
of the Academic Senate Meeting

May 31, 2006

PRESENT Alex, Almaraz, Ballinger(Proxy-Garver), Brock, Bustamante, Emerton, Flores, Fucaloro, Garver, Goldman, Halati, Humber, Janger, Johannessen, Kashefinejad, Kauser, Kellner, Klein, Kopplin, Langlois, La Roche(Proxy-Poulakidas), Leon, D. Lord, H. Lord, Marshall, Monemi, Morgan, Poulakidas, Rainey, Ritz, Sancho-Madriz, Self, Soe, Soroka, Speak, Stoner, Turner


GUESTS: M. Ortiz, T. Morales, J. Chesser, C. Pinter-Lucke, B. Hacker, D. Straney, P. Farris, E. Hohmann, L. Turner

1. Emeritus Awards

Chair Flores recognized Senator Hassan Halati, Chair of the Faculty Affairs Committee.

The Faculty Affairs Committee has unanimously approved nominating resolutions for the award of Emeritus to 28 distinguished members of the Cal Poly community.

M/s/p that these resolutions be received and filed as a permanent part of the Senate Archives.

M/s that these resolutions be adopted, and with adoption, they be proclaimed to the entire University community.

The motion passed unanimously.

Senator Halati will be presenting, in alphabetical order, the Emeritus Designees at the reception on May 31 at 3:30 in the bronco student Center, 2nd Floor, Orion Suite.

2. Honoring Retiring Senators

The following senators are retiring from the Senate. The Senate honored each individual.

Pablo La Roche Architecture 2004-2006

Liliane Fucaloro English and Foreign Languages 2004-2006

Harriet Lord Mathematics 1997-2006

George Rainey Physics 1996-2006

Gloria Johannessen Education 2002-2006

Ann Morgan CSU Senate 2003-2006

One retiring senator deserves special recognition for his years of service.

Martin Stoner Biological Sciences 1988 - 2006

Chair Flores congratulated Dr. Stoner on his 18 years of service to the Academic Senate.

3. Seating of New Senators

The following individuals have been elected to the Academic Senate:

Melissa Aaron CLASS

Jared Stallones CEIS

Broc Sandelin Agriculture

Crystal Lee Environmental Design

Roger Morehouse Science

Len Troncale Science

Michael Green Science

Leticia Singh Staff

The new senators were seated.

4.  Election of Executive Committee

Senator Ann Morgan conducted the election.

The following are the nominations for the Executive Committee 2006-07:

Agriculture Martin Sancho Madriz

Business Jeanne Almaraz

CEIS Karen Langlois

Jared Stallones

CLASS David Lord

Collins School John Self, Vice Chair

Engineering Fazal Kauser

Frank Janger

Environmental Design Dimitris Poulakidas

Related Areas Bruce Emerton

Science Lisa Alex

CSU Rochelle Kellner

M/s/p that the following individuals be elected by acclamation.

Agriculture Martin Sancho Madriz

Business Jeanne Almaraz

CLASS David Lord

Environmental Design Dimitris Poulakidas

Related Areas Bruce Emerton

Science Lisa Alex

CSU Rochelle Kellner

Secret ballots were distributed for CEIS and Engineering.

The following are the results:


Karen Langlois 15

Jared Stallones 18 – ELECTED


Fazal Kauser 15

Frank Janger 16 – ELECTED

Glenda Brock, Past Chair, will be a member of the Executive Committee 2006-07

5. Voting on Degrees

M/s that the Academic Senate, on behalf of the Faculty at this University, recommends to the President that the degree candidates listed in the Registrars List be awarded the appropriate degrees this June.

The motion passed unanimously

The meeting was adjourned at 3:30 p.m.



WHEREAS, Professor Donald L. Bell has faithfully served our University, the College of Business Administration, the Computer Information Systems Department of the College, and most notably, our students since 1972; and

WHEREAS, He has, for over three decades, been a part of and been responsible for much of this institution’s progress; and

WHEREAS, He has come to be revered for his professionalism, dedication, and uncompromising standards by his students and colleagues alike; and

WHEREAS, His influence has extended far beyond the University community because of the quality of his leadership, teaching, advising, program development, and service, and

WHEREAS, He has consistently demonstrated a rare degree of creativity in his scholarly pursuits as witnessed by his inquiry into international research topics which stirred the imagination of his students and peers; and

WHEREAS, He has tirelessly served in administrative capacities which have brought distinction to the University, College, and Department, among them: Associate Vice President, Associate Dean of the College, Acting Director of Graduate Programs for the College, and

WHEREAS, He has contributed to the internationalization of the College and University, in part through his involvement in graduate study; and

WHEREAS, He has been a most highly valued colleague and friend; therefore be it

RESOLVED, That the Academic Senate of California State Polytechnic University, Pomona unanimously express its deepest appreciation for his many years of dedicated service to the students and his colleagues at this University; and be it further

RESOLVED, That the title of “Professor Emeritus” be bestowed upon this faculty member; and be it further

RESOLVED, That this resolution be presented to Professor Donald L. Bell in recognition of his many accomplishments and contributions, and that it be permanently recorded in the Minutes and Archives of the Academic Senate.


WHEREAS, Professor Peggy M. Berger has served Cal Poly Pomona University, the College of Business Administration, and the Technology and Operations Management Department, and most notably our students since 1976; and

WHEREAS, She has been revered for her professionalism, dedication and uncompromising standards by her students and colleagues alike; and

WHEREAS, She has provided outstanding and high quality teaching, mentoring, and advising to the students; and

WHEREAS, She has been an enthusiastic and committed faculty member, dedicating her teaching life to promoting intellectual values, critical thinking skills, and quantitative reasoning; and

WHEREAS, She has made significant contributions to her profession by broadening her scholarly activities through consulting and research; and

WHEREAS, She has demonstrated collegiality, cooperation and helpfulness; therefore be it

RESOLVED, That the Academic Senate of California State Polytechnic University, Pomona unanimously expresses its deepest appreciation for her many years of untiring service to the students and faculty of the University; and be it further

RESOLVED, That the title of “Lecturer Emerita” be bestowed upon this distinguished faculty member; and be it further

RESOLVED, That this resolution be presented to Professor Peggy M. Burger in recognition of her many accomplishments and contributions, and that it be permanently recorded in the Minutes and Archives of the Academic Senate.


WHEREAS, Professor Richard J. Bergstrom has rendered distinguished service to the California State Polytechnic University, Pomona for 36 years (1970-2006); and

WHEREAS, He has maintained high academic standards in his classroom and he has faithfully served the University on RTP; and

WHEREAS, His students have recognized his classroom effectiveness by awarding him Outstanding Teacher of the Year in the FRL Department for 1982 and 1984-85; and

WHEREAS, His scholarship includes authored and co-authored discipline-based and practice oriented journal articles, numerous papers presented and published in academic conference proceedings; therefore be it

RESOLVED, That the Academic Senate of California State Polytechnic University, Pomona unanimously express its deepest appreciation for his many years of untiring service to the students and faculty of the University; and be it further

RESOLVED, That the title of “Professor Emeritus” be bestowed upon this distinguished faculty member; and be it further

RESOLVED, That this resolution be presented to Professor Richard J. Bergstrom in recognition of his many accomplishments and contributions, and that it be permanently recorded in the Minutes and Archives of the Academic Senate.


WHEREAS, Dr. Keith Brown has rendered distinguished service to the California State Polytechnic University, Pomona for 13 years (1968-1981); and

WHEREAS, He was a senior member of the Physics Department; and

WHEREAS, He served as department chair for six years (1975-1981); and

WHEREAS, He was named outstanding physics professor for three years (1969-1972); and

WHEREAS, He has taught a great variety of physics courses, ranging from introductory physics to upper-division courses in thermodynamics, advanced quantum mechanics, solid state physics, mechanics, and statistical mechanics; and

WHEREAS, He sponsored senior project students and independent study students; and

WHEREAS, He has given good service on committees at the department, college, and university level, including, among others, the state-wide committee on alternate sources of energy; therefore be it

RESOLVED, That the Academic Senate of California State Polytechnic University, Pomona unanimously expresses its deepest appreciation for his service to the students and faculty of the University; and be it further

RESOLVED, That the title of “Professor Emeritus” be bestowed upon this distinguished faculty member; and be it further

RESOLVED, That this resolution be presented to Dr. Keith Brown in recognition of his accomplishments and contributions, and that it be permanently recorded in the Minutes and Archives of the Academic Senate.


WHEREAS, Dr. Soumya Chakravarti has rendered distinguished service to the California State Polytechnic University, Pomona for 18 years (1987-2005); and

WHEREAS, He is a senior member of the Physics Department; and

WHEREAS, He has taught a great variety of physics courses, ranging from introductory physics to upper-division courses in quantum mechanics, astrophysics, and computational physics; and

WHEREAS, He has given good service on committees at the department, college, and university level, including, among others, the curriculum committee, the lower division lab committee, the budget and planning committee, the seminar committee, and the retention, tenure, and promotion committee and served as department webmaster; and

WHEREAS, He has published numerous articles in nuclear physics; and

WHEREAS, He sponsored senior project students and independent study students in the area of computational physics; and

WHEREAS He supervised the Beowulf Project to build a supercomputer from a cluster of networked PC’s; and

WHEREAS, He has received grants in both nuclear and computational physics, including a grant of super-computing time; and

WHEREAS He has been a highly valued colleague; therefore be it

RESOLVED, That the Academic Senate of California State Polytechnic University, Pomona unanimously expresses its deepest appreciation for his untiring service to the students and faculty of the University; and be it further

RESOLVED, That the title of “Professor Emeritus” be bestowed upon this distinguished faculty member; and be it further

RESOLVED, That this resolution be presented to Dr. Soumya Chakravarti in recognition of his many accomplishments and contributions, and that it be permanently recorded in the Minutes and Archives of the Academic Senate.


WHEREAS, Professor Marguerite M. Clark has served as a distinguished faculty member of the California State Polytechnic University, Pomona for 25 years (1981-2006); and

WHEREAS, She has been consistently recognized and respected by her colleagues and students as a challenging, yet caring, faculty member who encourages students to strive for their highest potential; and

WHEREAS, She has been an advisor “extraordinaire,” serving as an invaluable mentor and role model to students, earning the College of Letters, Arts, and Social Sciences Advisor of the Year Award in 1995; and

WHEREAS, She has been recognized as a valued colleague and friend, offering support, guidance, and assistance, especially to new faculty members; and

WHEREAS, She has provided exceptional service and leadership to the Psychology and Sociology Department through her contributions on committees, her years of service as Associate Chair, and her service as Acting Chair for two quarters; and

WHEREAS, She has graciously organized and hosted departmental events to celebrate faculty accomplishments and enhance professional camaraderie among faculty; and

WHEREAS, She has been recognized as a significant contributor to the College through her service on numerous committees over the years, especially the College Diversity Committee and the College Budget Advisory and Planning Committee; and

WHEREAS, She has provided dedicated service to the community, especially the Mount Baldy United Way, for many years and in multiple capacities; and

WHEREAS, She has been an active scholar who has made numerous professional presentations, published in her field, created video presentations for on-line classes, and contributed to our understanding of student academic dishonesty; therefore be it

RESOLVED, That the Academic Senate of California State Polytechnic University, Pomona unanimously express its deepest appreciation for her many years of dedicated service to the students and faculty of the University; and be it further

RESOLVED, That the title of “Professor Emeritus” be bestowed upon this distinguished faculty member; and be it further

RESOLVED, That this resolution be presented to Professor Marguerite M. Clark in recognition of her many accomplishments and contributions, and that it be permanently recorded in the Minutes and Archives of the Academic Senate.


WHEREAS, Professor Gary A. Cretser has rendered distinguished service to the California State Polytechnic University, Pomona for 40 years (1966-2006); and

WHEREAS, He has provided extraordinary leadership and direction as Chair of the Psychology and Sociology Department (formerly Behavioral Sciences Department) for 22 years; and

WHEREAS, He is recognized and appreciated as a highly valued colleague, friend, mentor, and role model to faculty members, as well as an exceptional professor and mentor to students in the Department; and

WHEREAS, He was the recipient of the George P. Hart Award for Outstanding Faculty Leadership at Cal Poly Pomona in 2003-2004; and

WHEREAS, He has been a dedicated leader in a variety of International Programs, serving as the Acting Director of the Cal Poly Pomona International Center, the Acting Assistant Director of the California State University International Programs, and the Resident Director of the California State University International Programs in Sweden and Denmark, as well as faculty member in residence for the London Quarter on two occasions and the China Summer Program; and

WHEREAS, He has been recognized as an exceptional scholar with numerous publications and presentations, especially in the areas of emotion and intermarriage; and

WHEREAS, He has made significant professional contributions to the field of Sociology through his service in the American Sociological Association, the Pacific Sociological Association, and the California Sociological Association, of which he was President in 2004-2005; and

WHEREAS, He was the founder of the Cal Poly Pomona Chapter of Phi Beta Delta, Honor Society for International Scholars, and served as its national president in 1989-1990, as well as was selected for honorary membership in the Golden Key National Honor Society in 1994; and

WHEREAS, He has provided invaluable community service by serving as a consultant for numerous community agencies; therefore be it