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Accomplishments Ms Maria Muster

Mandatory Elements


Muster M, Schmitt E, Müller M; Further effects of cardiac hypertrophy on the coronary circulation, Journal of Circulation, 2012, 1 (1): 1-3

Schmitt E, Muster M, Müller M; Effects of cardiac hypertrophy on the coronary circulation, PLOS Four, 2011, 5 (3): 17-20

International Symposia

16 - 17 Oct 2012; 7th International Symposium organised by the Doctoral Researchers of the Graduate School of Life Sciences “EPOS”, Würzburg, Germany
Contribution: Talk “Title”

19 - 20 Feb 2011; 45th International Meeting of the German Society of Vascular Health (DGfVG), Essen, Germany

Contribution: Poster “Title”

Group Seminar(s)

SS 2009 - WS 2012/13; AG Müller, Prof. Dr. Muster Müller, weekly, 1hr

Journal Club(s)

SS 2009 - WS 2012/13; AG Müller, Prof. Dr. Muster Müller, weekly, 1hr

Jour Fixe

SS 2010 - WS 2013/14; GK Circulation, Prof. Dr. Example Schmitt, monthly, 2hrs

Or, e.g.,

SS 2010 - WS 2013/14; Institute of Vascular Medicine Seminar, Prof. Dr. Example Schmitt, monthly, 2hrs

Retreats / Summer Schools

3 - 5 Mar 2012; 3rd Annual GK Circulation Retreat “Vascular Health”, GK Circulation, Cologne, Germany

9 - 14 Oct 2011; 9th Autumn School “Platelets and Hemostasis”, German Society of Vascular Health (DGfVG), Kloster Schöntal, Germany

Accomplishments Ms Maria Muster

Optional Elements

Scientific Methods Courses

26 - 27 Jul 2010; Working with Statistics, Graduate School of Life Sciences, Würzburg, Germany

14 - 19 Apr 2010; Course in Laboratory Animal Protection and Welfare, University of Würzburg, Germany

Transferable Skills Courses

12 - 13 Jun 2011; Giving Academic Talks in English, Graduate School of Life Sciences, Würzburg, Germany

Research Stay

2 Apr - 15 May 2011; Learning Flow Cytometry methods with Prof. Dr. Thomas Brown, AG Brown, University of Maryland, Maryland, USA

Additional Activities

Oct 2012 - Apr 2013; Supervision of bachelor student, project “Analysis of thrombocytopenia in x6p-knockout mice”

Jan - Feb 2012; Member of organising committee for 3rd Annual GK Circulation Retreat
