding.
- Don’t allow water to pond above cable/pipeline trenches—if water is allowed to sit on trenches it could cause ponding, and over time, sinkhole development.
- To prevent trench settling make sure trench is filled and compacted.
- Technical standards exist for concrete on bedrock to prevent movement of concrete—those standards should be followed.
- Site disturbance during construction can result in soil erosion, and, runoff can carry soil to adjacent surface waters, wetlands, Karst features, or bedrock exposed by excavation—develop and implement soil erosion control plan with conservation practices such as silt fences, mulching, and vegetative controls.
- During excavation for foundation, polluted surface runoff from adjacent land uses may run into hole and enter bedrock unfiltered, and, polluted surface runoff may also run down side of foundation by preferential flow and enter bedrock unfiltered—divert surface runoff away from excavation and foundation on a higher elevation than surrounding land.
- Construction materials and fluids from construction equipment may leak or spill and runoff or move downward into bedrock, and, fluids from turbine or turbine maintenance may also leak or spill—need proper storage, handling, and good housekeeping of materials and fluids, need periodic inspections and maintenance of construction equipment and turbines, and need a spill response plan to contain/clean up spills and leaks.
- Wash water from construction equipment and concrete trucks may runoff or move downward into bedrock—wash equipment and trucks off site, and, capture wash water.
- Herbicides and pesticides used to control unwanted vegetative growth and pests may runoff or move downward into bedrock—develop and follow a herbicide/pesticide management plan, and, use alternative, non-chemical approaches.
- Control blasting techniques to minimize bedrock fracturing—use drilling and hammering to replace blasting.
- Require pre-construction borings to find karst.
- Require setbacks from streams, wells, and pollution sources.
- Current code requires a site plan with karst locations, but does not require conservation practices, plans, procedures, and other items addressed by McLeod.
- Water Quality and Karst Topography in CalumetCounty
The intended speaker for this session, Maureen Muldoon from UW Oshkosh, was not available. Heuvelman indicated she will be available for a meeting in November.
- Possible Recommendations
Gentz directed Heuvelman to summarize the recommendations from Erb and McLeod. Heuvelman said she would also get a copy of the wind turbine environmental impact studies McLeod referenced during his groundwater presentation.
- Determining the Steps in the Ad Hoc Group Discussion and Decision-Making Process
Ad Hoc Group members were asked to complete a ranking form by prioritizing the importance to them, individually, of each of the ten issues to be considered (acknowledging that their may be additional items discussed, if time allows). Kohrell compiled the results and shared the averages of the Ad Hoc Group members’ prioritization of the issues. In priority order, the issues are:
- Sound/Noise8.45
- Groundwater Quality7.64
- Setbacks/Property Rights7.09
- Communication6.55
- Property Values (home and land)5.91
- Shadow/Flicker5.00
- Decommissioning4.82
- Safety Concerns3.36
- Maintenance of Roads 3.09
- Lighting3.09
- Future meeting dates/schedule
Based on the prioritization, the group confirmed a focus on discussing the topic of sound and noise at the October 25 and 30 meetings, with Rick James as a speaker on Oct. 30 pending approval of his expenses (estimated at $500) by a committee of the county board. Vibroacoustic disease is also to be discussed at the October 25 meeting. Groundwater will be discussed further on Nov. 8 or 20 depending on the availability of Maureen Muldoon, with a brief review of what was discussed October 18 at the October 25 meeting. Members requested staff prepare a suggested schedule of meeting dates and topics for consideration at the next meeting.
Gentz presented his thoughts on the future of the Ad Hoc Group. He wondered whether the group could finish by December 30; several members expressed their interest in finishing on schedule. He also expressed his desire that the Group’s recommendations be brought forward to the current county board.
Kohrell asked members to sign an agreement verifying their commitment to follow the protocol created at the first meeting. Members signed said agreements and gave them to Kohrell.
- Update on Tour to Wind Energy Project
CountyAdministrator, Bill Craig, indicated that the county board must approve expenditures for the Group’s proposed travel to Illinois or any other place they intend to visit. The intent is to seek funding approval at the next regularly scheduled county board meeting. Members discussed possible places to visit. Kohrell will seek information from members about their preferred travel days/dates at the next meeting.
- Adjournment
The meeting adjourned at 9:31 p.m.
(Notes recorded by Mary Kohrell and Julie Heuvelman)