Exercise n° 1: Form the plural

1. box / ____boxes______/ 11. child / __children______
2. story / ____stories______/ 12. lady / ____ladies______
3. cat / ____cats______/ 13. foot / ___feet______
4. dog / ____dogs______/ 14. life / ___lives______
5. fly / ____flies______/ 15. copy / ___copies______
6. book / ____books______/ 16. man / ___men______
7. city / ____cities______/ 17. knife / ___knives_____
8. woman / ____women______/ 18. fish / ___fish
9. rose / ____roses______/ 19. potato / ___potatoes
10. baby / ____babies______/ 20.tooth / ___teeth

Exercise n° 2: Add a definite or indefinite article if it is necessary.

1. Pat eats ______an______apple after lunch everyday.
2. My son is _____a______doctor and he works in __the_____CentralHospital of London.
3.Joe’s father has a shop and after school Joe helps his father in ____the______shop.
4. ____the______pupils of ______private schools wear _____a______uniform.
5. Margaret lives in _____an_____old house down-town.
6. I like apples but today I’m eating an_____orange.
7. ____The______magazine you want, is on ___the______table.
8.______Aunt Polly has ____a______bike.
9. __The______bike you like, costs € 150.
10.__The______Town-Hall is ____a______big baroque building.

Exercise n° 3: Form the interrogative and the negative as in the example


interrogative / negative
He plays football every Saturday. / Does he play football every Saturday? / He doesn’t play football every Saturday.
interrogative / negative
1.He goes to school every morning. / Does he go to school? / He doesn’t go to school every morning
2.She understands English. / Does she understand English? / She doesn’t understand English
3. It mixes the ingredients. / Does it mix he ingredients? / It doesn’t mix the ingredients
4. They study English. / Do they study English? / They don’t study English
5. We play tennis on Mondays. / Do you play tennis on Mondays? / We don’t play tennis on Mondays
6. I go to work by car. / Do you go to work by car? / I don’t go to work by car
7. He tries very hard. / Does he try very hard? / He doesn’t try very hard
8. She enjoys playing the piano. / Does she enjoy playing the piano? / She doesn’t enjoy playing the piano
9.You sleep eight hours every night. / Do you sleep eight hours every night? / You don’t sleep eight hours every night
10.They have tea. / Do they have tea? / They don’t have tea

Exercise n° 4: Answer the following questions as in the example


affirmative / negative
Does he play football every Saturday? / Yes,he plays football every Saturday. / No, he doesn’t play football every Saturday.
Affirmative / negative
1. Do you do your English exercises everyday? / yes, I do my English exercises every day / No, I don’t do my exercises every day
2. Do they go to school by bus? / Yes, they go to school by bus / No, they don’t go to school by bus
3. Does the baby sleep well? / Yes, the baby sleeps well / No, the baby doesn’t sleep well
4. Does she work in a bank? / Yes, she works in a bank / No, she doesn’t work in a bank
5. Do you like coffee? / Yes, I like coffee / No, I don’t like coffee
6.Does the 78 bus stop here? / Yes, the 78 bus stops here / No, the 78 bus doesn’t stop here
7.Do they live in England? / Yes, they live in England / No, they don’t live in England
8. Do you speak English? / Yes, I speak English / No, I don’t speak English
9. Does he come from London? / Yes, he comes from London / No, he doesn’t come from London
10. Does she have a daughter? / Yes, she has a daughter / No, she doesn’t have a daughter

Exercise n° 5: Complete the sentences using a verb.

1. Alison and Bob come from Australia but John _comes from England.
2. They live in a big city, but he lives in a small town.
3. She_works four hours a day, but we work eight hours a day.
4. Ann__studies___three languages at school.
5. Mary__has______two daughters and she never__has______any_free time.
6. Phil _works______in a bar, he_likes______his job.
7. Alice__goes_____for walks in her free time.
8. We__play_____football on Saturdays afternoon.
9. Susan and Phil are married and they_ have______two children.
10. Michael ___speaks______Spanish and French very well.

Exercise n° 6: Complete the sentences as the example.

Example: Mary usually goes to school by bus , but this week… she goes to school on foot.

(these answers are just suggestions)

1. Robert usually gets up at 7 o’clock, but during the week-end he gets up at 10.00…
2. Jane usually has a cup of coffee after lunch, but today she’s having grappa…
3. John usually goes to the cinema on Sunday, but this Sunday he’s going to the theatre….
4. Lucy usually stays home on Tuesday evenings, but this Tuesday she’s going out for a pizza …
5. We usually go to the supermarket on Saturday afternoon, but this week we are going to the country…
6. They usually drink wine at dinner, but today they are drinking orange juice….
7. I usually go on holidays to a seaside resort, but this year I’m going to the mountains…
8. The children usually go to bed early, but during the week-end they go to bed late….
9. You usually eat a lot, but in summer time you don’t eat very much….
10. My friends watch TV a lot, but in the afternoon they read the newspaper…

Exercise n° 7: Write the sentences of exercise n° 3 using the present perfect, then form the interrogative and the negative.


Present perfect / interrogative / negative
He plays football every Saturday. / He has played football just now. / Has he played football just now? / He hasn’t played football just now.
Present perfect / interrogative / negative
1.He goes to school every morning. / He has been to school every morning / Has he gone to school? / He hasn’t gone to school every morning
2.She understands English. / She hasn’t understood / Has she understood? / She hasn’t understood
3. It mixes the ingredients. / It has mixed the ingredients / Has it mixed the ingredients? / It hasn’t mixed the ingredients
4. They study English. / They have studied English / Have they studied English? / They haven’t studied English
5. We play tennis on Mondays. / We have played tennis on Mondays / Have you played tennis on Mondays? / We haven’t played tennis on Mondays
6. I go to work by car. / I have been to work by car / Have you been to work by car? / I haven’t been to work by car
7. He tries very hard. / He has tried very hard / Has he tried very hard? / He hasn’t tried very hard
8. She enjoys playing the piano. / She has enjoyed playing the piano / Has she enjoyed playing the piano? / She hasn’t enjoyed playing the piano
9. You sleep eight hours every night. / You have slept eight hours every night / Have you slept eight hours every night? / You haven’t slept eight hours every night
10. They have tea. / They have had tea. / Have they had tea? / They haven’t had tea.

Exercise n° 8: Copy the questions of exercise n° 4 using the present perfect , then answer them.


Present perfect / affirmative / negative
Does he play football every Saturday? / Has he played football just now? / Yes, he has played football just now. / No, he hasn’t played football just now.
Present perfect interrogative / Affirmative / negative
1. Do you do your English exercises everyday? / Have you done your exercises every day? / yes, I have done my exercises every day / No, I haven’t done my exercises every day
2. Do they go to school by bus? / Have they gone to school by bus? / Yes, they go to school by bus / No, they don’t go to school by bus
3. Does the baby sleep well? / Has the baby slept well? / Yes, the baby has slept well / No, the baby hasn’t slept well
4. Does she work in a bank? / Has she worked in a bank? / Yes, she has worked in a bank / No, she hasn’t worked in a bank
5. Do you like coffee? / This sentence cannot be expressed in English
6. Does the 78 bus stop here? / Has the 78 bus stopped here? / Yes, the 78 bus has stopped here / No, the 78 bus hasn’t stopped here
7. Do they live in England? / Have they lived in England? / Yes, they have lived in England / No, they haven’t lived in England
8. Do you speak English? / Have you spoken English? / Yes, I have spoken English / No, I haven’t spoken English
9. Does he come from London? / Has he come from London? / Yes, he has come from London / No, he hasn’t come from London
10. Does she have a daughter? / Has she had a daughter? / Yes, she has had a daughter / No, she hasn’t had a daughter

Exercise n° 9:Complete the sentences as the example.

Example: Mary usually goes to school by bus , but this week… she has gone to school on foot.

(these answers are only suggestions)

1. Robert usually gets up at 7 o’clock, but today he has got up at eight o’ clock…
2. Jane usually has a cup of coffee after lunch, but today she has had a cup of tea…
3. John usually goes to the cinema on Sunday, but this Sunday he has been to the theatre….
4. Lucy usually stays home on Tuesday evenings, but this Tuesday she has been out for a pizza …
5. We usually go to the supermarket on Saturday afternoon, but this week we have been to the fish market…
6. They usually drink wine at dinner, but today they have drunk champagne….
7. I usually go on holidays to a sea-resort, but this year I have been to the mountains…
8. The children usually go to bed early, but this week-end they have been to bed late….
9. You usually eat a lot, but this evening you have not eaten very much….
10. My friends watch tv a lot, but this afternoon they have read the newspaper…

Exercise n° 10: Write the sentences of exercise n° 3 using the Simple Past, then form the interrogative and the negative.


Simple Past / interrogative / negative
He plays football every Saturday. / He played football last Saturday. / Did he playfootball last Saturday? / He didn’t play football last Saturday.
Simple past / Interrogative / negative
1.He goes to school every morning. / He went to school every morning / Did he go to school? / He didn’t go to school every morning
2.She understands English. / She understood English / Did she understand English? / She didn’t understand English
3. It mixes the ingredients. / It mixed the ingredients / Did it mix the ingredients? / It didn’t mix the ingredients
4. They study English. / They studied English / Did they study English? / They didn’t study English
5. We play tennis on Mondays. / We palyed tennis on Mondays / Did you play tennis on Mondays? / We didn’t play tennis on Mondays
6. I go to work by car. / I went to work by car / Did you go to work by car? / I didn’t go to work by car
7. He tries very hard. / He tried very hard / Did he try very hard? / He didn’t try very hard
8. She enjoys playing the piano. / She enjoyed playing the piano / Did she enjoy playing the piano? / She didn’t enjoy playing the piano
9. You sleep eight hours every night. / You slept eight hours every night / Did you sleep eight hours every night? / You didn’t sleep eight hours every night
10. They have tea. / They had tea / Did they have tea? / They didn’t have tea

Exercise n° 11: Copy the questions of exercise n° 4 using the Simple Past , then answer them.


Simple Past / affirmative / negative
Does he play football every Saturday? / Did he play football last Saturday.? / Yes, he played football last Saturday.. / No, he didn’t play football last Saturday..
Simple past / Affirmative / negative
1. Do you do your English exercises everyday? / Did you do your English exercises every day? / yes, I did my English exercises every day / No, I didn’t do my English exercises every day
2. Do they go to school by bus? / Did they go to school by bus? / Yes, they went to school by bus / No, they didn’t go to school by bus
3. Does the baby sleep well? / Did the baby sleep well? / Yes, the baby slept well / No, the baby didn’t sleep well
4. Does she work in a bank? / Did she work in a bank? / Yes, she worked in a bank / No, she didn’t work in a bank
5. Do you like coffee? / Did you like coffee? / Yes, I liked coffee / No, I didn’t like coffee
6. Does the 78 bus stop here? / Did the 78 bus stop here? / Yes, the 78 bus stopped here / No, the 78 bus didn’t stop here
7. Do they live in England? / Did they live in England? / Yes, they lived in England / No, they didn’t live in England
8. Do you speak English? / Did you speak English? / Yes, I spoke English / No, I didn’t speak English
9. Does he come from London? / Did he come from London / Yes, he came from London / No, he didn’t come from London
10. Does she have a daughter? / Did she have a daughter? / Yes, she had a daughter / No, she didn’t have a daughter

Exercise n° 12:Complete the sentences as the example.

Example: Mary usually goes to school by bus , but last week… she went to school on foot.

1. Robert usually gets up at 7 o’clock, but last Monday he got up at ten…
2. Jane usually has a cup of coffee after lunch, but yesterday she had a cup of tea…
3. John usually goes to the cinema on Sunday, but last Sunday he went to the theatre….
4. Lucy usually stays home on Tuesday evenings, but last Tuesday she went out for a pizza …
5. We usually go to the supermarket on Saturday afternoon, but last month we went to the market…
6. They usually drink wine at dinner, but yesterday evening they drank champagne….
7. I usually go on holidays to a sea-resort, but last summer I went to the mountains…
8. The children usually go to bed early, but last week they went to bed late ….
9. You usually eat a lot, but yesterday you didn’t eat very much….
10. My friends watch tv a lot, but yesterday afternoon they read the newspapers…

Exercise n°13: Write the sentences of exercise n° 3 using the future, then form the interrogative and the negative.


Future / interrogative / negative
He plays football every Saturday. / He’ll play football next Saturday. / Will he play football next Saturday? / He won’t play football next Saturday.
interrogative / negative
1.He’ll go to school every morning. / will he go to school? / He won’t go to school every morning
2.She’ll understand English. / will she understand English? / She won’t understand English
3. I’ll mix the ingredients. / will it mix the ingredients? / It won’t mix the ingredients
4. They’ll study English. / will they study English? / They won’t study English
5. We play tennis on Mondays. / Do you play tennis on Mondays? / We don’t play tennis on Mondays
6. I’ll go to work by car. / Will you go to work by car? / I won’t go to work by car
7. He’ll very hard. / will he try very hard? / He won’t try very hard
8. She’ll enjoy playing the piano. / will she enjoy playing the piano? / She won’t enjoy playing the piano
9. You’ll sleep eight hours every night. / Will you sleep eight hours every night? / You won’t sleep eight hours every night
10. They’llhave tea. / will they have tea? / They won’t have tea

Exercise n°14: Copy the questions of exercise n° 4 using the future , then answer them.


Future / affirmative / negative
Does he play football every Saturday? / Will he play football next Saturday? / Yes, he’ll play football next Saturday. / No, he won’t play football next Saturday.
interrogative / Affirmative / negative
1. will you do your English exercises everyday? / yes, I will do my English exercises every day / No, I won’t do my exercises every day
2. will they go to school by bus? / Yes, they will go to school by bus / No, they won’t go to school by bus
3. will the baby sleep well? / Yes, the baby will sleep well / No, the baby won’t sleep well
4. will she work in a bank? / Yes, she will work in a bank / No, she won’t work in a bank
5. will she like coffee?
6. will the 78 bus stop here? / Yes, the 78 bus will stop here / No, the 78 bus won’t stop here
7. will they live in England? / Yes, they will live in England / No, they won’t live in England
8. will you speak English? / Yes, I will speak English / No, I won’t speak English
9. will he come from London? / Yes, he will come from London / No, he won’t come from London
10. will she have a daughter? / Yes, she will have a daughter / No, she won’t have a daughter