Lesson Plans for: Radio Rescue & Midnight Ride
Reading- Day 1- Radio Rescue
Skill / S1, C6, PO1& PO2 PREDICT EVENTS/COMPARE PREDICTIONSActivity / 1. SW take a picture walk (make sure students are using appropriate vocabulary as they take the picture walk). TW call on different groups or students as we do the picture walk to tell what they see.
2. SW be asked to write down 5 predictions. (Fiction or nonfiction? / Who will be the main characters? / What’s the problem? / What could be the solution? 5W’s. Ask students to explain their predictions as they write them down, for example I think the boys are in trouble, because they’re sitting outside the principal’s office) As students, write down their predictions, they will share and TW write on chart paper. (ELL will have a visual and could just copy from chart) predictions and put a check mark on the correct predictions and an x on the “incorrect”, BUT, explain that there are “no wrong” predictions, if they were GOOD predictions.
3. SW read story as a class and go back to their predictions and put a check mark on the correct predictions and an x on the “incorrect”, BUT, explain that there are “no wrong” predictions, if they were GOOD predictions.
Materials / Textbook & chart Paper * use pg.125 questions for predictions
Evaluation / 5 good predictions
Modifications / Work w/ partner/ Predictions on chart paper(ELL will have a visual and could just copy from chart)
Day 2
Skill / S1, C6 PO4 ANSWER QUESTIONS IN ORDER TO COMPREHEND TEXT.Activity / 1. SW listen to the story on CD, T & SW orally discuss the story (TW use the critical thinking questions to guide students)
2. Ind.Act- SW work w/ partners to answer the comprehension questions.
Materials / CD/ TE /comprehension questions & wb64
Evaluation / WB64- 95 % accuracy
Modifications / Teacher & ELL students will complete this task together.
Reading- Day 3- Midnight Ride
Skill / S1, C6, PO1& PO2 PREDICT EVENTS/COMPARE PREDICTIONSActivity / 4. SW take a picture walk (make sure students are using appropriate vocabulary as they take the picture walk). TW call on different groups or students as we do the picture walk to tell what they see.
5. SW be asked to write down 5 predictions. (Fiction or nonfiction? / Who will be the main characters? / What’s the problem? / What could be the solution? 5W’s. Ask students to explain their predictions as they write them down, for example I think the boys are in trouble, because they’re sitting outside the principal’s office) As students, write down their predictions, they will share and TW write on chart paper. (ELL will have a visual and could just copy from chart) predictions and put a check mark on the correct predictions and an x on the “incorrect”, BUT, explain that there are “no wrong” predictions, if they were GOOD predictions.
6. SW read story as a class and go back to their predictions and put a check mark on the correct predictions and an x on the “incorrect”, BUT, explain that there are “no wrong” predictions, if they were GOOD predictions.
Materials / Textbook & chart Paper * use pg.131 questions for predictions
Evaluation / 5 good predictions
Modifications / Work w/ partner/ Predictions on chart paper(ELL will have a visual and could just copy from chart)
Reading -Day 4
Skill / S1, C6 PO4 ANSWER QUESTIONS IN ORDER TO COMPREHEND TEXT.Activity / 3. SW listen to the story on CD, T & SW orally discuss the story (TW use the critical thinking questions to guide students)
4. Ind.Act- SW work w/ partners to answer the comprehension questions.
Materials / CD/ TE /comprehension questions
Evaluation / 95 % accuracy
Modifications / Teacher & ELL students will complete this task together.
Reading- Day 5- catch-up day or wb66-67 test taking strategies
(ELL will work w/ me all week)
Skill / S2,C1,PO1-5 REVIEW STORY STRUCTURE & sequence of eventsActivity / 1. Using Radio Rescue, review the elements of story structure (character, setting, plot and sequencing words)
2. W/ partner sw do wb69
Materials / Wb69
Evaluation / 95 % on wb69
Modifications / Provide graphic organizer & work w/ me
Word Study-
1st Day
Skill / S1, C4, PO7 Determine the meaning and other features of words using the dictionary, (glossary) and thesaurus.Activity
/ 1. TW introduce the vocabulary words using TE pg. 122 and the vocabulary readers.
2. Ind. Act- SW complete a Word Web ( word /def/part of speech/syllables/picture)
Materials / TE, Vocabulary Readers, student textbook & thesaurus
Evaluation / Completed word web w 80% accuracy
ELL- work w partners/ vocab. readers/provide pictures
Word Study
Day 2
Skill / Review vocabulary wordsActivity / 1. We will review vocabulary words using Transp. 1-31
2. Sw complete wb62 w/ partner
Materials / Trans. 1-31 & wb 62, textbook
Evaluation / 8/8= 100 % accuracy
Modifications / Work w partner, vocabulary readers
WORD WORK/ Spelling / Using the spelling words for: theme 1 review (wb72)SW do:
1. ABC order
2. Write sentences for each word, must be longer than 5 words, not more than 3 should start the same way, and try to vary the sentences between statements/ questions/ commands and exclamatory sent. Underline subject once, then predicate twice
4. WB72,73,74 should be taken out of the workbook and attach them to make a spelling packet w/ above.
WRITING / S- Write a friendly letter S3, C3, PO2
A- Sw write me a letter, telling me what they liked about this theme and what they didn’t like. (favorite story, etc.)
M- paper, and friendly letter format
E- a friendly letter w/ correct format
FLUENCY / S- S1, C5, C1 Constantly read grade level text w/ 90 % accuracy
A- SW read the selection summary and time themselves read. SW find a partner and time each other. SW write down their best record on their fluency sheet.
M- Selection summaries- ELL & regular ( works better if they’re in sheet protectors, that way, students can use dry erase markers to cross out incorrect words or put stop sings)
E- Fluency record must be turned in or placed in their center folder
COMPUTER/ PLAY STATIONS / eduplace.com/kids-
* spelling /grammar/ LA review
The disk will have the same concepts taught this week for review