Victorian Certificate of Applied Learning

VCAL provider name:Copperfield College

VCAL unit name:Numeracy Skills

VCAL unit:Foundation

Teacher name:James Gray


Overview of the assessment task and the project/theme it is linked to: (100 words maximum)
This project covered the outcomes of design, measuring, money and time and how they related to familiar tasks and everyday contexts. In this project students investigated concepts of design, measurement and location through a wide variety of scaffolded activities. Design was investigated through looking at shapes in class and in local area contexts. The concept of measurement was explored through practical experimental procedures and through outdoor investigations. Money and Timewas studied by a number of tasks that looked at using money and time in common everyday situations.
Student roles and responsibilities in relation to the task:
  • Regularlyattended VCAL classes and excursions
  • Purposefully participated in group activities
  • Regularly consulted with teacher and responded to feedback
  • Engaged purposefully in class discussions
  • Completed tasks within a negotiated timeframe
  • Identified potential and actual problems and contacted them to the teacher
  • Considered and adhered toOH&S requirements
Level of teacher support:
Collected documentation and/or artefacts for presentation at QA Stage 2 as evidence that students have demonstrated competency of all elements in 3 outcomes.
Students required a high level of support, assistance, supervision and direction from their teacher to demonstrate achievement of the elements.
The teacher regularly monitored student progress and provided on-going feedback to the students.
Teachers provided extra time and supplementary activities to demonstrate achievement of particular elements.
Teachers provided students with step by step instruction in completing activities and this included at times prompting and a high level of guidance.
Resources (computer access, classroom materials etc) for student consumption were organisedby the teacher. As well, the teacher organised all aspects of incursions or excursions that students were involved in.
Is the activity included in this template part of an integrated program? / Yes / No
Please indicate the other VCAL units and learning outcome/s that are also met by this integrated program
Unit title / Level / LO1 / LO2 / LO3 / LO4 / LO5 / LO6 / LO7 / LO8
Literacy Skills / [01]
Numeracy Skills / [02]F / Yes / Yes / Yes
Work Related Skills
Personal Development Skills

Assessment Template:Numeracy Skills Foundation

Learning outcome 1

Numeracy for practical purposes – design

Can use everyday informal language of shape, size, colour and other commonly used attributes to identify and recognise shapes in the context of their common usage and application.

Description of what the student will be required to do in order to demonstrate successful completion of the learning outcome:

Task Description:
Students participated in a number of activities that focused upon design. Students
investigated shapes through a variety of scaffolded tasks that looked at shapes encountered
through everyday life experiences. Tasks involved observing, handling and discussing
different shapes, walking around the local area and looking at shapes, creating a shapes
glossary and establishing a portfolio.
Elements / Activities to demonstrate achievement of elements / Evidence to demonstrate achievement of elements
Mathematical knowledge and techniques
a)Use concepts of shape and size to describe and compare shapes. / Using a variety of Power Polygon shapes students made comment about shape and size of various polygons.
Students completed a local area walk recording observations of shape and size of local features such as road signs, tiles and building shapes. / Photos of activities
Teacher Observation Record
Student diagrams and notations.
Student attendance record.
Photos of activities
Teacher Observation Record
Student diagrams and notations.
Student attendance record.
b)Use touch and sight of objects to classify and compare objects. / Using the Beginners Sorting Set students classified and compared a variety of different objects.
Using the Super Sorting Kit students classified and compared a variety of different objects.
Students classified a variety of everyday items such as money and animals. / Photos of activities
Teacher Observation Record
Student diagrams and notations.
Student attendance record.
Photos of activities
Teacher Observation Record
Student diagrams and notations.
Student attendance record.
Photos of activities
Teacher Observation Record
Student diagrams and notations.
Student attendance record.
c)Use appropriately informal language of comparisons such as bigger, smaller, the same as, thicker, darker, hotter, longer, shorter. / Students made glossary/diagrams of appropriate words.
Students related where they heard or saw these words in familiar places such as home or their workplace.
Students created a visual diary of their experiences and findings. / Student Glossary.
Record of student discussions.
Visual Diary
d)Use appropriately informal language of shape such as straight, curved, square, circle. / Students made glossary/diagrams of appropriate words.
Using the Invicta Montessori Shapes Set of 10students discussed the features of the various shapes.
Drew particular shapes from an oral description, for example drew a shape which has four straight sides the samelength.
Students completed a local area walk and discussed observations of shape and size of local features with the teacher. / Student Glossary.
Photos of activities
Teacher Observation Record
Student diagrams and notations.
Student attendance record.
Teacher Observation Record
Student diagrams and notations.
Student attendance record.
Teacher record of discussions.
Photos of activities
Teacher Observation Record
Student diagrams and notations.
Student attendance record.
e)Decide, with teacher prompting, whether descriptions are correct using personal experience, context and prior knowledge. / Students discussed the above activities with their teacher, in order to check on the correctness of their descriptions. / Teacher record of discussions.
Teacher Observation Record.

Learning outcome 2

Numeracy for practical purposes – measuring

Can use familiar simple measurements of length, mass, capacity and temperature to compare or measure materials or objects in personal situations.

Description of what the student will be required to do in order to demonstrate successful completion of the learning outcome:

Task Description:
Students participated in a number of activities that focused upon measuring. Students
investigated measurement through a variety of scaffolded tasks that looked at how measuring is
encountered through everyday life experiences. Tasks involved using a variety of measuring
equipment, the functioning of the equipment and the units they use.
Elements / Activities to demonstrate achievement of elements / Evidence to demonstrate achievement of elements
Mathematical knowledge and techniques
a)Choose appropriate measuring instruments from a given range of available instruments. / Students selected appropriate measuring devices for particular purposes and discussed and notate their findings. / Teacher record of discussions.
Photos of activities
Teacher Observation Record
Student diagrams and notations.
Student attendance record.
b)Use measuring instrument correctly, for example begins from zero. / Students demonstrated that they can use a variety of measuring devices in a correct and safe manner. / Photos of activities
Teacher Observation Record
Student diagrams and notations.
Student attendance record.
c)Use whole numbers appropriately. / Students recordedwhole number measurements and simple calculations where appropriate. / Student diagrams and notations.
Student calculations.
Student attendance record.
d)Use the common units of measurement and their abbreviations such as centimetre, metre, kilogram, litres, and imperial measurements, for example inch, foot, pound, ounce, degree Celsius to compare and measure materials or objects. / Throughout the measurement activities students were required to include the common units of measurement and their abbreviations.
Students were required to participate in a discussion of imperial measurements. Students notated these discussions through written examples and diagrams. / Teacher record of discussions.
Teacher Observation Record
Student diagrams and notations.
Student attendance record.
e)Use orally and in writing common units and their abbreviations. / Throughout the measurement activities students included units and their abbreviations in both oral tasks and also written activities. / Teacher record of discussions.
Student diagrams and notations.
Student attendance record.
f)Decide, with teacher prompting, whether measurements are within a reasonable range using personal experience, context and prior knowledge. / Students were required to discuss their investigations and findings with the teacher, in an on-going manner that monitored students’ responses for appropriate usage. / Teacher record of discussions.
Student attendance record.

Learning outcome 3

Numeracy for personal organisation – money and time

Can identify and use familiar everyday numbers, and units of money and time to make decisions about money and time in personal situations.

Description of what the student will be required to do in order to demonstrate successful completion of the learning outcome:

Task Description:
Students participated in a number of activities that focused upon money and time. Students
investigatedmoney and time through a variety of scaffolded tasks that looked at how money
and time wereencountered through everyday life experiences. Tasks involvedinvestigating
literaturesuch as pricelists and advertising materials, looking at scheduling, using time
measuring equipmentand how to use it in everyday situations.
Elements / Activities to demonstrate achievement of elements / Evidence to demonstrate achievement of elements
Mathematical knowledge and techniques
a)Read, write, interpret and compare numbers related to money on relevant documents or in familiar situations. / Students investigated money through reading pamphlets, advertising brochures, pricelists, etc both in written and on-line formats. Students made a poster of items relevant to their needs and participated in money activities such as Opportunity Cost(Consumer Affairs Victoria). / Student poster.
Photos of activities.
Participation in games.
Teacher Observation Record
Student diagrams and notations.
Student attendance record.
b)Read, write, interpret and compare numbers related to time on relevant documents or in familiar situations. / Students investigated time through reading TV guides, bus schedules, train timetables etc both in written and on-line formats. Students also created their own programming for their own TV show. / TV Programme.
Teacher Observation Record.
Student notations.
Student attendance record.
c)Perform simple one-step calculations with money. / Students performed one-step calculations in their posters and Opportunity Cost(Consumer Affairs Victoria) activities.
Students made a shop and sold items to each other using one step calculations. / Student poster.
Photos of activities.
Participation in games.
Teacher Observation Record
Student diagrams and notations.
Student attendance record.
d)Interpret the language of simple fractions such as ½, ¼ as applied to time and money. / Students used clocks and time games to investigate how language applies to time.
Students participated in money activities that looked at how language applies to money. / Photos of activities.
Participation in time games.
Involvement in money activities.
Teacher Observation Record
Student attendance record.
e)Read and use time measuring devices such as clocks, watches, calendars. / Students used clocks and timing devices to measure time and record their investigations in a poster. / Student poster.
Photos of activities.
Participation in activities.
Teacher Observation Record
Student diagrams and notations.
Student attendance record.
f)Use orally the language of time such as hours, minutes, days, weeks, months, before/after, longer/shorter. / Throughout the above mentioned activities students included the language of time in both oral tasks and also written activities. / Teacher record of discussions.
Student diagrams and notations.
Student attendance record.
g)Use and interpret money notation and symbols, and associated language such as more/less, cheaper/more, expensive/dearer, double/halve, total. / Throughout the above mentioned activities students included the notation, symbols and language of money in both oral tasks and also written activities. / Teacher record of discussions.
Student diagrams and notations.
Student attendance record.
h)Relate results to personal experience with teacher prompting. / Students discussed their investigations into time and money in an on-going manner and in particular how it related to their experiences. / Teacher record of discussions.
Student attendance record.


VCAL Quality Assurance Kit 20111

[01]You only need to type R/W for Reading and Writing or O/C for Oral Communication or U1 for Unit number

[02]You only need to type F for Foundation or I for Intermediate or S for Senior