Irish born/raised residents of British Columbia Survey

If you have any questions, comments or concerns about this survey, please feel free to contact me at or (206) 229-8512

For each question, please mark the response that best describes you and your experience.

1. Gender: Female Male

2. Age: 18-34 35-49 50-64 65+

3. Where were you born? Ireland County Other

4. Highest Level of Education Completed: Less than High School 2-Year Degree/Associate’s

High School Diploma/GED 4-Year Degree/Bachelor’s

Master’s degree Doctorate degree

5. Do you currently live in or near the greater Vancouver metro area (within 50 km of Vancouver)? Yes No

6. Do you have family members who live in this area? Yes No

7. Which of the following best describes the location of your home? Country Suburbs City

8. How many people currently live in your household?

9. If you are married or dating someone, where were they born?

10. Do you have children? If so, how many?

11. What year did you arrive in Canada?

12. How did you come to live in British Columbia? Family Friends Job Other

13. How would you rate your experiences of adjusting to life when you first came to Canada?

Easy Fairly easy Moderate Hard Very hard

14. How would you rate your decision to come to Canada now?

Great Good Moderate Bad Huge mistake

15. What were the biggest challenges, if any, in adjusting to life in British Columbia? Check as many as apply.

Never At Least Once Repeatedly Still a problem


Finding work

Finding housing

Getting a driver’s license

Getting credit

Problems getting a cell phone

Problem with income tax

Making friends

Never At Least Once Repeatedly Still a problem

Missing family/friends

Legal paperwork/Visa/Grn Card

Dealing with stereotypes

Regretting decision to come

16. Do you keep in contact with family back in Ireland? Check as many as apply.


We speak on the phone often

We speak occasionally

I visit them whenever possible, usually at least once per year

Whenever possible, every few years

Have not been able to yet, or just haven’t gone

17. Have family or friends from Ireland come to visit you here in British Columbia?

No Yes Other

18. Have you ever experienced any of the following? If so, can you give a few details, when, what, etc?

Check as many as apply Yes No Add details

Health problems

Difficulties at work

Marriage difficulties

Divorce or separation

Legal issues in general

Legal issues regarding immigration

Do you have health insurance

Problems getting proper medical care

Problems with addiction

Problems getting a cell phone

Problems with income tax

Drug and alcohol problems

19. How did you cope with and/or solve the issues listed above?

Check as many as apply Yes No Which issue: finances, health, etc?

Asked a relative for help/advice

Asked a friend for help/advice

Asked an agency for help

Dealt with it myself

Check as many as apply Yes No Which issue: finances, health, etc?

Asked a clergy member for help/advice

Asked an employer for help/advice

Didn’t cope or solve issue

20. How often have you participated in each of the following activities?

Check as many as apply. Never At least once Once Per month Often What and/or when?

Sports events

Stop and chat with a neighbour

Ask a relative for help

Ask an agency for help

Volunteer to help a neighbour

Been to an Irish pub in the area

Went out with friends

Attended church or church activities

Outdoor pursuits (skiing, hiking, etc

21. There are a number of groups in British Columbia that serve the Irish community. What types of services and/or help, do you use, wish you had access to, or think would be helpful?

Use Wish for

Celtic Connection ______

An Irish Community Centre______

Housing ______

Education ______

Drug/alcohol rehab ______

Legal ______

Personal ______

Other ______

The Story of the Irish in North America

If you look at the history, traditions and stories about the Irish in North America, much of it comes from the east coast and the post-Famine era. The condensed version is that people left Ireland to get away from the oppression of the British, the lack of economic opportunities, and to work to send money to their families in Ireland. Once in Canada, Irish immigrants faced discrimination based on their religion, their birth place, and a rash of stereotypes about the Irish as lazy, drunkards and brawlers. They worked hard, earned success and managed to make a place for themselves and their children in Canada.

22. How well does this story match your own experience in coming to the Canada?

Very Well Somewhat well Not at all Other

23. When you were growing up, what political party did your family vote for most or most support?

Fianna Fáil Fine Gael SDLP Alliance Sinn Féin UUP Other______

Comments on political parties and voting patterns

24. What political party in Canada are you currently most likely to support or vote for?

Liberal Conservative NDP Green Other______

25. Which political party in Canada have you most often supported or voted for since coming to this country?

Liberal Conservative NDP Green Other ______

26. Did your family regularly attend religious services while you were growing up?

Yes No Rarely Other

27. If they did, what religion were they? Roman Catholic Protestant Other

28. How often do you currently attend religious services?

Once a week or more A few times per month A few times per year Rarely Never

29. If you do, what religious denomination are they? Roman Catholic Protestant Other

30. Do you celebrate St Patrick’s Day? Yes No Other

31. If so, how?

Attend a religious service Go to parade Have a meal with family/friends


32. Are you planning on returning to live in Ireland? Yes No Possibly

Is there anything else you would like to add? Comments on the questions, and/or about things you didn’t see on this survey.

Thank you so much for filing this out and returning it to me! Your help is crucial to making this project successful!

Note: If you are willing to consider being interviewed, please contact me at (206) 229-8512 or

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