Thursday, January 29, 2009American Red Cross/Spiritual Care Response Team Disaster Training, 1:30 pm – 10:00 pm (8.5 CEHs)
Friday, January 30, 2009
American Red Cross/Spiritual Care Response Team Disaster Training, 8:00 am – 11:30 am (3.5 CEHs)
Pre-Conference Workshops, 8:00 am – 12:00 pm (4 Continuing Education Hours each)
P1: Lamenting with Lamentations: Exploring Healing for Ourselves and Others through Sorrow-Filled Stories
P2: Negotiating Uncertainty – The Ethical Challenges of Hope, Truth-Telling, and Informed Choice in Professional Caring
P3: The System Response to Post Deployment from Combat
Pre-Conference Workshops, 12:30 pm – 4:30 pm(4 Continuing Education Hours each)
P4: Ten Stories, Ten Streams: Teaching Tales from Buddhism
P5: Sing When the Spirit Says Sing: Clinical Applications of Music in Spiritual Care
P6: From Misery to Freedom: Psychotheology Goes to the Movies
Saturday, January 31, 2009
Pre-Conference Workshops, 8:00 am – 12:00 pm (4 Continuing Education Hours each)
P8: Research Methods and TheoryBuilding in Pastoral Care
P9: The Dance of End-of-Life Living…Creating an Interprofessional Dialogue with Family Members and End of Life Issues
P10: Being a Healing Presence: Contemplative Practice as Spiritual Care
P11: An Interdisciplinary Dialogue on Integrating the Core Competencies for Physicians, Social Workers, and those in
Professional Ministry in Effectively Addressing the Impact of Substance Abuse on Families and Children
P13: Enhancing Health and Hope through a Collaborative Continuum of Care: A Focus on Behavioral Health
Pre-Conference Workshops, 8:00 am – 5:00 pm (8 Continuing Education Hours each)
P7: A Systems-Centered Model for Functional Role-Taking: Moving From Survival to Developing and Thriving in Organizations
NACC Retreat, 9:00 am – 4:00 pm (6 Continuing Education Hours)
Bro. Edward Smink, BCC, Ph.D., ABD
Pre-Conference Workshops, 1:00 pm – 5:00 pm(4 Continuing Education Hours each)
P12: From Misery to Freedom: Psychotheology Goes to the Movies
Sunday, February 1, 2009, 12:30 pm – 1:45 pm, NACC Workshops (1.25 Continuing Education Hours each)
Certification With the NACC
Renewal of Certification with the NACC
NACC Supervisor Renewal
NACC Certification Interviewer Training
The NACC and You: Bringing Your Gifts to Leadership
Monday, February 2, 2009, 1:30 pm – 3:00 pm, Workshops M1 (1.5 Continuing Education Hours each)
M1.1: Chaplain, I’m not Religious, But I am Spiritual: Spiritual Paths for the Non-Religious
M1.2: Raising the Standard? The Development of Palliative Care Chaplaincy in Scotland
M1.3: Helping Couples Receover from Infidelity: An Integrative Approach
M1.4: Leading Spirituality Groups in Multi-Faith Settings: A Psychology, Theology, and Examples
M1.5: The Mouse/The World: A Secular Faith Tradition for Millions
M1.6: An Outlandish Idea: Evidence-based Spiritual Care Best Practices
M1.7: Vital to the Village: Valiantly Voicing our Unique Contribution as Spiritual Care Providers
M1.8: Workplace Chaplaincy: Designating Creative Models for a Multi-faith and Multi-cultural Workforce
M1.9: Death and Dying: An Islamic Perspective
M1.10: Discerning the Spiritual in the Language of Life
M1.11: Hiding in Shame from Health and Hope: Adult Children of Addiction (ACOA) as Pastoral/Spiritual Care Students and the Benefits of an ACOA Group
M1.12: Praying with the Dying and their Families: Reflections from Different Traditions
M1.13: Spirituality and Suicide: Bereavement Support and Prevention
M1.15: Collaboration in Building a Better Team: Spiritual Care Programming in Oncology Nursing
M1.16: Bio-Psycho-Spiritual Approaches to Spiritual Care for People with Dementia
M1.17: Lifecycle of a Disaster: Pastoral Care and Pastoral Counseling after a Disaster
M1.18: Do Psychiatrists Hold Similar Views toward Spiritual or Religious Beliefs as Dr. Freud?: How to Build Relationship and Collaboration between Psychiatrists and Spiritual Care Providers
M1.19: Journeying Together: Partnership with Congregational Caregivers
M1.20: Wresting with Hope: Finding a Life of Meaning in the Midst of Suffering
M1.21: Removing Planks from Our Eyes: Caring Without Judging
M1.22: A Womanist Pastoral Theological Model for Pastoral Counseling with African American Clergywomen in BlackChurch Leadership
M1.23: Beyond Disciplinary Boundaries: Standing in the Crossroads of Religion and Health
M1.24: Texts of Our Disciplines/Texts of Our Lives: A New/Old Model for Exploring Cross-Cultural and Cross-Discilinary Creativity
M1.25: The Grief Born of Injustice
M1.26: Seeing Hospital Chaplaincy through a Sociologist’s Eyes: An Overview
M1.27: Nurturing Hope in Children: Identity, Agency, Eschatology
M1.28: Hope versus Despair: Educational Spirituality Groups for Mental Health Patients
Monday, February 2, 2009, 3:30 pm – 5:00 pm, Workshops M2 (1.5 Continuing Education Hours each)
M2.1: The Role of Religion and Spirituality in Crises and Disasters: Appropriate Interventions
M2.2: Native American Spirituality and the Healthcare System
M2.3: Beyond Religious Language in Spiritual Caregiving
M2.4: Cultural Collaboration in an Inter-Ethnic Supervisory Relationship: Where West Meets East in Harmony
M2.5: Creative Approaches to Spiritual Care: Applied Lessons from an Interfaith Perspective
M2.6: Spirituality and Mental Health: Pastoral Care in the Treatment of the Mentally Ill
M2.7: Moral Distress: Diagnosis and Healing
M2.8: It Takes a Village: Spiritual Care for Family Caregivers acorss the Healthcare Continuum
M2.9: The Power of Lament to Create a Village of Care
M2.10: Using the Brain for a Change: Neuroscience and Narrative Therapy
M2.11: Ten Stories, Three Streams: Teaching Tales from Buddhism
M2.12: Encouraging and Engaging Muslim Chaplains
M2.13: Two Voices Speaking a Common Language of Hope: Spiritual Care and Bioethics in Creative Collaboration
M2.14: Considerations for Collaboration I: Piloting Training Programs
M2.15: What to Do When the Well Runs Dry
M2.16: The Role of Spiritual Care in Combating Racism
M2.17: Chaplains in Interfaith Dialogue
M2.18: The Fox, the Ship, and the Carpet: Utilizing Sacred Stories to Address Dilemmas at the End-of-Life
M2.19: Training for Psychological First Aid for Community Religious Professionals
M2.20: Working Collaboratively to Provide for the Spiritual Care of Trauma Patients
M2.21: Integrating Spirituality and Healing: An Active Approach with the Continuum of Spiritual Care – Informed through Research
M2.22: Self-Assessed Spiritual Skills of Healthcare Professionals
M2.23: Evangelicals in Chaplaincy: Developing a Theological Construct with a Pastoral Perspective
M2.24: The Crucible of Grace: A Support Group Model for Adults with Sudden Child-Death Grief
M2.25: Spiritual Care fo Healthcare Providers
M2.26: Excellence in Interdisciplinary Care: Social Work and Spiritual Care Partnering to Effect Change
M2.27: The Important Role of Professional Chaplains in Promoting Culturally Competent, Patient-Centered Care
M2.28: Spiritual Care Training as Subversive Activity: How an Integrated Competency-Based and Person-Centered Pedagogy can Transform Professional Consciousness in an Emerging, Post-Modern Healthcare Profession
Tuesday, February 3, 2009, 2:00 pm – 3:30 pm, Workshops T1 (1.5 Continuing Education Hours each)
T1.1: Poetry and Music: Partners in Healing Through Experiencing the Transcendent
T1.2: Supporting Adult Caregivers of Grieving Children: In the Hospital and Beyond
T1.3: Holding On or Letting Go: Helping Patients and Families Make End-of-Life Medical Decisions – A Guide for Chaplains from the Jewish Tradition
T1.4: Reflections on Spiritual Distress at the End-of-Life
T1.5: Considerations for Collaboration II: Developing Curriculum, Competencies, and Outcomes to Meet the Requirements for Counseling Specializations
T1.6: Embodied Prayer and Spiritual Direction: A Gift that can Deepen Spiritual Insight and Connection with God
T1.7: Caring for Military Folk and Families
T1.8: New Models to Transform and Heal through Collaboration and Relationships: The Spiritual Focus of Interprofessional Care and Education
T1.9: Evidence-Based Spiritual Care: Desirable? Feasible? How Do We Get There?
T1.10: The Evolution of Spiritual Care in Israel: A Multi-Disciplinary Approach Developed to Address a Diverse Multi-Cultural Society
T1.11: Ethics in a Post-Modern World: Tensions and Creative Possibilities
T1.12: Compassion as a Manifestation of our Nature and an Antidote to Infant Mortality
T1.13: Functional Subgrouping for Building Groups that Develop and Thrive: A Systems-Centered Method for Resolving Conflicts and Integrating Differences
T1.14: Reaching Out and Reaching In: Hospital Chaplaincy as a Profession
Susanne A. Chawszczewski, Ph.D.
Certification and Education Coordinator
National Association of Catholic Chaplains