As a senior officer in the financial regulatory system, and having nearly completed the Accelerated Programme of studies for the Chartered Banker MBA I can attest that the module study options offered are purposefully designed for the boards of directors and senior officers of banks and regulatory agencies to understand the drivers of bank and financial institution maximization of value in the post global crisis period.

The Programme focuses on the move for convergence between financial institution risk management and targeted profitability, previously undertaken as separate strategies. You are taken through the infrastructure and requirements for sound credit and lending practices for increasingly globalizing markets, the key drivers of both bank profitability and risk. There is also emphasis on how the newer requirements of Basle III are designed to encourage banks to deal with liquidity risk, now considered as integral as capital adequacy to bank risk management. It proffers how bank management strategies can leverage these regulatory requirements to foster stakeholder confidence, through the sustainability of key funding sources, liquidity buffers and profitability in times of systemic stress. There is also the important emphasis on risk governance of financial institutions, market conduct and re-emphasis on ethics and the professional banker where laxity in these areas were characteristic of the key players in the financial system who oversaw the collapse of many financial institutions globally.

Importantly, the relatively short Programme duration and remote contact logistics offers me the kind of flexibility that senior officers require to be able undertake the Programme without interference with their job performance. I have found that immediately on starting that there has been immense value added to my technical on-the-job expertise where I am able to better understand the nature of the changes in banking business to inform necessary review and consideration of the required consequential changes in banking system regulation policy.

The web sessions provide an opportunity to participate in discussions and the development of solutions with counterparts from all over the world, and that is invaluable. I recommend this Programme wholeheartedly.