Questions to NEORSD

Oracle R12 Upgrade and eProcurement Implementation Project RFQ

Section Number





Section I – General Information / Page 3 – Has the District documented the “workarounds” that are intended to be replaced by R12 functionality? If so, please provide. / The District documented the workarounds completed for the 11.5.10 environment. The hopes are the R12 version would eliminate workarounds and the functionality would be found in the “out of the box” solution.
Section II – Overview of Scope of Services / Page 4 – Has the District documented customizations and extensions (CEMLI) made to the R11i environment? If so, please provide. / During the initial implementation of Oracle, in 2005, the District elected not to include any customizations.
Section II – Overview of Scope of Services / Page 4 - Has the District contracted separately with Oracle to support the Phase 1 deliverables requiring evaluation/assessment of the PIP for work order management (Utilities Work & Asset Management) or is the respondent responsible for establishing that relationship as prime contractor? / The latter – The Respondent (selected consultant) is responsible for establishing the relationship as prime contractor with Oracle.
Section III – Proposal Format and Required Information / Page 7, Number 3 regarding Attachment A – The RFQ states an Excel version of the Task and Hour Summary Forms is available. Can you please provide this version as we did not see it posted? / See website for all attachments. There are listed Attachment A – Attachment C. Changes will be made to include the excel version of the document on the website.
Page 1 Cover of RFQ / Will there be a call in number for the Prebid meeting? / No. The District decided not to have a mandatory pre-proposal meeting, however, it was highly recommended. As questions and responses are provided, either via email or during the pre-proposal discussion, they will be captured as posted on the District’s website as an addendum to be viewed by all prospective Respondents.
Has the District obtained relevant licenses for Hyperion, Additional EBS modules (Purchasing, Inventory, iSupplier, Sourcing), BPEL and Oracle Accelerator? / No, the District has not procured licenses for Hyperion; however, licenses have been secured for eProcurement modules.
Has the District secured approved funding for all the Phases? What the approved budget? / The District has received approval to release the RFQ for proposals. Funding will be requested based upon the selected vendors quote.
Can the district provide the list of customizations and extensions? Are Retro-fit/ remediation of the customizations in scope for this response? / See question #2.
How the District is planning to address the training needs? Is project and end user training in scope for this response? / Based upon the selected vendors assessment and recommendations for Phase II, would training be included. Remember, this RFQ is to complete the assessment. From the assessment (roadmap), a separate request to our Board of Trustees will be made for funding of Phase II.
What is the target date for Phase 2 go-live? Are there any business drives and mandates driving the target date? / Unknown. This would come from the selected vendor’s proposal for Phase II after completion of the assessment.
Can the district provide system architecture, hardware, and operating system details? / This information was left out of the RFQ as we’re looking to receive quotes for completion of the Assessment. As the selected consultant completes this task for interviews, reviews of documentation, system setups, etc., that information would be provided.
What is the level of resources commitment from the District? Has the district identified dedicated team to support the upgrade project (functional, technical and DBA)? / If you are referring to the Phase II implementation, that information should be provided by the selected vendor. The District is looking to receive recommendations on how to complete the Phase II implementation.
Is this proposal only for Phase 1: Assessment / Yes
Have you purchased Hyperion licenses? / See question #6.
Do you realize that April 6th is Good Friday? / Yes
Page 1 Cover of RFQ / If we will be prime, but cannot attend the Pre-bid meeting will we be disqualified? On page 1 of the RFP it states that a mandatory proposal meeting. It was understood that all primes needed attend but not necessarily the sub-contractors. / No. it is highly recommended. However, all information provided will be posted on the District’s website as an addendum for all potential respondents to view. The District wishes to ensure all potential respondents are given the same information.
Can NEORSD provide a budget for this project? / The District has planning level estimates, however, formal funding for budget approval will take place at a future Board of Trustee meeting once the selected vendor has received contract award by the Board of Trustees.
The Team is requesting a minimum of a 1 week extension for the RFP / We will extend the respond due date from April 20, 2012 to April 27, 2012
Normally we find the District sends out advance notices to bidders they have on a bid list. The bidders list posted on the website does not have any firms on the list. Have any notifications gone out to potential bidders and is that list available? / The District’s website will be updated to include the bidders list.
When the Oracle e-Business was implemented in 2005 can you provide the name of the Oracle Consultant at that time? Also has this same firm been providing on-going support? / The initial implementation in 2005 was completed by Oracle Consulting. Support has been provided by Oracle as well as all updates and upgrades were completed by other Oracle certified partners.
Section I – General Information / The RFQ states that the District does not have a Business Opportunity goal for Phase I, but will have for Phases II and III. Is the District still encouraging the primes to consider use of SBE/MBE/WBE firms for Phase I? / As stated, the District plans to place goals for Phase II and potentially Phase III. If the prime wishes to utilize any of the certified S/M/WBE’s, this would be acceptable. Any person wishing to submit must a registered vendor. Certification is required for SBE’s. This must be completed prior to the submission.
Section I – General Information / Do you have a goal in mind for phase 2 and 3? / It will all be based on the scope and a determination will be made at that time. Will take in to account of who is in the small business program and if there is a smaller population it will be based on a case by case basis.
Do you have a specific date in mind that you would like questions to be submitted by? / Questions will all be responded to by the week before April 20th
Would you like recommendations as well that may be suggested for the implementation of phase 2 as well? / The District is looking for qualified vendors. It would be recommended to provide past experiences and projects that your organization has worked on that is similar to the needs of the District. In your proposal, also provide information regarding your organization’s methodology and it could facilitate and assist the project’s needs.
It is understood that the District doesn’t normally use customizations. Will you be looking at what the standard configurations are? / Yes. The District would be interested in looking at the functionality of its system and would consider re-engineering its processes to adapt to the configurations of the system. Customization will be the last option for the District to consider.
What are the modules and applications used on the HR side? / The District is utilizing the Core HR and Oracle Advanced Benefits module. We are currently in the midst of implementing iRecruitment and Self Service modules. In addition, the OTA module has already been implemented.
Have any of the procurement modules been implemented? / No they have not.
Have you had any Oracle R12 demonstrations yet? / Yes, we have. Sometime ago.
Since the proposal date has changed, are you staying with the schedule that is within the RFP? / Everything will be pushed back by one week.
Issue RFQ to Consultant(s) / March 28, 2011
Pre-Proposal Meeting (Request for Clarification and Change(s) / April 6.2012
Proposal Due Date and Time / April 27, 2012 (4:30PM)
Consultant Interviews (Tentative - Exact times to be determined through week) / May 14, 2012
Consultant Selected – Notice of Intent to Award / May 21, 2012
Consultant Contract Award – Notice to Proceed (Meeting of the Board of Trustees) / June 21, 2012
Perform Scope of Work / July 1, 2012
Have estimates been given to you based on the cost and efforts to complete this project? Hyperion is extensive and costly. / The District is required to obtain at least three quotes for the procurement of software. Typically the lowest price is the selected vendor. For professional services this is not the case. Looking for the lowest and best to complete the project is the approach that will be taken.
Are there any narratives available for the documented work arounds? / They are part of the scripts that were generated during the original implementation.
In Oracle R12 there are two ways to complete the upgrades. Has the District made a decision of which of the two is the best approach? / It has been suggested that an upgrade be done versus a re-implementation.