Associated Teachers TV programme:
Gifted and Talented Pupil Voice - Lucy
TiptonSt JohnC.ofE.Primary School Improvement Plan 2008-9
Going for the best to honour God and inspire each other
Action Plan for Gifted and Talented Education
Rationale:to improve the quality of provision for all children and Gifted and Talented children in particularthrough- better and more personalised classroom provision, 2. better staff understanding of G+T education and through 3.shared primary-secondary understanding and high quality transition documentation
Activity / Personnel / Timescale / Resources / Success criteria / Monitored by
CQS1 (Development of) Conditions for Learning
a. Learning conditions:
help learners achieve excellent results through using new ideas and ways of working
allow them to direct their own learning, and achieve excellent progress, free from institutional, social or emotional pressure on their performance
promote learning that is routinely informed by creative and lateral thinking
b. The world is in the classroom via:
relevant and practical activities and tasks
regular consideration of the economic, ecological, social and moral aspects of life and learning
c. Gifts and talents are used, demonstrated and developed through:
-A flexibility which allows learners to develop individual abilities and skills
-an ethos that values creativity and champions excellence / All staff / summer 2008 – summer 2009 / Staff meeting time
Time for lesson observations / Learning happens with the learners rather than is done to them: there is dialogue and choice about how best to learn.
Learning occurs in a wider context.
Tasks are varied, customised and well-paced. Participation is encouraged and rewarded.
A range of strategies and methods in evidence – teaching,, organisation
(Some criteria to be determined by the children’s research team – could also build into lesson observation sheet) / PB
+ TLR teacher
Target group of children
Staff development (IQS 10) – links with above
-national training
-LA training
-personalised, school specific training / PB
All staff
(+ possibly to include governors) / At least termly staff meetings / CPD time + supply funding
(3 days?) / (Depends to some degree on availability of training)
Shared school understand of G+T identification and types of provision / PB + staff
+ a governor
Transfer and transition (IQS 6)
To ensure that shared processes, using agreed criteria, are in place to ensure the productive transfer of information from one setting to another – particularly between our school and partner secondary schools / PB (+ MT +CK) / Start summer 2007 – delayed focus now
autumn 2008 / At least 2 meetings with secondary colleagues / A clear document – helpful and effective for both primary and secondary schools and
useful for transfer to Y7 / PB + a governor
Begin work on the Challenge Award – Element 4b: / Begin autumn 08 / “The curriculum offers breadth, depth and flexibility to meet the needs of Able, Gifted and Talented pupils” / PB + staff + a governor
Key questions
- Do levels of attainment and achievementfor gifted and talented pupils indicate sustainability over time?
- Are they well above those of similar pupils in similar schools?
Note to teachers
This document was not created by Teachers TV but the author has allowed us to publish it here to be used for educational purposes