Thursday May 25 2017 18.30


Dr. T Safdar. General Practitioner Central Clinic (TS)

Victoria Walters. Practice Manager Central Clinic (VW)

Patient 1 (P1)

Patient 2 (P2)


None received


Minutes of previous meeting 24/11/2016 approved.


VW welcomed this present to the seventh PPG meeting and thanked them for attending. VW explained how the PPG came about and its purpose & remit. VW also briefly reviewed previous PPG meetings & the discussions held etc. VW also said the practice hoped the PPG would continue to prove a useful discussion and feedback tool. VW reiterated that agenda items continue to be encouraged from patients. Also VW reviewed the other forms of feedback available to patients (FFT, Suggestions Box, NHS Choices, Website, Complains/Compliments etc).


Suggestion Box: none received

Website/Emails: none received

Any other method: none received

FFT: VW mentioned the FFT and explained how it works. The location of the forms and the box was pointed out and everyone present were asked to encourage their friends and family to complete an FFT card. VW also said patients could submit FFT data verbally if they chose. In the future it may be possible to submit FFT feedback via the website or via the patient log-in terminal in the reception area.

TS again asked the patientspresent to take every opportunity to encourage feedback from their friends and families who are patients at the surgery. TS said that feedback through the FFT had consistently been very positive.


  • Staff Changes – TS confirmed that as discussed in the previous PPG meeting the practice now has its first GP ST doctor who joined us in February 2017. This complements the existing FY2 doctor’s in the practice. TS explained the difference in career stage of an FY2 versus a GP ST. TS said the introduction of the GP ST doctor had so far been a very rewarding & positive experience for staff & patients alike. TS asked the patients present if they had consulted either the FY2 or GP ST doctors yet? Both replied they had not yet done so.
  • Research Practice – Also discussed at the last PPG meeting was the practice becoming involved in research studies. TS confirmed that the practice has now enrolled in approximately 4-5 studies so far and has begun to contribute patients to these studies. TS explained that the practice was very excited about becoming involved in the Clinical Research Network under their Research Site Initiative scheme. VW explained to the patient s present what this involves and what to expect (if anything) in a research communication from the practice. TS reiterated and emphasized that any involvement of patients would first have the relevant ethics approval and secondly would always be strictly voluntary.
  • Premises Update – TS said that there had been a visit from a representative of the CCG along with an architect to the premises. It is not known at this stage what (of anything) is being considered by the CCG other than they are considering some options. A re-development proposal was previously submitted by NHS PS to the CCG which has been discussed at previous CCG meetings. The CCG were unwilling to fund the proposed re-development at that time.
  • Prescription Ordering Direct – VW presented an overview of the POD services established by Dudley CCG & which the practice hopes start utilising in July 2017. VW explained how the POD would work and what the differences would mean for patients and the potential benefits therein. TS added that he hoped that it would mean patients find it easier to request repeat prescriptions.
  • PPG Organisation – TS again raised the question of the organisation of the PPG as was discussed at each of the last PPG meetings. TS asked if any of the patients present would like to nominate themselves as permanent chair & vice-chair etc or would they prefer for the PPG to remain informal? TS also reiterated that this wouldn’t involve too onerous a commitment for any one person. Again the consensus was that the PPG would like to stay the same (i.e. informal).
  • Patient Online Services – VW emphasized to patients the advantages of registering for services online and the services available. TS asked the patients present to spread the word amongst the community & friends etc as the practice is very keen to get more patients on-board with online services.
  • Weekend Opening – VW said that the practice continues to open on Sundays between 10am to 2.30 pm under the Dudley CCG Extended Weekend Access Scheme. VW asked patients present to spread awareness of this amongst the community.


  • P1 asked if the research activity would mean that every patient is contacted. TS explained that each study has its own criteria on which basis patients are invited to the study concerned. Hence only eligible patients are invited not all patients.
  • P1 also asked about online ordering of medications. VW answered the question and explained the registration process. VW offered to assist P1 with the registration process.
  • P2 asked if the Sunday opening was permanent? TS replied that it depended on how the Weekend Extended Access Scheme was operated by the CCG not individual practices. TS added that as far as we know it is to continue for the time being.


  • TS asked those present for their views on the availability of appointments & overall ease of access to our services:
  • P1 – “quite good”
  • P2 – “good”

TS confirmed that the practice always does its best to monitor capacity & demand for appointments and tried to be flexible in responding to demand.


Date of next PPG Meeting set as Thursday 23 November 2017 at 6.30pm.

The patients/members present were asked if they objected to being identified by name in the meeting minutes or if they prefer we anonymise them to Patient 1 etc. The consensus was to anonymise.

VW& TS thanked everyone present for coming and asked them to let their family & friends know about the next meeting in November 2017which will also be advertised in due course in the waiting room & on the practice website.