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The Pakistan Regional Economic Integration Activity (PREIA) is intended to further the development of the country’s trade sector by improving Pakistan’s competitiveness in international markets. The Activity is a key component of USAID Pakistan’s overall economic development program and supports achievement of Development Objective #2 from USAID/Pakistan’s Mission Strategy: “Improving Economic Status of Focus Populations.” The PREIA project includes provision of targeted assistance to Pakistan Customs/ FBR, Government of Pakistan, in the form of interventions geared towards improving the conditions for international and cross-border trade and transit by simplifying and harmonizing border clearance and other related customs procedures. This includes provision of support to meet category C obligations under the WTO’s Trade Facilitation Agreement (TFA).

One of the important areas of intervention is the provision of technical assistance to compile and update Customs Manuals. Customs Manuals define the Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) of Pakistan Customs and are used as reference material by Customs officials in their routine tasks and for training of new Customs recruits. Customs Manuals are also utilized to provide information / guidance to relevant customers / stakeholders such as the clearing agents and the trading community. Pakistan Customs has highlighted that the existing Customs Manuals are outdated and do not reflect the current processes that have changed due to extensive automation and reforms. Since many Customs procedures are not documented, there is a lack of transparency within Customs operations,and the organization, to fill the gap, is dependent on periodically issuing Standing Orders. This practice has resulted in variance in the organization’s business processes as they are carried out across sea and inland ports. Updating Customs Manuals based on mapping and documentation of current processes will promote transparency in Customs operations, stimulate confidence amongst Customs stakeholders, and assist in performance accountability of Customs officials and benchmarking of current practices to identify compliance risks.


PREIA has made some progress towards developing the Customs Manual. It has coordinated with Pakistan Customs to mutually agree on an outline for the Manual. This outline identifies the modules / chapters to be included in the Customs Manuals. Furthermore PREIA has conducted an analysis of process and has collated the rules and regulations pertaining of these modules. Key chapters for which process has been /is in the process of being documented and draft of chapters are available, include:

  1. Disposal of Goods
  2. Filing of Goods Declaration (GD)
  3. Examination
  4. Assessment




d)Prohibitions & Restrictions

PREIA is seeking the services on a short term of a Consultant having an intensive experience and knowledge of Customsoperations and rules and regulations governing them. PREIA foresees a single document Manual (outline enumerated below), constituting SOPs for all Customs related tasks including, but not limited to procedures relating to the following areas:

Executive Summary

The Executive Summary should include an over view of the role of Customs, objectives of the Manual and summary of each Volume.

Volume 1 – Imports

  1. Approvals of ports and Customs stations
  2. Arrival of Conveyances
  3. IGM and unloading of Goods
  4. Filing of Goods Declaration
  5. Examination
  6. Assessment




d)Prohibitions and Restrictions

Examination and appraisement of specific goods

  1. Perishables
  2. Motor Vehicles
  3. Arms and Ammunition
  4. Scrap
  5. Bulk Goods (Liquid)
  6. Bulk Goods (Other)


  1. Exemptions
  2. Customs Laborites and Sampling of Goods
  3. Destruction
  4. Frustrated Cargo
  5. Manifest reconciliation
  6. Abatement and refund of duty
  7. Warehousing

Volume 2 – Exports and Concessionary Schemes

  1. Prohibitions and Restrictions
  2. Duty Drawback
  3. EGM and loading of Goods
  4. Export Development Schemes

Volume 3 – General

  1. Inter port movement
  2. Transshipment
  3. Transit
  4. Afghan Transit Trade Agreement
  5. Accompanied and unaccompanied inward baggage
  6. Accompanied and unaccompanied outward baggage
  7. Post Clearance Audit
  8. Recovery of duty
  9. Enforcement
  10. Offences, adjudications and appeals
  11. Auctions (un-cleared, unclaimed and confiscated goods)
  12. Licensing of certain stakeholders

Base of Operations:

Islamabad, Pakistan. The Consultant will be required to travel to customs posts across Pakistan, specifically in Karachi, Lahore, Torkham and Chaman.


The consultant will report to PREIA’s Customs and Trade Facilitation Advisor.


  1. Based on the discussions with Pakistan Customs and PREIA, finalize the Manual chapters as per the existing content outline. The content outline identifies Customs operations to be covered in the final updated Customs Manual.
  2. Review all the information already collected by PREIA and the chapters / modules drafted, for correctness;
  3. Finalize the layout of the chapters for uniformity and consistency for the reader
  4. Map the current processes as per Customs Law, rules and regulations for the remainder of the modules not yet drafted by PREIA. PREIA requires that the process mapping be conducted on a standard format provided by PREIA.
  5. Based on the mapping of the processes, develop and update the content for the Customs Manuals for each respective Customs operation / task.
  6. Make any revisions and updates based on Customs and PREIA’sreview of process maps and Customs Manuals.
  7. Provide technical support in disseminating / introducing the final Customs Manuals to Pakistan Customs officials and other stakeholders as indicated by PREIA and Pakistan Customs.


  • Minimum of 15 years’ relevant prior experience.
  • Serving government officials profiles will not be entertained.
  • Familiarity with local trade environment and practices.
  • Demonstrated report writing and manual development skills.
  • A Master’s degree from a recognized university.
  • Strong written and verbal skills in English and Urdu are required.
  • Experience in drafting customs laws and procedures.
  • Ability to meet tight deadlines.
  • Ability to provide technical interpretations of customs regulatory documents. Fluency in the use of Microsoft Word, Excel, and Customs WeBOC system.


Deliverable / Proposed level of effort
(in hours ) / Professional Fee in local currency
Completion of first 12 chapters (enumerated above) of Volume 1 of the Customs Manuals, approved by PREIA and Pakistan Customs
Completion of Volume 1 (all 19 chapters) of the Customs Manuals, approved by PREIA and Pakistan Customs
Completion of Volume 2 (enumerated above) of the Customs Manuals, approved by PREIA and Pakistan Customs
Completion of Volume 3 (enumerated above) of the Customs Manuals, approved by PREIA and Pakistan Customs
Final presentation and handover to Customs


PREIA foresees the assignment to be completed within a period of 6 months. The period of completion of the assignment may be extended in consultation with PREIA.


Payment will only be based on the submission & approval of each deliverable mentioned above from PREIA & Pakistan Customs.

How to APply:

Interested candidate must submit their resume/ profile on long with proposed level of effort and associated professional feefor the completion of each deliverable mentioned in the table above.